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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. A few things, which really concern a larger picture of what "ethics" means in a case like this: The lawsuits and threats is suspicious to me especialy as it relates to a larger campaign in masking posts that are contrary to Cole's views. As far as I know, something like this isn't heard of w/ Feller, H&W, Shapiro, Alexander, et. al. This would be one deterrent to me, as I think it raises larger questions of charachter, which relate to perhaps the most important thing about a doctors judgement: "is this doctor 100%, no doubts about it, going to be operating for my best interest, and my best interest alone". Using larger punches, which Cole does, while "easier on the doc and the staff", may very well promote excessive "subcutaneous scarring and potential damage to adjacent follicles....the larger the punch = more scarring and greater potential for damage". This would be another deterrent for me. No doubt some people trust Cole's judgement and go to him. Combine this with other shady, albeit unclear stuff, about Dr. Cole and I would not risk it, when I find there to be better options out there all things considered. I don't have, and don't beleive there to be a wealth of lucid, damning evidence against Cole's "ethics" and his practice; however, compared to the other choices that exist, I personally would not go to Cole. Again, this isn't to say I couldn't or wouldn't receive a great HT from him -- it's a judgement call that one has to make after gathering all of the info on a doc and comparing it to all the info on another, and deciding who you feel the most comfortable and confident with.
  2. I don't think B_spot was saying that he uses *only* 1mm and above; just that he disagrees with other docs about there being drawbacks to it (which B_spot gives examples of) and has no real aversion to using punches that big where other doc's refuse to ever go above .9
  3. Rambler, First, I agree with you 100% that just having hair where there wasn't hair before is *not* acceptable. I'm not an expert on the details of repair and what exactly can be done to you specifically; though, "camo"ing it is one route for sure. However, I've seen some amazing cases of repair, and while I agree your work is poor, my feeling is that in the right hands it can be dealt with, and worked on to produce a result that won't cause you panic every time you are close w/ a woman. Now, you've been offered a free ~300 graft session to help camo the work; did Rassman, or any other doctor, give you counsel on what else can be done? Including work that you would have to pay for...?
  4. Looks to me to be a case of "dolls' hair" (aka pitting, I suppose); but, given the options you have, and how great various docs are at repairs, I wouldn't fret too much as I think your problem is very much solvable!
  5. I too like the crown's design that I saw in the post-ops; you honestly look like a different person from just from pre-HT#1 to post-HT#1. Can't wait to see ya once this grows in! Two questions: have you tried using a concealer like courvre or dermmatch on the scar? (I'm curious how well they can actually hide it, as I'm going to be buzzing my head ASAP once my staples come out); any idea how much donor you have left in the tank?
  6. I've been told that 10 days post-op is OK, though it is always best to wait as long as you can to allow for an optimal healing time/process. When do your staples come out, btw? As for the best concealer, I would try Courve on the scar, which I've heard great things about; though, for the rest of your head I think dermmatch/toppik work better.
  7. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=154923 Very recent thread talking about pretty much the same thing; that aside, from (credible) sources I've heard Cole has had quite a few "unsatisfied" patients; behind closed doors. But, that link above goes into some fact-based issues that are 100% public knowledge, which people have concerning Cole.
  8. Some wouldn't, many would, be personally willing to accept a risk-ratio like NN mentioned; however, 1-5% is still an absurd number to cast when you take into account that once every ~5months there would be case with horrific yield from every top clinic -- it doesn't even have to be nearly as low as 10% yield and it would still raise equally large concerns. There is the risk-ratio for epically bad yields, which is somewhat subjective, (what quantifies "epically bad"....it doesn't have to be 10% yield on the button, but even anything under 50% I would tend to classify as horrible *and not just a minor abberation from the norm*); then, if there really is such a numer (e.g. 1-5%) that afflicts all practices w/ regard to "epically bad" results; and finally, like NG2GB has mentioned, there is the question of what exactly can cause a yield to the tune of 10%-bad, in an esteemed clinic no doubt, which Janna touched upon.
  9. The patient recently put forth some of his H&W pics and they look vgood and he got a very large # of grafts; fortunately, he seems to at last be very happy with his follicular state of affairs. It is good to know my instincts were not way off when I read over Shane's post b/c the initial #s of what it meant were alarming; and his numbers seemed off given if they were remotely true for any number of Coalition Docs, e.g., it would be known. As has been mentioned here, linking them to an entire field of clinics is quite the claim, too, which it seems he will have to retract to some degree -- he now seems to be saying that the 1-5% relflects every clinic experiencing a case "like this", though there is a huge gap between a clinic providing a true touch-up, and ~10% growth. Nonetheless, anything resembling 10% is a horrific yield and is in a clase all by lonesome self. I could prolly' live with 1 every 10,000; but 1/100, wow....
  10. *10%* yields happen in *every* clinic *1-5%* of the time. This was posted on HLH by "AlviArmani" (aka Shane), in response to this man's results: http://www.hairlosshelp.com/websites/galleryview.cfm?id=dingo|gallery1.cfm So, are yields as horrific as this common to the tune of 1-5% at each and every clinic? Even the lowest end of that spectrum -- 1% --, for a yield of such horrific proportions (10% in question) seems high to me. Again, using the 1% figure, this would mean that every ~5months or so each clinic (and one patient) would be afflicted with an atrocious yield/result. 5% would, of course, be equate to a significently higher frequency.
  11. What do you mean "if your head takes to the procedure"? Or "how I take to (it)? Also, go look at the pre-op/post-op pics available on this site (and others) to get a feel for what 400 grafts will do for you; the closest you will find it stuff around 1k, but this will give you a great idea. Much of this will be FUE, fyi. Either way, and this is the most important thing, it will be irrelevent if you don't go to a great clinic and end up with a poor result -- whether you get 4k or 400 it will be a major screw up and there is NO REASON to chance it when you don't have to. Go talk to a few *reputable* docs and get their feedback; if one of them is willing to do a small procedure that you find to be "safer" all the best, though I think any hair-restoration veteran on any forum would argue that it isn't ideal...but, seriously, just go to some bonefied good clinics, get their feedback and advice on your particular case. I think if you do this you will see things in a totally new light. If at the end of the day, you still feel the need to do a "test surgery", which I think will be a gigantic waste of effort and time on your part (not too mention taking a toll on your overall donor), I would absolutely get it done via FUE, and get it done via one of the few reputable FUE docs out there (e.g. Feller, Rose, in the U.S.)
  12. Think of a hair transplant like a surgery, combined with an art form, wrapped into one -- but a surgery nonetheless. Like virtually all surgeries, "doing a little test" just isn't a viable option....you theoretically could, and I'm sure some clinics out there would still operate on you, but it simply isn't in your best interest. The extremely minimal cosmetic difference aside, that will take north of 12months to grow in, you have a FINITE donor supply; being able to best tap into, and extract the maximum number of overall grafts from your donor is THE key -- if you have the grafts, you essentially would be sidestepping the need fo hair cloning or hair multiplecation. The best way to go about doing this is by extracting the most appropriate number of grafts in each given surgery, and limiting your scalps exposure to the "trauma". **if you are so unsure of going through w/ an HT that you feel the need for a "test", I think this is a STRONG indication that you are not ready for going through with the procedure** Anyway, If you went FUE you would avoid the large® scar of strip; though, in the most capable hands your strip scar will be greatly minimized. This isn't to say FUE is scarless, far from it, but it is more minimal and invisible. FUE, fyi, is best suited for small procedures (i.e <1k grafts) Go get at least one consultation w/ a proven, elite clinic, of which several have been mentioned to you. At the same time, posting some clear pictures to the forum could get you some more specific, objective feedback. Which clinic are you referring to, btw? In and of itself, the information you provided is not bad; but those facets alone do not make a doctor good, great, let alone elite clinic. **take a look at the pictures provided in the thread "anno 2007" in the picture section...that is an atrocious hairtransplant that looks terrible and has very little density**
  13. Baxter, Lookin' good; real good! Your going to look (and feel) like a new man a few months from now. Your healing and growth rate has been exceptional, as mentioned -- you command the jealousy and respect of this entire forum!
  14. Lenny, like I said in your other thread -- unless your hairloss is EXTREMELY minimal 400 grafts will do next to nothing; IF, 400 grafts is suitable for you, then FUE (follicular unit extraction) is a MUCH wiser option. AND, either way, you want to make sure you go to a doctor that is both ethical and skilled....ethical and skilled doctors also don't happen to be the most expensive. I wouldn't go through a procedure with lasting effects that impacts your future hair-loss decisions to test something out that in the right hands is absolutely proven to begin with. I would post some pix, and/or go get a consultation w/ a proven, leading clinic.
  15. Interesting. Nice website; though, it is kinda like determining whether or not you wanna the date of your death. You could also go to a dermatologist or a HT doc and get examined for early stages of minaturization, and know where the beast is first striking. Propecia is a solid drug, and p4p the best non-surgical treatment out there, but don't expect a miracle. If you have loss in your frontal region I would recommend adding rogaine foam 5% to the propecia, which gives you by far the best shot of preserving and regrowing in that area.
  16. 300lb press w/ "brown ale" -- pshhh, as if I didn't already know that "brown ale" is the Englishman's lingo for HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE!!! Don't be so impressed Janna; I just so happen to do *multiple* one-legged squats while balancing a spoon upon my nose. I know, I know, don't be jealous guys n' gals....
  17. Can't say I heard of her before, but after researching her website I immediately saw some red flags: Q: Can I expect to have a full head of hair when the transplant are finished? A: Yes. In most cases all of the bald areas can be covered to give a natural looking result which can be styled in various ways. Then looked at photo gallery that was unclear and murky. And, finally saw this, which seals the deal so to speak: Q: How many grafts are performed during a session? A: The number of grafts may be a few as 100 or up to as many as 2,000 minigrafts and micrografts This is incredibly outdated terminology and technology. You are FAR better going to someone who has adapted to the tecniques which are available and are VASTLY, beyond words better for your hair and image.
  18. Hmmm. Whether or not it works for you really shouldn't be even the slightest concern -- *assuming* you go to an elite clinic (e.g. a Coalition Doc). 400 grafts, like you mentioned, really won't do much; that is, it won't make an appreciable difference if you have legitimate balding or thinned areas. 400 grafts, when done, is probably best to be done "FUE" -- as opposed to "strip", or FUT -- and done for minor refinement type sessions. Generally, you want to have to go through as few sessions as possible while achieving the maximum number of grafts. Sometimes this can't be done for financial reasons, or if a clinic is no comfortable exceeding a certain number of grafts....the latter of which, shouldn't be a real issue if you go to a top doc.
  19. In breaking news, Vegas oddsmaker lays 99-1 that NG2GB has gone to the "drugstore", not walmart.
  20. Look at what the doctors of the highest *ethical* standards do when administering procedures that are anything less than perfected and proven (e.g. BHT): HEAVILY discounted, or done "pro bono". What does Armani do? Charge the highest rates this side of the Mississippi while fostering an attitude that the procedure is revolutionary, and undoubtably of the highest caliber. Hmmmm. Too many young patients beleive they are *just* risking the possibility of future loss for stellar, unparalleled results in the present and immediate future; they brush aside his "ethics", while not realizing the very real risk in the results themsleves, and their precious donor, which Janna has mentioned. Combine this with (blatent) specious marketing and (unanswered) logical ?s regarding the efficacy of his procedures (**which may very well be fatally flawed to begin with**), and I wouldn't risk my donor and scalp for a 4k Armani FUE if it was for free.....
  21. Kul, If/when I start the foam post-op I personally intend on using it indefinitely; from what I understand it can help accelerate growth, but my primary aim is in using it as a defensive line for my vertex/crown, which I want to do everything in my power to safeguard.
  22. Correct; though, especially when combined, there is very strong anecdotal evidence that they can help the frontal region, and this is widely beleived; at the same time, like mentioned, it is important to try to stabalize your crown so you don't have to use up precious donor on that region.
  23. I wouldn't go to Cole, as I've heard way to many shady things. Especially with the other options available, which you've mentioned. To me, it would be between Feller and Rose, no doubt. I am not terribly familiar with Rose, but I have heard good things from credible people about his work and I would definitely inquire further. I didn't ultimately get FUE done this time around, but I VERY keen on it, and did quite a bit of research into it. Initially, I went to Feller in an effort to get FUE done by him.
  24. Temples, people, temples. Look at the temples on this man. No President with such a fitting hairline, lush density, and excellent templework is in ANY position to lead our country towards the promised land of universal hair-restoration for all. Sadly, after his momentous win tonight, it looks like our salvation inches backwards..... Shorting the bejeezus out of Intercetyx if this man gets elected.
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