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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Agio, good to hear of Nakatsui's positive prognosis, and that you are healing well. The latest photo you've posted looks good! Can't wait to see your results, as I've always been intrigued by Dr. Nakatasui as all I have seen and heard from him has been elite.
  2. Appreciate the post. I was never mocked for hairloss during school, though, I suppose, I did start thinning my junior year of high-school, and my best friend remarked once, rather incredulously, that my hair looked "a bit thin". I can, however, imagine the torment of having hairloss while in school; and, though I dare not tell anyone outside of the forums this less I sound like a madman, my reluctance to return to school (college) is in (fairly) large part due to my hairloss. Are you looking into getting another HT (a repair session, I suppose) w/ an elite clinic?
  3. Run, don't walk. As already stated, HCM is operating to milk the most money; perhaps when dealing with pieces this isn't a total deal-breaker, however, with cosmetic surgery you need to go to a true expert, who lives and breathes HT's and has the primary concern of quality and expertise, as opposed to running a "hair mill", trying to make the biggest buck. If you are interested in HTs, get a few consults with bonefied GREAT docs -- either online or in person. Where do you live, btw?
  4. Looks great, and it is only going to get better n' better. Even at 6months you have enough going on to pull off that styling option!!
  5. Ya, it was totally uncalled for; he wrapped one arm around my neck (not quite as crazy as it sounds, as it was taking place right outside a grappling school), and with his free arm gave me a vicious noogie with his abrasive jacket. He wasn't trying to be malicious, but he wasn't exactly trying to make sure he didn't hurt me, either. Anyways, I think you guys are right -- I need to focus now on keeping the area clean, and making sure it doesn't get infected. I don't have any pure aloe vera left at the moment, any other suggestions that are safe besides just water? Off the top of my head, I have a cleansing/infection foam for cuts and scrapes that is used in liu of an antibotic ointment -- the active ingredient is "benzalkonium chloride", a "first aid antiseptic"...doesn't sound too friendly, though. Like NN must already know, he weighs about 250 so indeed, I received a complimentary wedgie, as well -- no locker, so I was given a rain check there.
  6. Thx for the responses; that's what I was hoping for -- some type of bad, but not crippling, irritation...it'a amazing how paranoid you can get after an HT, though. My main concern was that it seemed a bunch of hairs got "dislodged" (even though you are right, it is impossible that a graft itself got dislodged), and that the area where some actual follicles are seemed to be irritated the most -- there was some blood, I'd have to think, though extremely minimal, as when I placed wet paper towel over it I saw some red coloration. You are spot on -- I do have a light complection, and sensitive skin, ESPECIALLY in the period of time right after a workout. I really have to wear bubble wrap around my noggin' even if I'm just present at the gym -- guys are such animals, ugh, lol...
  7. Having a tough time uploading my other pic, but it basically shows more clearly that it seems that the irriation is centered around the individual circles of the follicles.
  8. The past week or so I've noticed irritations (like ingrown hairs or acne) in my recipient -- I know this is often a normal, good sign...I am 25 days post-op. Earlier today, however, a guy, just "joking around", took a part of his jacket (basically the texture of sandpaper...not actually, but very stiff, strong, grainy) and gave me a "noogie", basically rubbing the &^#( outta my scalp with it. It totally took be by surprise, and while he wasn't sitting there for 10 minutes rubbing away, before I was able to defend myself, my assailent was able to do, what appears to be, damage. At once I became mortified, but quelled my anger and distress as to not reveal the source of my fears. Some details: the following pics are taken about 45minutes after the incident, pre-shower (I had just finished doing some cardio when it happened), but after I washed the area. An area in particular looks to have gotten irritated the most; I didn't see any bleeding, however, right afterwards, when I went to the bathroom and with wet paper towel I lightly pressed on the area and som red coloration did appear. I look to have lost some hairs in that area. Of course, my primary concern is that I didn't just lose grafts (I'm nauseous just thinking about that), from them being removed, which I doubt, or somehow destroyed. Also, is there anything I can or should do aside from giving the area perfect conditions to heal and get back to looking "normal".
  9. I've been taking Propecia 1x a day regularly, in the morning; I'd like to try switching to the evening, before I go to sleep....I can't say for sure, but I want to minimze any effects of the "propecia fog", which may or may not even be happening. Is there any issue with doing this? And, has anyone done this successfully who thought that the propecia was giving them the-- as far as I know -- anecdotal side effect?
  10. Someone's suckled mightily on the sweet, amber nectar tonight.
  11. I do agree with them, to an extent, concerning that statement. In the past 15 years I think there have been major advancements in HTs, and in the next 15 I strongly beleive there will be more to come; and, the next round of breakthroughs will most likely be of even greater proportions as it will surround solving the issue of donor supply. I think (and I am sure some would disagree) considerations of future treatments at his time is a viable factor to use in how aggressive, or conservative, your gameplanning can be. I wouldn't use as it as the backbone for getting an HT done, but I don't think it is altogether insignificent factor. Again, it doesn't in and of itself compensate for densepacking an 18 year old NW2. If some people want to gamble it up, so to speak, -- so long as they are fully informed and aware, and get the consent of a legit doctor, I don't think it to be a travesty. I personally wouldn't bet the farm on the future treatments, but I am no doubt inclined to be a bit more bold moving forward. My biggest problem w/ *many* (not all) of these Armani patients is that it is being done by a doctor who seemingly would operate on a 10year old if she could pay w/ Mastercard, and it is to patients who CLEARLY don't have the maturity and/or knowledge to be making an informed, rationale decision. IMO, of course
  12. lol, unreal -- to the point where it's actually kinda comical....hope for the best in each individual, of course, and I do feel bad for these patients as a whole as they are being bamboozled, to say the least. It can be aggravating talking to people who want so badly to buy into something of such epic falsehoods and hype, but at the end of the day they just want the best, and are putting their young, insecure, panic'd trust in the hands of a DR..... Btw, an Armani rep gave my little sis' his business card by the local sandbox last week -- apparently, 3000grafts densely packed into her temples would do the trick for the .3mm recession.
  13. I agree w/ stevo -- toppik and/or dermmatch could work great for you. Also, try a "thickening" shampoo -- the main site that sells toppik offers some. I've heard good things about "Pantene's" thickening shampoo, as well. I would definitely go to a dermatologist or a hair restoration doctor to get checked for minaturization to really see were you are at.
  14. Your loss sounds like it is extremely minimal; so don't sweat it too much, as the "untrained" eye prolly doesn't even realize the loss you have. If you are concerned with your hairline, and frontal region, I would get on a combination of Propecia and Rogaine Foam 5% -- combined, this by far gives you the best shot at regrowth and effectiveness in the front. At the same time, it will strenghthen all of your existing hairs, so if you are in a position to get an HT down the road, it will be farther down the road (good for the obvious reason of having more hair longer, and also b/c who knows what new treatment may be out); as well, there will be a much greater chance that a more minimal -- and effective -- procedure would be necessary for you.
  15. Srry, just re-read your post and didn't catch that you are just 3 *days* post op -- read it as 3 weeks -- so, of course, disregard using aloe verga like stevo correctly said.
  16. Absolutely, Dr. Feller; thanks for the "heads up". Hah -- I actually wasn't even aware of your strong stance on the laser comb, in general; I'll have to run a search and try to find some of the old debates that apparently are in circulation.
  17. Based off all the pics you've posted (in this thread and the other), I think ~3k+ is appropriate and will make you very happy. Your crown needs a lot of work, and it looks like you have "diffuse thinning" elsewhere. Wong's 4k estimate seems fairly in line, IMO, as it could go ~2500+ for your crown, the rest to thicken up existing areas below.
  18. Bluntly put, don't go to a place that lacks transparency; in fact, don't go to a place unless they have great transparency. If you can't find multiple before, multiple immediate post-op, multiple grown out results, from session sizes of (approximately) which you will be going in for, you are rolling the dice. Be sure that the photos you look at are not deceiving, and that people you talk to are not shills -- a rather common phenomina. Maybe it will work out if you go to a place lacking the aforementioned, but if history is any indication, there is a good chance it won't.
  19. IMO, if I was in your shoes, I wouldn't settle for (at least aiming to get) much less than 3k. Wong's prognosis seems MUCH more reasonable to me than even the "very large" (2k) Griffin estimate.
  20. Next week I am starting use of the Hairmax laser comb, which I bought a while back. I was going to just give it away or sell it on eBay, but your testimonial is tipping me over the edge. I'm a terrible candidate to gauge it's efficacy, however, since I'll also be starting the minox at the same time; am on propecia (1.5yrs); and will be just coming up on month2 of my HT.
  21. Either the women you spoke to lied to you when she said "they very rarely have anyone in who needs more than 1300-1500 grafts"; or, by a miraculous occurrance, Dr. Griffin's office very rarely has anyone walk into their office who is beyond a NW2. His prices seem high, as well.
  22. I re-read through the thread, and I do feel bad for you Creeping -- without a doubt, I feel that your doc instilled you with false, unrealistic expectations. Doctors should truly err on the side of caution; as patients we all have a natural inclination to dream and think of great results that are coming our way, and it is imperative that a doctor temper this with words containing zero hype and conservative expectation. The work itself seems solid, though; and without a doubt it can serve as a nice foundation for a future procedure if you so choose.
  23. Your hair looks good in that photo -- you truly are a jedi master of concealer. I know how it is to be a total slave to the concealer, however, and the power becomes a dark, dark power, indeed.
  24. Honestly, the result looks surprisingly thin to me -- given 2100 grafts and area covered -- especially the front, "hairline" shot. It looks much thicker in the top and side shot; though, when I compared the top shot at 1year to 5months, it didn't look that dramatically different...to me, at least. The most important thing, though, is that you yourself are pleased with the results, and you have a much clearer notion of where you where you were and where you are now. How far back did they implant grafts, btw? I can't tell if it was frontal 1/3rd, or if it went further back towards the crown.
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