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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. HT, I took propeia for about a year pre-HT...in retrospect I felt some sides during the first several months, but I didn't think the causility was strongly tied to propecia...for various reasons, the link wasn't that clear then, and it also wasn't as perturbing to me. I've yet to try lowering the dosage/going every other, though I'm going to explore that; I also don't plan on NOT taking propecia....at least not until I exhaust every option to counterbalance the sides *I may* be experiencing....it's always difficult to really say for certain, though I do beleive there to be link.
  2. Than, I know you are just adding humor to this thread, but this is how rumors get started. Let's not speculate as to which physician made which decision. Bill Agreed, and wasn't my intent -- edited my post. Apologies.
  3. Tough to say not seeing pics. I know Dr. Feller wanted me to let my hair grow out a bit after I had buzzed it, but I still trimmed it a bit here. Maybe just do enough so you don't have an actual mullet.... Also, how many grafts were you quoted?
  4. *edited* Either way, whoever it is, they are coalition docs who I am sure have sound reasons; and I'm sure would stand by their decision publically. Anyways, my only concern with: "But being 25 I've got to side with the conservatives, and make the best of the current situation while making room for additional excessive hair loss in the future" Is that if you get 1800 grafts, while you might have "additional excessive hair loss in the future" (and take that for what it is truly worth), there is a good chance you will still feel that you *currently* have excessive hair loss and will just want/demand/need another procedure. If you do have a good grasp of what the procedure and recovery will be like, and understand what 1800-2k grafts will mean to you then by all means err on the side of a "conservative" clinic.
  5. I agree that your situation is relatively ideal, betwen your minimal loss and hair charachteristics. You on any treatments? (propecia, rogaine foam, nizoral/revita)
  6. It's impossible to say; though decent conjectures can be made.....a doctor with a keen, knowing eye...checking for miniaturization...can be solid prognosticators. My "guess" is that the mentioned stressors have, perhaps, accelerated your genetic disposition towards hair loss (FWIW, I am quite confident that this happened to me)....I would be very surprised if it was the sole cause for your loss....BUT, you should go see a good dermatologist or a respected ht-doc to really see what's up. Also, when did you start noticin your loss? I would post some clear pics on the forum and you can get some better opinions on your current loss and what it might mean....if you are really a NW5, etc.
  7. Its, very interesting.... jst, thx for the good words -- it is indeed quite the predicament as you know. I will begin researching a counter-regime and start my own personal trials and will keep the forum posted; I will also strongly look into taking it EOD as mentioned.
  8. Balody, Never heard of that acronym before (somehow), but my guess is "too much information".
  9. A one and done is very rare if you have anything but "minimal" loss; an example of (a potental) one and done that springs to mind is http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=150394 As for FUE or strip, one possiblity which I haven't seen dicussed much on the forums, but I've thought about and talked with a couple others is: having a bunching of ~1k+ sessions of FUE spread out. ...scheduling and cost seem to be the biggest detriments to this (aside from having to figure out if you are a good candidate during the beginning of the op). But, nonetheless, this is something that I'll seriously consider in the future.
  10. I would go for a larger session, no doubt about it; not that getting a HT is an obscenely arduous process, but it isn't a cakewalk when you take into account both the physical and emotional drain from start to finish. With your extent of loss, and a pattern established, I think you (and the doc) can make an educated decision where you know what you are getting into, and the potential down the road that you could...possibly....and assuming no newer advancements....end up with an...."irregular" pattern of loss. It becames a situation of risk-assesment where you take into account how you look and feel now, how you will look and feel if you don't get an HT, how you will look and feel with post-HT#1 w/ a megasession, a "commitment" to future sessions, and that you might/maybe/possibly end up with hairloss that exceeds your donor, in a sense....personally, I don't put that much stock into that argument...not to say that that potential outcome is desireable, or that you should start densepacking bold hairlines. I'm curious which doctor refused you, and which doctor you currently are considering for the 1800.
  11. Say it with me -- BHT, BHT....BHT, BHT... BHT, BHT... Frankly, bht being "perfected", at least to the extent of becoming a worthwhile option, would be the ultimate pat on the back, as opposed to an injury-to-insult slap on the face for many a balding brethren. Personally, I gotta think I have a solid, viable 5k+ bht between my forearms, legs, and chest....densepack into the crown/vertex....BAM!
  12. Thx for the update -- scar is lookin' sweet! You seem to have healed great, as well, and I wouldn't have even thought you had any shockloss if you hadn't mentioned it. The good times are about to start rolling, can't wait to see you in another few months.
  13. I know man....I'm mortified, but haven't really confronted it YET; but, I do need find a resolution as this really must be resolved within like 2-3months time at a maximum. As mentioned, no way I am taking viagra, and I don't think I even need such potency lol -- comical...but, I would definitely be wiling to start up treatments of something else if it works. Haven't discussed it w/ Dr. Feller; I have to call his office anyways tomarrow, so maybe I'll broach the subject, or just PM him (more discreet and direct). I dunno about stopping propecia...I'm very very reluctant.
  14. I will start w/ my question: if you start experiencing some of the less desireable effects of propecia, could you (i.e. do people know some good, effective routes) to combat that by taking something or somethings to compensate? Perhaps not even having to reach to the level of the viagras of the world, as I don't know if I could find it in me to sleep at night knowing I'd be a 22yrold with MPB, an HT, and a viagra user....I can deal with 2 out of the 3, I think. Anyways, to be honest, I tried my best to deny it initially, and chalk it up to varience and other stuff....but, I too have noticed some "malfunctionings" and "irregularities"-- Especially once I get this sweet crib on a beach in a few months, it will be of the utmost necessity that this gets sorted out. I don't think I am willing to stop taking the propecia, so I am in need of finding a viable route to combat this "side effect"!!
  15. Sorry to hear of you stumbling into the hands of a butcher...while it is always important, I would say it is beyond vital that you make sure you go to an ELITE, CONSISTENT, TRANSPARENT doc/clinic this go around. Quite frankly, while I have seem some "alright" reviews of DHI (Greece), the bulk of words I have seen have not been positive, let alone "great". Keep researching, browse the forums, get some online consults -- there are quite a few very good docs, so instead of listing them all, I'll just mention the ones that I happened to seriously consider: Feller (obv haha), H&W, Shapiro.....Alexander, Rahal...best of luck, just keep researchng don't commit to anything until you've at the very least given consideration and had consults with at least one of the aforementioned, imo.
  16. Did both docs give you (roughly) the same analysis and prognosis?
  17. I agree with Josh that the work looks excellent and that combined w/ your positive hair charachteristics the results are going to be, I think, extremely impressive. Hope you report back to us with good news in another 6+ months!
  18. It's def a little tender when you buzz it 2 weeks or w/e post-op, after your staple/suture removal -- at least it was for me, and I'd imagine most others. Just make sure whoever is doing it is doing it with caution and delicacy when in that region....you'll be fine buzzing, though, post-op to help even things up.
  19. Goes without saying, sorta (damn you for ruining it for me...); you show me a man who has putted across a mint, infantile green and I'll show you a prison cell w/ a manic-depressive named Big Biff.
  20. I got 3k n' change (grafts) from Dr. Feller and I beleive the cost was ~10k, though I forget the specific #s; he was the least expensive of the docs that I looked into, and his prices, from what I understand, are very "competitive" within market. And the Bosley quote is indeed extravagent and sizeable; rivaled only by the mammoth gap between the glamour of their marketing and their actual results.
  21. Btw, I think the "take half of donor" is tied together with the saying that you lose 50+% density before it actually starts to get noticeabe. (?)
  22. Cool vid, thx for the share...btw, congrats on your HT and nice overall regiment -- you're going to look mint! (checked out your blog)
  23. I've been cycling through the photos in that guys' album, NG2GB, and while I think the results are unquestionably good (though I personally don't love the hairline...but that is a matter of sheer opinion), I'm pretty sure I've noticed some "irregularities" that I beleive make it seem like he has much less native hair pre-op, and more hair post-op....like you have said, 3200 grafts is 3200 grafts, and we know where they went. All of that combined, I feel pretty confident -- to speculate -- that while his hairline, particular the midsection, is very dense, the surrounding areas are very much operating under an illusion of density. I really wish I could see more pictures from different vantage points and styled/unstyled to confirm.
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