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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Prime location, for sure. Btw, Faceless, I went to high-school in McLean.
  2. Can't expect much @ but 3 months, but it looks like you have healed nicely and the fun is just about to begin for ya!. I think your ultimate results are going to be damn good; your diffuse thinning should be nice "filler" for the transplanted hairs, and you received a truly robust number. I'm curious to see what your density is going to be like. Good to hear about your shockloss starting to reverse itself. Next time you wish us Happy New Year your going to be a newly hair-ridden man...
  3. Interesting. I could swear I read in literature that it contained 2% -- guess not, thx for the research! I still think Revita is great, but prolly' going to incorporate the niz 2% now, even though I'm not a fan of how it leaves my hair...also going to try Arrie's Revita/Niz followed by the Pantene Full n' Thick conditioner. Our follicles need every edge they can get their paws on.
  4. Lotus, thx, I'm actually unsure of density figures; I would assume it to be fairly high, though again, I'm not sure of exact figures....will see if I can find out in the coming time and edit a post to include #s if so! Actually had that question on my master list going into the HT, but amidst the exciting -- though nonetheless draining -- day I forgot to inquire.
  5. I think *partial* credit for buzz is the ebb and flow of "showcase" patients that happen to be walking through a doctor's doors. Rahal, for instance, undoubtably does premier work, and he deserves a *very* lofty placing on a Who's The Best list; but, I've noticed that a lot of his patients that I've seen had really good inherent qualities, that combined with his skill produced results that draw the envy of the follicularly challenged.
  6. Try mastering the concealer (dermmatch and/or toppik) -- could allay much of your aesthetic nightmare and buy you some sanity while you wait for treatments to kick in and time to pass as you become a potentially solid candidate for a HT. It isn't as good as real hair, of course, but many (myself included) have had remarkable results that really soothed the follicular soul.
  7. Kriss, what type graft-count do you want to achieve or have you been recommended? If your volume is something high like 4k then I think it is a relatively easy decision to choose strip. As for what doc you ultimately decide on, I think the most important thing by far is to narrow it down to a few that you *know* to be elite....it is still a tough decision to be had, but it is like eating cake -- every slice will be great.. I think a lot of it at that point is who you feel the most comfortable with and who can work best with you in achieving your goals. First I would determine whether FUE or FUT is for you -- this could make your ultimate decision much easier potentially.
  8. Nice list of prospective docs, snakeoil, you are certaintly setting yourself up for a great HT with whomever you choose. It's cool that you aren't placing a premium on location. Being a repair case, I'd be extra-inquisitive towards looking for experience and results in dealing w/ repairs. I'm also curious as to the and what seems to be the standard protocol there w/ consults. Was is just that particular day, perhaps, that they couldn't ensure you a chance of Dr. Shapiro seeing you?
  9. Too many ornamental organizations that mean very little. It's like boxing titles; so bloody many that it is tough to know what they all even really mean and who the true champs are.
  10. Ya, pretty much...I seem to just notice them after cleansing my scalp -- could be impacted by the incredibly strong lighting in my bathroom. I just checked in a different mirror (couple hours after I last bathed the area) and I don't see them..
  11. Sorry to hear, man, that sounds friggin wretched; even more unfortunate that it isn't *that* surprising..thankfully, you still prolly have a good deal of donor left over, and your hairloss doesn't look too bad to begin with...SO, if you select an elite HT clinic your future still looks bright in my opinion. But, I guess this shows that even "the best of MHR" is truly damning with faint praise....
  12. Phew, thx! Good to know that there isn't something wrong if a few of them feel/look a bit irregular.
  13. I hope this is something that is "normal" and that's that: a few of the stitches on the ride side of my head don't seem to fully mimic the ones on the left....like some of the sides aren't fully clamped/pressed down deep into the skin in the same way that most of them are. To clarify, I wouldn't say they feel loose, but they clearly feel -- and look -- different. I noticed the difference when cleansing my scalp.
  14. None taken. This is precisely why I need to achieve the means to be able to hire a personal idea-guy. Or idea-tall-thin-darkhaired-girl so I ideas like this don't just pass me by.
  15. When was your procedure? Also, who was your doctor and many grafts if you don't mind divulging...? I am curious as to the answer of your question and why it looks to be happening only to certain grafts; today is my last day washing my scalp with a water/water+shampoo mixture from a thermas before switching to a shower and I have noticed what I think is the same thing that you are describing....not the yellow/crusty part, though, at least not yet.
  16. Don't try to deflect your disrespect for an idealic -- and generous -- cryo freezing with rote flattery and talk of Tom Cruise! I think we all know what you are really angling for: the sweet brewskie....perhaps Josh won't call your bluff and will, however, grant you permission to fondle and suck on his icy brew while I sit there mouth agape, adorned with an Alba mask and dry mouth... Btw -- dibs on Riddler!
  17. Hotddamn! Toe punting a small child into the crisp, frothy air WITH NO CONSEQUENCES!?!?!?! Consider yourself priveledged to have lived but a day in such a majestic time. I do know a guy whose friend's little brother attempted to toe punt a medium-sized rabbinical student; the punt was, of course, unsuccessful due to the excessive size of the puntee (classic rook move); and he was also charged with a hate crime, the trial still pending.
  18. Janna, Something of a fledgling writer; not my current profession and livelihood, but what I hope to eventually be. Post-shattered image I'll hopefully have a more sound -- albeit still quirky -- mind and can focus better on more stuff besides my long, lost, locks! Balody, partial credit for the face showing has to be given to me just being a computer dunce -- would prolly' have taken 10 man hours for me to figure out how to hide myself..!
  19. Oh my, the severe laughing can't be good for my scar........ "so you know their putty in your paws".....
  20. FUE has a relatively high transection rate, and the yield is progressively lower than strip the larger the session of FUE...like you mentioned, there are three primary forces in the process of extraction that result in the ruition of some of the fragile follicles. As of now, no one has been able to breakthrough this seemingly inherent fact and make it so FUE sessions can rival FUT sessions in terms of yield and size. Lack of a scar, as well as a smoother/quicker recovery time is what has always appealed to me most about FUE; and I researched it ad nauseum. For you, I think the biggest thing is how good of a candidate are you for FUE, or for FUT? Specifically, what type of graft # session are you looking for? If it is like 1500 or below, and you don't mind paying a bit of a premium, I think in the hands of the right doctor FUE could be a very viable option for you. As an aside, having just gone through a stirp procedure, it is MUCH less "traumatic" and painful than I imagined it to be...MUCH less. Take that for what it's worth.
  21. Ya, I'm not in any post-op pain so I can't honestly say it's even the oxy talking....and still looking a bit ridiculous I can't even say I'm loaded on scoprion bowls because I can't go out to a trendy restaurant and order them...dillemas....
  22. I remember looking at that case, and it looked very questionable at the time....HT, I'm sorry you got the ban-hammer, especially if things went down like you say. The bubble just might be starting to burst. Yes, it does seem that HLH doesn't mind their forums being flooded with pro-armani diologue and robust cases of pre-op/post-op FUE megasessions but when the questions start to come in...and they start to lead to logical conclusions....the answer is a swift ban or deletion. I have zero against HLH, and like a lot about it, but it does seem that they treat Armani and his revolutionary claims with an accomodating, soft pair of kid gloves. Of course there are at least two sides to every story....
  23. Man, I'm overhwelmed by the support and ideas for my campaign towards cryogenic freezing. Though, it does dishearten me some that NG2GB doesn't find the prospect of me and an alba mask a sweet enough deal!!!??? Fly, I would be so honored to warrant NG2GB coming to hunt me down to put me into a woodchipper....one can only hope!
  24. Balody, I can't wait to look into the mirror and think "man, THIS is the person I know"...even, if say, I "just" look 20! In terms of future procedures: despite having this procedure at a young age, based off of my hairloss' progression and type and where I remain strong, (plus having "a minimum" ~7k grafts in my donor) I should be ok EVEN IF I gotta go back in the chair later in life.... so far, propecia has worked great for me in the middle/crown, and I plan on incorporating rogaine foam 5% as well to really safeguard myself. However, there is a legit chance is still that I will be back in the chair, nonetheless, at least one more time -- I shouldn't have to even think about that though for a good 5+ years in a bad case scenario. Hopefully my wacky hairloss is the type were it really plateus with the aid of treatments at this time; but, if not, I don't feel like I've mortaged my future. Fly, 22 years old, but my hairloss became noticeable at 20. I agree, despite having such hairloss at a young age, there really is a half-full glass to be had.....between doctors like Feller, propecia, rogaine 5% there is a mighty arsenal to attack with and the treatments will only get stronger.....between BHT, HM, and some sort of refined, more potent type of propecia lurking around the bend (granted the bend could easily be over a decade) the future of options looks bright. It sounds sappy and a bit ridiculous, but hairloss has given me some newfound perspective on not taking things for granted; if I can get my hair back to a solid level, I really do beleive it will be like having something of a new lease on life.
  25. Josh, I'm not sure what my density was, though I agree it was prolly' pretty high -- I wouldn't mind knowing, though. Also, ya, I've never been able to find even a decent fit onto a NW scale, but was wondering if maybe I was looking at it wrong. Like gazza mentioned, prolly a weird NW4. Faheem -- hmmm, I actually have pretty good desity elsewhere...it's really my frontal 1/3rd that thinned considerably; so, I think the density will match up pretty well for the foreseeable future (?). The area wasn't huge by any means, but I agree with Dr. Feller that 3k grafts was an ideal # for my case. Time will, of course, tell! Gazza, thx -- given how I was a difficult case (in the sense of thinned blood) it was/is amazing how dilligent and persistent Dr. Feller and his staff were in forging ahead and ensuring an optimal outcome of surgery. FWIW, he said my hair charachteristics were great -- thick, wiry, little wave, and plentiful...then again, I have a massive head so lotto area to cover!
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