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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. I always liked Van Gundy, good to see got around to vanquishing those monstrosities once and for all!
  2. Nope, you are a WASP -- henceforth your infatuation with Hasson..... .....Seriously though, JD, I'll reiterate to not risk Your Precious on the basis of an emotional connection based off of ethnic familiarity. This isn't to say that Diep isn't great, or great for you, but that is something which needs to be conclusively proved.
  3. I'd concur with some others that you are a diffuser heading to a NW5....NW6 level; as mentioned, the NW scale, while not worthless, simply isn't a beacon of truth for many, but it does have its uses. As you've stated, though, we are seeing your hair in basement conditions. You might currently be something like a NW4. Regarding predicting your future loss, I've been of the assumption that looking at your hair in "poor" (i.e. "truthful"...) conditions is ideal....I've been checking out mine recently under harsh, bright lighting from a top-down view and it is downright frightening! ......... ..... ..... ......
  4. That is like a fantasy/dream actually happening...amazing, and congrats!
  5. My immediate observations: *way too few grafts for his level of baldness *grafts placed far apart *looks mini-graftesque
  6. I concur that it is disconcerting that there is virtually zero information on Diep online...plus, it seems you've gravitated towards him on an "emotional" level, being your related ethnicity and feeling comfortable around him. IMO, that can be a dangerous mix.
  7. I 2nd getting a stylish hat and a NY Giant hat, as well; you're probably going to want to be laying low, regardless, especially the first couple of weeks and until the staples come out and you can give yourself a somewhat uniform buzz.....maybe say you have viral pneumonia -- pretty easy symptons to fake, the hardest being a dry cough, and generally it will last a couple weeks, and isn't really contagious.
  8. A conscience may or may not be a part of "business"; it clearly is, however, a part of being a "doctor".
  9. "I would also like to keep the in house dialog to PM's as it is distracting to the purpose of this Forum. If you have a prob or issue I will respond but lets play nice in public." Won't lie -- I lol'ed, whether you intended that to be ironic or not.
  10. Work looks good, and I'm sure it is -- though, it is a bit difficult to fully appreciate it from the photos. The hairline design looks nice, and the # of grafts you were able to get combined with your native hair, should give you a great look when all is said and done!
  11. I guess I'll just have to take it to be a "no" ...I'll still prolly' hold my breath, though, in hope...
  12. Sure, why not....I'm interested in whether you can elaborate on some of these extremely vauge (and seemingly unprovoked), albeit intriuging, posts where you seem embattled or threatened about your "free speech".
  13. My quick, albeit barbaric fix, for getting pictures resized to fit: edit them using the standard right-click, edit....then take the airbrush or eraser and just write over some unecessary area...for me, it seems to dramatically reduce the size. Hope it works!
  14. Personally, I'm having a difficult time getting a good sense of the work from the pictures, especially the top-down shot; could be that it is in the AM, however, and that I'm running on 5 hours of sleep! Did you get any pics shot @ Dr. Siporin's?
  15. Congrats dude, and glad it went so well! Damn, out to each that night and a cruise the next day! Awesome that you got so many grafts, and that Dr. Epstein is the class guy that he is. I think you are going to be a VERY happy man from this. I can't find any of your pics, however, on your weblog...(?) Not sure if the problem is from my end or yours.
  16. Lookin' good! And the best months are just about to begin -- I'm jealous....going to have a wall of hair to style on command to NG2GB's every follicular, styling whim.
  17. Agent, I was just referring to a period right after your op, and nothing in particular -- you don't want to risk irritating the area, and hampering your scalps return to "normalcy". Bill makes a good point about waiting 6 months.
  18. Konior has a very good reputation w/ regard to patient satisfaction and the quality of his work; typically (perhaps...universally), Bosley employs surgeons who range from butchers to "decent". Run some searches on Konior; as for the Bosley guy, might be tough to find a good, honest sample of his work/results, which in and of itself is a huge issue. Being a betting man, I would lay the odds @ 10000000000.003 that you would get a better HT experience and result from Konior.
  19. Massaged? I am not sure fo the exact answer for this, but I would caution strongly against it if you are recently post-op....even if you are several weeks out, I wouldn't allow my scalp (recipient or donor) to get massaged....you want to put your scalp in the best possible position to heal and repair itself.
  20. Accidental progress -- gotta love it! Perhaps, I will go to Dr. Armani after all and have him densepack my temples with 5000FUE's....
  21. Personally, FWIW, and I say this without even having formed an opinion on which pricing model is "better"....I found the nickle n' diming post -- it's syntax -- to come across as a bit defensive, and also aggressive towards other clinics that follow said pricing structure. I understand there were some miscommunications regarding Dr. Griffin in the thread; so, perhaps, this resulted in the said post.
  22. Have you looked into FUE? Also, it is good to hear that you seem to have recovered so well (physically AND psychologically) from your past (barbaric) procedures.!
  23. It is a realistic possibility that you have bad scalp laxity, but that isn't a dealbreaker by any means if it is even the case; especially since you can start up scalp exercises, which can dramatically help whatever laxity you have. Also, with this being your first procedure, your scalp's laxity is probably rather good to begin with; but, again, it can be improved to help you get maximum grafts extracted when all is said and done. Re: scarring...FUE produces the least visible scarring when done properly, and for FUT the trichophytic closure tecnique would probably be used on you for your first procedure to give you the best scar.
  24. Is this supposed to be used in liu of 5% minodoxil?
  25. Congrats, yer going to look mint! Well worth those frontal injections....
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