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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Vegas oddsmakers announce an official line of 3.5-1 that "vincehair" is rich, famous, and bald; and 15-1 that he is in fact John Travolta.
  2. Since it seems like the work needed is rather minor, what about looking into FUE?
  3. 4 months is way to early to determine how well you can benefit from both minoxidil and fin; either way, stay on both. Additionally, you can look into a concealer (e.g. dermmatch, nanogen, toppik); also, you could explore a hair transplant (do some consults, be it online or live, with some extremely reputable docs....e.g. Feller, H&W, Shapiro). The concealer won't hurt you in any way; a bad hair transplant could, so proceed with caution.
  4. Hmmm, I'd have said NW4, with a definite NW5 pattern of thinning....I'd consider his hairloss and thinning as similiar to mine, a NW4 going on NW5.
  5. I'm sure the forum would love for you to post various pre-op, intra-op, immediate post-op, and grown out pictures of your surgery; also, would even better would be if you or your real surgeon got around to posting some other pictures so we could get another glimpse of what a real surgeon can do. "I'm still in training in the medical field and if I was making alot more money, I would go to the best MD Surgeon in Beverly Hills." Seriously, though, I'm not saying this disparagingly, moresoe as a helpful fact in the event that you aren't some shill....that above statement of yours shows a great deal of ignorance regarding HTs. Results, and consistent results, of the highest order is all anyone should want, and is all that really matters. Show me an expensive *****MD****** in bev hills and I'll show you a nice scalp reduction.
  6. You'd be referring, I'd have to assume, to FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction); make no mistake, it is still serious surgery, just like FUT ("strip) despite leaving (in the right hands) less visible scarring, and a quicker recovery....there is a tremendous amount of hype and deceit regarding FUE -- and the debate centers around how viable it is for "megasessions"; whereas there is little debate that a wholly successful strip procedure can take place exceeding 5k grafts. If you have minimal hairloss (say you need 1k grafts), and happen to be a good candidate (which you can't actually determine until doing the op), and don't mind paying a premium (it is much more time consuming, and thus expensive, than strip) I think it is fantastic. Def explore it further, though, there are some great -- and informative -- threads on here with a candid discussion on FUE's limitations and benefits.
  7. awesome, richie, awesome! I am still stunned by the brendan frasier before/after....
  8. I've seen it argued on other forums about Fox's HT. I do beleive he had one. Gimme, that's a good observation about his scar in that movie. I also do agree that he looked better with the higher hair line, at least compared to that last pic, as uber-low one looks so low it's as if he were wearing a beanie and pulled it down on his head...Armani patient, obv, 5k densepacked FUE like only The Master himself can do...
  9. Jude Law kicks ass -- it is a shame his hair went....I wonder if there is any correlation to his hairloss and a sputtering out of a once blooming, Hollywood career....I have no idea, but it wouldn't surprise me. Best bald celebrity is bruce willis, I think....best bald athlete is kelly pavlik, hands down....dude rocks a NW7 in his mid-twenties.
  10. I was actually going to mention Dr. Lindsey -- I have no idea what he charges, but he is/was an understudy of Dr. Feller....and between Feller's regard, the (albeit limited) work of Lindsey that I've seen, and my one encounter with him, I would def recommend to at least inquire seriously towards him. I'm also ignorant to how exactly Dr. Feller himself's pricing compares to the other docs mentioned, but I do know he was (incidentally) the least expensive of the docs that I looked into. Dr. Path (in Thailand) is incredibly inexpensive, by all accounts, and his work does look pretty good -- there's a recent thread(s) foating around about him. Not sure if he works out a deal on your travel, but even if not, his pricing could still equate to a sizeable savings. I'm sure you could find an optimal deal if you inquire enough, though I would think short of going to Thailand you aren't going to find record-breaking savings (i.e. it won't be the difference between having to save up an extra year).
  11. I don't beleive there to be "a list" -- at least I've never seen or heard of one. Any particular reason your looking for one, or just general curiosity?
  12. Seems like it would be a zero-sum game, nonetheless.
  13. Right now I have rogaine foam 5%...however, especially among young people, there seems to be a widespread usage of these hybrid formulas....Spectral DNC.....Dr. Lee's Xandros or w/e....my question is, is there any one that is a cut above the rest, even if it is just a minor improvement?
  14. Right now I have rogaine foam 5%...however, especially among young people, there seems to be a widespread usage of these hybrid formulas....Spectral DNC.....Dr. Lee's Xandros or w/e....my question is, is there any one that is a cut above the rest, even if it is just a minor improvement?
  15. LOL! A+ "a full LUXURIOUS head of hair...just LOOK at these LOCKS!!" "side effects...well only if you consider looking THISSSS good a side effect"
  16. p4p it is the best hair loss remedy out there, a HT aside (though stablizing your loss vis a vis propecia is, often times, a part of the overall HT process); works particularly best in your crown/vertex...combine it w/ rogaine foam 5% to give yourself your best shot at regrowth in your frontal 1/3rd. The side effects can be extremely "annoying", but nothing "serious" -- typically some sexual stuff, gynocomastia, and I have heard some talk about the "propecia fog" (something akin to depressive feelings). I may hve heard of one other person mention "ball pain", but that is it, and I don't think there is a strong causality between that and the propecia. By all strong accounts, anecdotal and study-based, side effects are: extremely rare (think low single digits of %), they often dissipate with continued usage, AND they dissipate if you discontinue usage.
  17. Congrats, RH! You must look (and feel) like a new man with your front 1/3rd getting so radically improved!
  18. Interesting read....I'd love to hear a "rebuttal".
  19. Sorry to hear of yet another young comrade afflicted...well, nizoral is a good start, and so is the minox; it is true that the rogaine wasn't really tested and proved for frontal baldness..HOWEVER, this doesn't mean it can't work there, and when combined with propecia, there is strong anecdotal evidence to support positive changes in the frontal 1/3rd. I would go to a good dermatologist and get checked out; it is there that you could look into propecia, as well. Also, you may want to check out a good thickening shampoo (Aveda, Nanogen n' Toppik's websites sell good ones too), and a "concealer" -- e.g., dermmatch, nanogen. Halting your loss, possibly attaining some regrowth, and finding non-surgical ways to successfuly cope and bridge the time period to where you might be in an ideal spot for a HT, something new comes along, etc.
  20. Ahhh, now I remember -- the Giannoto patient in VA (I used to live in McLean, btw). Well, I still feel pretty much the same way. We all sympathize with you; and we understand the need to make change, trust me..however, why make change when it isn't positive change? Let alone something that could be to your serious detriment and disservice...I know it can be difficult, though, and sometimes we feel compelled to act for the sake of acting. Anyways, I hope my tips help, and I wish you luck, though I wish you didn't need it...
  21. I'm in pretty much agreement. I agree that Bill (and Pat, as the creator and mastermind) have done an excellent job with the site, and as a moderator he walks the tightrope of being a moderator, while erring on the side of patients' true, best interests....I think Bill's stance on Armani is a perfect example of this; and, no doubt, I would have to assume that if Bill (and Pat) wanted, they could have pat Armani on the back, feature him on the site, and soak in the traffic and $ that would ensue. That having been said, I too was puzzled to see a series of posts (by Frog, Janna, Chucky, Bill himself), that I browsed through this morning (apparently) get censored. To be honest, I don't actually remember the cases that Frog was linking/pointing to, or what point Janna was defending him on -- just that it seemed he and Balody were having a bit of spat over Frog's posting various Farjo patients that he felt to be questionable; perhaps it is because I don't remember the specifics, and was not (am not..) able to form an opinion over the information, that I feel so curious towards the thread, and what Frog -- and Janna -- were pointing towards. Just my 2cents.
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