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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Who is your doc/clinic of choice this go around? Anyways, I would get/find one of those neck rollers/pillows to help and aid sleeping. You can start wearing a LOOSE fitting cap virtually right after the procedure; though, I wouldn't wear a "regular" hat for ~10+ days...I also personally kept any hat wearing to a bare minimum post-op. You don't want to scratch or peel the scabs; when showering, or just running water over your scalp, gently massage them with your fingerTIPS (not fingerNAILS). Aside from propecia, you could try dutasteride...or, for something with typically less side effects, you can use rogaine foam 5%, of course, and try out revita shampoo (the former being the big gun of the 2). As for other, hair-related stuff, some people like taking MSM and/or a vitamin E supplement. For post-op shampoo, I used a very gentle one, geared towards baby's -- I stayed with this for ~2 weeks before I started using "harsher" shampoos. Also, who did you got to in the past for HTs -- I know you mentioned not having a satisfied outcome..?
  2. I would start off looking into Feller, H&W, and Shapiro for online consults -- I am pretty sure all 3 of those do online consults, and do them well! If you do that, you will come away with a wealth of incredibly expert, pointed information regarding your situation and its options.
  3. That makes good sense; I can relate, as I was in something of an ideal time to be getting an HT. Something you should consider, though: if you get an HT, it really won't be a "one and done" deal where you are absolved from needing another one in the future, maybe even the very near future. Just as an FYI, so you know there may very well be ANOTHER time after this where you will have to buckle up and get back in the chair one more time. Also, I want to be clear that a HT may very well be the best thing for YOU -- just that there are lots of considerations, and you should weigh them. When you get some online consults with some top docs I think that will really be great for you.
  4. I honestly don't even recall with absolute certainty, but I beleive I paid ~9k for 3k n' change grafts. All things considered, and you being comfortable with a shaved head, I would seriously consider NOT getting a hair-transplant at this time; put the money towards something else, and save yourself a whole lot of time and emotional/physical energy. I, and prolly' many others, envy your situation in that regard. I'd still get a couple online consults, however, with some top clinics.
  5. Not the best pic, BUT, in my opinion, you have some serious balding going on. I concur w/ NGGB that it appears your donor is thinning, as well. Also, regarding 8-9 dollars a graft I am not familiar with that...thankfully! Perhaps you read that in reference to FUE (which Dr. Feller also does, and which is considerably more expensive), as opposed to FUT/strip. Pharma sales aside, how comfortable (or uncomfortable) are you with your hair loss and how you look when you keep it shaved slick? How big a role is the pharma sales image?
  6. That is filthy! But I chuckled, nonetheless.
  7. This case may interest you -- http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=327 Also, fwiw, I am 22, as well.
  8. If you need 7-8k grafts, you are a full fledged NW6+ -- at the age of 22, this would be incredibly rare. I would post some pics, if you can, so members can weigh in w/ an objective perspective on where you stand. You also would (most likely) not be able to achieve this in one sessions, but rather multiple sessions. Re: price...thankfully, many of the top clinics do not charge exorbitant prices, and most are very competitive. I only mention this because you have stated that price is a major issue for you, otherwise I wouldn't bring it up b/c I don't want to seem like I am pushing *ONE* doctor -- but, Dr. Feller's pricing is extremely competitive, and I would recommend you look into him to begin with. Additionally, I would try to do some consults (be it live or online) w/ H&W, Shapiro, Alexander, to name a few. Often times, when traveling a great distance, a clinic will work out a deal with you so you don' get beaten down on the cost of the voyage. Depeding on how short you shave your head, the FUT scar can be visible, particularly the first several months before it fully heals. However, with recent advancements (e.g. trichophytic closure) the scar really isn't that bad -- and I am sure docs you consult with could show you some good examples, and you can find some on this website, also. The other "type" of HT, is "FUE", which leaves a much more invisible scarring when done right; however, it is MUCH more expensive; AND, perhaps most importantly, is really not used for large cases, which you seem to be leaning towards. Also, have you gotten on any treatment yet? The Big Three? (propecia, rogaine foam 5%, revita shampoo). As for clinics in Califnornia, Siporin seems to be getting a lot of positive feedback; though, I would implore you to not let location play a *major* role in your decision, and at the very least consult with some clinics that happen to be out of state, but are incredibly well respected and proven.
  9. First and foremost, be incredibly cautious in who you choose for your surgery; if you can't travel for consults, by all means, do several online consults w/ some elite, proven clinics (Feller, H&W, Shapiro, e.g.) Check out the "recommended" and "coalition" docs compiled on this website -- they are a great start to begin your research. You require a lotta grafts, in my opinion, given how bald your crown is alone; the crown is notorious, fyi, for being something of a "black hole" for grafts, and it requires a relatively high amount as compared to the hairline. Both places that you mentioned looks incredibly suspect to me, particularly the latter (weaddhair.com). If you still do decide to do consults with them, inquire to them about the getting clear: immediate post-op, pre-op, and fully grown out examples of their work, particularly of people who received work similiar to what you may be getting.
  10. IMO, having now seen your pics, Epstein 100%, and I would say that even if the prices were reversed! I will say, this is another Griffin quote that has left me scratching my head...
  11. That is a very large discrepancy, first of all; I'd also note that there seems to be an influx recently of threads regarding drastically different graft quotes, and that Griffin was inolved in one (maybe two) of them. Anyways, with Epstein you would be receiving ~2500 grafts -- that is, 2500 slits, containing mostly 1, 2, 3 hairs (single units would be geared more towards the hairline); w/ Griffin, you would receive 1300 grafts, if I read your post correctly. Assuming both Griffin and Epstein would be operating on the same area, which is pretty safe to say, I would guess the total hair counts would be proportionately similiar -- of course, given Epstein would be utilizing a substantially larger # of grafts, I would also make the safe assumption that you would receive a substantially larger amount of hairs. Not seeing any pics of your hairloss, I won't say which graft quote I think is more appropriate for you, but I'd encourage you to post various, clear pictures if you can.
  12. lol @ "frantically I dump the wine....and allow her entry".
  13. A key concern with getting an HT at a youngish age isn't so much the need for a future procedure (though that is something you should be prepared to do), so much as it is a question of properly applying your finite donor supply; this is why it is of the utmost importance to strategically use your grafts and not use an excessive amount on some low, bold, densepacked hairline. As you can see, I'm 22 and got a HT, so I am not saying you can't -- or even advocating that you shouldn't. I would try to post some more pics if you can, from different views so we can get a better sense of your type and extent of loss. Whatever you do, don't rush into the HT until you really do understand what it entails, its recovery, expected results, long-term implications, etc.!
  14. Indeed...for reference, I shaved mine 2 weeks post-op, right after my staple removal.
  15. "double or triple the amount of available donor hair" -- sexy implications. Does it then logically follow that the average person can viably extract ~15k+ successful FUE grafts? Furthermore, since cases such LondonLad and NicNitro (to name but two) show what can be done to a ~NW6+s with ~10k grafts, would not a whopping 50% increase in grafts virtually solve the pivotal dilemma of finite donor supply that we all face, which HM/cloning strives to bypass?
  16. NG2GB, I beleive in the last live chat Jotronic stated something of similiar effect as to why I string of FUE sessions isn't sound to replace a large-sized strip...I forget his exact phrase/terminology for the scarring. But ya, as you know, I too thought you could string together a series of ~1k's.
  17. AdamAlvi may disagree; it would be nice if he popped up in here an weighed in on his thoughts regarding FUE...specifically responding to the various points Dr. Feller and Bill have highlighted.
  18. Long thread, indeed; print out a copy and read it over while Hasson is wielding his magical mitts on your soon to be lush noggin.
  19. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=147025 really good thread. Hahah, perhaps that is the reason....I actually can't think of anything else. I would 100% follow through with it, especially after having been so (pleasantly) underwhelemed by the downtime/recovery of my past HT. Especially when you factor in that the FUEs will be considerably less intensive, w/ regard to "recovery". I too would love an answer....sometimes it does seem that there ARE viable, albeit complex, paths out there to really attain maximal results that are a bit off the beaten path.
  20. I've always been under the assumption that "the avg" is of a lower range than 7-10k; though, perhaps, with the way things currently stand, that is current average range. Anyways, I've wondered the same question before, and wan't able to find a direct answer; though, it seems that a stategic combo of strip/FUE could produce an optimal result (maximal grafts); and, I would have to assume that if so many people would go this route. BUT, I have never actually seen such cases. In the bumped Dr. Feller/FUE thread above, the bumper JR asked something similiar, I beleive.
  21. NG2GB is going to have to become an overnight Giuessepi Franco, "Procede" posterboy if anyone is going to have a shot at his monthly titles.
  22. Keep researching, and do a couple consults (online or live) with some bonefied great clinics (a Coalition doc would be a good start). In California, Siporin seems to be getting very good feedback. Before you make sure you go through with an HT make sure you really understand what the process is like -- the recovery, the expected results, future procedures which may be necessary, etc. I don't think your age makes you an illegitmate candidate necessarily, especially if you really understand what is going on and all the pros and cons. Make sure you are making a totally educated decision, basically.
  23. One positive I think about regarding getting a series (2-3) of HTs, especially at a youngish age and in fairly close proximity, is that if your donor:loss ratio is good enough, you can be pretty much set for life afterwards and won't have to worry about losing those hairs again....if you get like 8k (just for example) grafts well distributed when you are 40 or w/e and a good portion of people is just starting to get hobbled by MPB you can be cruisin' right along.
  24. I haven't seen much, but this thread looks solid -- http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/746...101075743#9101075743
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