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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Ahhhh, staple removal....a beautiful, albeit mildly painful, experience!
  2. Transplanted hairs should be permanent; but that is because they are transplanted from our strategic donor area -- a "safe zone"....sometimes this zone can be flexed a bit, though ideally it would be only with total patient consent.
  3. Ya, you look to be pretty deep in MPB. I'm not sure how effective the meds will end up being for you -- this isn't to say they can't be effective and positive, but they generally work best at maintaining native hair...particularly in the crown/vertex. Basically, be realistic and don't expect a ton of density and your problems to be solved from the non-surgical treatments...in my opinion. It is often said that you should be on propecia and/or rogaine for 12+ months before really beginning to gauge their effectiveness for you. Propecia is prescribed by a doctor; the rogaine and ketoconazole shampoo is over-the-counter. Also, your donor looks to be very strong.....as I previously mentioned, I would strongly suggest you do an online-consultation with at least one hair restoration clinic.
  4. Well, so far things do look fantatic; and I think I have about as good a chance of getting a great result and being satisfied as is possible....but, I am only ~2 months post-op, so I can't "truly" make a call on my final results yet....but, I will say I am *extremely* confident in my decision, and I actually have zero regrets.... Well, except for somehow having a corner of my brain shutdown the night before and having a drink...I do regret that... At the time of surgery I was (still am) working; but, my job has very flexible hours, and I was also able to work out a deal beforehand to make sure I could wear a hat for a bit if necessary....by the 3rd week I was being seen by many, and with a modest application of dermmatch and couvre no1 detected a thing... I will say this, though: I planted some seeds in the weeks leading up to my HT about having some skin problems...possibly some form of "folliculitus"...very vauge, but reasonable, and it gave me good coverage for anything that did happen to look amiss....the one comment I got was when I was @ physical therapy, and my neck was being worked on...this was 3weeks post-op....the guy said "hey, you wearin a hat earlier"..."uhh, ya...."...."ya, I can kinda see a bit of a red mark onthe back of your head"...and that was that. I def don't think you need to tell co-workers -- especially if you can take some time off AND/OR can wear a hat AND/OR plant some seeds for your potential excuse/reason for anything that does look awry and draws someone's attention. The real key is the first two weeks; or after you get the staples out and can buzz your head.....if you can't wear a hat during that period of time, and also have to be at work...during the first 10-14 days it will def be noticeable that you did something....I suppose you could always come up with some bizarre story of losing some bet with a friend and having to shave half your scalp, or accidently doing it...I dunno hahaha. Anyways, I did a lot of research...thankfully....and there were a couple of moments were I was very close to going a certain route, but I ultimately didn't, and decided to only move ahead when I felt 100% confident and certain. I seriously looked at 3 docs, Feller included; though I also examined and considered pretty much everyone out there. Ultimately, I decided on Feller because I felt comfortable with his philosophy and his prognosis and also that he lives and breathes hair restoration. I would recommend (like I do to everyone) to do at least two consults after initial research -- live or online....get a feel for what you will be receiving and your likely results and where that will leave you.....at the same time, understand what the procedure is like -- specifically, the recovery....and then compare the likely experienc with the likely results and go for it if you feel very confident. Shoot me a PM if you have any other Q's, btw.
  5. A balded/thinned crown is annoying; a balded/thinned hairline is an aesthetic apocolypse. Slight exagerration, perhaps, but mostly how I see it....my plan is too definitely weight my grafts towards the front and not worry much about density in the crown (unless, of course, I have enough grafts)....dermmatch/toppik work great there....plus, there is a relatively decent likelihood that an FUE innovation will grant us a larger donor, which will work best in the crown/vertex. A true "bald spot" in the crown.....I could see how that would drive one crazy...but I stil think a wrecked frontal 1/3rd is the absolute worst....I think that you could get away with rather modest density, but good coverage in the crown and slap on some dermmatc/nanogen and pull it off pretty well if you are dense elsewhere.
  6. Lookin' great, and helluva "scar". Going to be mint once this second op blooms!
  7. I buzzed my head 2-weeks post-op, and used some concealer on the scar....the 3rd week post-op is where I really made strides, though, regarding concealment....a lot of the redness dissipated, and I was also able to give myself a more uniform cut, which helped in NOT bringing so much attention to the area. After a month I was out and about in pretty much any situation without having to wear a hat. Also, when/if you do go to conceal it, toppik really isn't the best -- I would use couvre or dermmatch. Online consultations can be quite good; I happened to have my consult with my eventual doc live, but I know that their e-consults get a lot of good feedback. Personally, however, if you live close enough, I would hike up there and do it in person -- you can get a real good feel for things. Just a little more scattershod info: I took the first 2weeks and just laid low, for the most part...I wasn't housebound, however, and I just worse a cool -- and loose fitted -- hat around when I decided to venture out....went to movies, did some shopping, met up with a friend....and again, for me, it was the 3rd week post-op that I feel I made my biggest strides, relatively speaking, and regarding concealment....you can take a look at my weblog, I have a bunch of pics of me 2weeks post-op recipient, and then donor/general after I buzzed.....my biggest regret was just not having some1 shave my head!
  8. hair club as in....HAIR CLUB FOR MEN?!? I don't know the Houston/Texas area, so someone else can assist in giving you some ELITE...PROVEN...CONSISTENT....DEVOTED....surgeons that are in closest proximity to you. In any case, be extremely cautious in who you pick -- even if I or anyone else tells you to look into a certain doc...look into him on your own, and research ad nauseum until you really understand what the procedure is like...the recovery...and, of course, what type of results you can expect!
  9. Personally, I'd inspect the shower ROOM in a meticulous manner to make sure one of the ROOM's many sojourners isn't the culprit of the said fallen hairs appearing on the ROOM's flooring....Sorry, couldn't resist -- that whole repartee just struck me as inordinatly amusing and LOL-funny... Anyways, if you are very concerned I would go to a dermatologist or an esteemed hair restoration doctor and get looked at and checked for minaturization. Depending upon their analysis, you may look into getting on propecia and/or rogaine foam 5%...as an adjunct treatment to those two, I'd recommend giving Revita shampoo a whirl...you don't need a prescription for it, and it is just a shampoo that you would use in liu of w/e you currently use. Either way, don't sweat it too much -- you're on the right path, and if you are afflicted by MPB you are catching it very early.
  10. Well, assuming he is a great doc, he will also be quite consistent -- and ethical, of course....so, if he showed you some good comparison photos, I don't think you'd have to worry so much about the said photos being an....aberration to the norm...in fact, it should give you a very good idea about what YOU could expect from HIM...! Otherwise, browse these forums; run a search for different session sizes; and/or check out the main HTN page and you can find a place where it breaks down a whole host of examples of before/afters for varyin session sizes....your best bet, though, is looking at the incredibly clear, detailed pictures like the ones that often get posted on this forum, or that the doctor himself can show you. You can never tell FOR SURE how your session will turn out; however, with enough research...and the right type of research and answers...I do beleive you can achieve a very sound idea of what you can expect, what you are in for, and then you can determine whether you think it is worth it, and what path to take.
  11. Mankind, since you're having some doubts (of which MANY have had), I would approach it as follows: Compare the session that Dr. Dorin has recommended for you with patients who have had similiar states of hairloss and received similiar graft totals....if possible also look at an example from Dr. Dorin himself. Doing the same thing, contrast this graft quote and the results that you are realistically looking at achieving with the prognosis of another doctor (or two). And see which you feel most comfortable with and go with whomever that happens to be. You also may want to inquire to each doctor as to how he has come to his prognosis, as opposed to Prognosis Y.
  12. In 1-3 years, I don't beleive so, but possibly on the higher end of that scale; 3+ to 5 years, I think there is a decent chance there will be some advancement within FUE that will augment our potential donor supply; I don't think HT's will go down in price in the next few years....maybe in 10 when HM/cloning comes out!
  13. Hmmm...I like pic 6 in your album, with the (hypothetical) modefication of cutting it just "a hair" closer, and then giving it just a little but more of a lift in the front with a tad of putty or w/e.
  14. Best of luck, of course, and your story should be absolutely be heard; I hope that in time you feel comfortable enough to disclose more information (specifically the clinic in question), for the sake of future patients who may very well get a direct benefit from the caveat.
  15. Farjo is considered by many to be the best in the UK -- a place with an *otherwise* pretty sordid reputation as far as HT clinics go. So check them out for sure. There is quite a bit of information about them on this website (as well as others), so I would start your research off by running some searches....in addition to doing a consult with them. As for other UK surgeons.... the only other that comes to my mind would be Rogers -- though, I think Farjo is def where it is at regarding the UK, in my opinion. I'd recommend consulting with a minimum of two well-respected clinics, either way; whether you do it live OR online.
  16. Lookin' real sweet! And with some further maturing should only continue to improve -- but even as is, you are def able to pull off a cool style....do you have any pre-op pics for reference?
  17. Regarding your specific inquiry of "too few grafts(?)", I would post some quality before pics. Many people mix doctors, many stick with the same -- the best way to determine if this is for you is to research (and CONSULT) with multiple doctos...ideally, in my opinion, with doctors that have diverging "philosophies". As I'm sure you know, Dr. Bernstein is very "conservative", and he has vocalized his reasons for being so.....there's a recent thread floating around stating some of them; there is also a thread stating a somewhat disparate viewpoint....I have to run to work right now, but I'll search he links for you later and hit you up with them, if they haven't already been stated.
  18. Congrats on your 2nd surgery, can't wait to see it grown out; and getting 8k grafts is a great achievement, indeed! I agree though that it seems very strange that you found Dr. Epstein's "bedside manner" to be so extremely lacking; and even more odd that he would outright deny you the HT, let alone on the basis that your donor is so "horrible".
  19. I too would like to hear more information (who, what, when, etc.), and I'm sure lurkers, members, and future readers alike would value some details, as well.
  20. There are a few members here who have went to T&D (particularly, Dr. True)...Mrjobi, Youngsuccess, come immediately to mind, but there are others whose names I don't remember with exactitude. I also haven't seen much on Bernstein, though he is very well respected -- and also happens to be notoriously "conservative" in his approach. Actually, T&D are known to be rather "conservative", also. Being that you are strictly looking in that general area (I looked closely there too, being from Connecticut), I think you would be remiss to not inquire into Feller, as well. Either way, whoever you look into, I would strongly recommend doing detailed consults with all of them -- online or live....I don't think that that can be overstated.
  21. Having not actually undergone surgery with either, but having seriously considered it, I'll offer this: I personally felt more comfortable with Dr. True (who incidently was not the Dr. I was scheduled to work with) -- perhaps this is just because his work and patient feedback is much more visible online (and from what I've seen and heard, it is positive), which I place a premium on. I would PM Mrjobi if you haven't already to talk to him about his positive experiences there, as he had three surgeries w/ Dr. True and is extremely satisfied. Youngsuccess is another poster who I am sure would be willing to offer you his feedback.
  22. One more thing Anonoymous -- hairloss has (had...?) wrecked me to an extent that seems extremely similiar to how you are currently feeling. I've made a few posts of similiar content in the past, but I too felt like the only end in sight was *more* misery that would chug along as did my MPB...BUT, as many others on this forum can attest, you CAN get through it...not an easy process, not necessarily a quick process -- but a viable process. Hairloss struck me at an incredibly inopportune time (not that it is every actually opportune to begin with); and I felt as if a cosmic force was slapping me in the face, tauntingly. Ultimately, hairloss swoops in and snatches us of the normal luxury of our "God-given" appearance, which we develop a bond and intimate connection with -- often with much struggle -- during adolescence. This deprivation can cause identity crises, on an extremely emotional and extremely powerful level. Anyways, as I initially thought, and you confirmed, the hairloss is a vortex that is fueling a complicated, deeper depression....take a step back, and do your best to objectively look at what exactly is the cause(s) and why you are reacting as you are. I would recommend doing something to jumpstart your quest, if you think you need a boost -- be it buzzing your head, starting a new vigorous workout regime or activity, etc.
  23. I sympathize and empathize with you, more than you know. Having read your entire post -- and reflected upon it....I have to say that I think your current depression might really be centered around something hair-irrelevent....and that the prospect -- and fear -- of going bald, which you are focusing on, is a manifestation of some other problem(s). Anyways, seems like you have a lot going for you, and even if you do go bald (which may not happen and even if it does you have plenty of options) you probably overstimate how negatively other people will react to it...you can be sure, however, that wallowing in despair and pity WILL start to negatively effect how other people perceive you....which you've mentioned...do your best to analyze things rationally, and quell the irrationale emotions that you are feeling -- focus on making decisions (however minor, or large) which will positively effect you...at the end of the day, that is your best bet. I would also go look into seeing a therapist/psychiatrist, to be honest; and in the meantime, do what you can to focus on things outside of your hairloss.....consider buzzing your head, too -- out of sight, out of mind sorta thing.
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