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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Congrats, man! Can't wait to see you in full bloom...
  2. Who is the doctor 3h away? Whether you travel across the country depends on your evaluation of how superior Doctor X is (in this case Cooley), over Doctor Y, and whether you find it to be worth the trek. Also, I think e-consults can be great and many clinics do them really well.
  3. How far are you from Hasson & Wong, Rahal, and Nakatsui? I'm completely ignorant about geography...but, people travel all over the world to see those three, so if you are even somewhat close.....
  4. Congrats on your appearance! Re: face-lift, lyposuction....30 pounds actually isn't that bad; by that I mean it is very much doable to shed between a moderate diet and moderate exercise within a 3-6month range....you also might find that the weight loss will effect your facial features. No doubt, though, dropping 30 pounds of mostly fat can do wonders for one's appearance. Also, try sprinkling on some nanogen or toppik after you've applied the dermmatch....ALSO, it took me a few weeks of faithful usage before I "mastered" dermmatch and learned the best way to apply it (how much water on the applicator, how many strokes, best angles, etc.)
  5. Won't be easy to find a (good) surgeon to work on you, given your age and minimal loss; particularly, I wouldn't think they would densepack a bold hairline....which it sounds like you are seeking -- "my tight hairline back". Anyways, post some pics if you can; as for FUE, I think that could be your best bet for sure if your loss (and personal physiology) dictate it....your choice of surgeon/clinic is much more limited, of course...*AND*, choosing well is all the more important as FUE is such a difficult procedure w/ gobs of deceit surrounding it. But ya, for FUE, speaking of American doctors (I'm not sure I'd go to any in the UK), I firmly beleive that Dr. Feller is on the vanguard (FUE is what I initially wanted, fyi)....I've never seen results, but I've heard Dr. Rose performs high-quality FUE, as well.
  6. Siporin is getting a lot of positive feedback on the forums of late. I assume you are referring to shaving your recipient area; many doctors, including mine (Dr. Feller) and H&W are pretty firm beleivers in it's benefits....though, this isn't to say you can't get a great result w/o the shaving. Also, do you have any pics you can post?
  7. Hey, sorry to hear of your plight. Which doctor did you go to?
  8. Seager does, yes; McKenzie I know nothing of. Where do you live?
  9. Precicely why I started threads imploring the balding nation to NOT elect Romney; quite frankly, I'm very pleased with McCain, though it would be preferable if he was younger and had just a bit more hair so he'd have more of a true, vested interest, aside from the obv altruism.
  10. Not exactly sure who you are referring to as the names are kinda generic and I've heard of a couple differing docs that have that surname. Distance should really only be a factor once you have already done incisive research where distance was a ZERO factor; to do otherwise, is to simply do yourself a great disservice. As a starting point for finding the right clinic, I'd look into the "recommended" and "coalition" docs compiled by this site....the coalition docs, particularly, are a great springboard to start narrowing your search. (this isn't to say there aren't some "recommended" docs who aren't performing at a "coalition" level)
  11. I would say that there is a higher concentration of piece-users and HT-patients among the Hollywooders and the very wealthy and famous. But last night another one hit me like a smack of crack-cocaine...Jeremy Pivon from Enterouge (among other things) fame....I was watching an old movie of his (~10years past) and he had a viciously receded hairline....I then happened to browse through a few episodes of Enterouge and it was extremely obvious that he had work done or wears a piece.
  12. They wouldn't prescribe you propecia? First, it may very well strengthen your frontal region IN ADDITION to helping preserve the fortitude of your vertex/crown; moreover, when combined with minodoxil it most definitely can give you appreciable help in your frontal 1/3rd. I hope that you haven't unecessarily lost a lot of ground in the past year; I would get on propecia ASAP, and combine this with rogaine foam 5% and nizoral and/or revita shampoo.
  13. Just want to express how much I *heart*: "Other diseased groups band together, to pronounce their solidarity to the world and raise funds for a cure" "a Billion Bald Heads Strong" "We can burn wigs, and dvd's of the film Hair Spray"
  14. I think (not positive, however) that there is a case floating around the forums that show someone who was dissatisfied with Pathomavich...I'd try to run a search for it (when I get some free time later I'll try, as well). Also, I beleive B_spot has an opinion on Dr. Path (based off of a remark he made in one of Tom's threads), so you may want to inquire to him!
  15. That you're worrying is understandable, but I don't think you actually have anything to worry about! I think sometimes we get distorted sense of where we "should" be at while growing, because we see and focus on the cases of phenominal ("irregular) growth that certain people get @ ~6months. I'd also posit that it could be a shedding of sorts, coinciding with your rather recent usage of proscar...(?)
  16. ~33 cases displayed each year seems stringent; whether it is excessively so from a doctor/clinic stand point I have no idea, because I have no idea the range of surgeries performed in per year, and also how difficult it is to get permission to post....and I would assume those two variables are critical. But I'd imagine it is entirely doable. From a patient perspective I'd have to say that it would certaintly be favorable; and from the vantage of "how prestigious/discriminating/elite is.." the ABHRS, I think it would certaintly be a boon and lend the organization great credibility.
  17. lol! funniest thing I've ever read in here...and I completely concur, of course...
  18. I would do 3 things, in ascending order of importance: Post a bunch of clear pics to the forum, and you can get a wide range of honest feedback. Look into getting on BOTH propecia (aka finasteride) and rogaine 5% foam (aka minodixl). Get in contact, even if it is online, with some reputable hair-transplant clinics that do good online consults (e.g. Feller, H&W, Shapiro....among others, but you couldn't go wrong by looking into those three to start things off). Re: transplanted hairs....it takes 12+ months for the *complete* results to come in; however, by the 6th month, many experience a good deal of growth, and in the following months the hairs "mature" and look better and better.
  19. Good job on the updates. Strategically using different styling options (length of hair, direction, products) to boost your illusion of density could be the way to go for you -- and it seems you have done that in certain pics. Having said that, you have come a long way and your final result is not even there yet!
  20. Admitedly, I haven't seen much of his work; but based off of (reputable) testimony I think he is extremely knowledgeable, and performs a good HT...how good, I couldn't say.....I do know his prices are extremely high.
  21. If I was ever in such a decadent situation where I could carry out my most Caligulan, hair fantasies...I wouldn't mind FUEing into the right side of my beard!
  22. Thx for the answers, and I wish you the best in your future pursuits (follicular AND legal), in which you will be, of course, in the best of hands. And let's go beard hair!
  23. Fantastic synopsis of your HT journey, so far! Two quick q's: you mentioned having a "limited" donor, as one of your 3 difficulties regarding HTs....are you referring to the inherent "limited" donor that we all have, or that your actual donor isn't that great? I ask because having already had 6600+ grafts, and looking at getting 1.5-2k more, your total seems pretty robust....? Also, you mention maxing yourself out with FUE possibly once this is all done...any idea how many extra grafts you might be "squeezing" out? Thx for the update!
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