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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. I would get on rogaine foam 5% ASAP, and also order some revita shampoo. If the sides from propecia outweight the benefits, then remain off it. But, don't let a lack of blockbuster results after 6 months sway you. It often takes 12+ months for full effects to take place; as well, when combined w/ rogaine there can be a synergistic effect for max potency. Finally, even if you don't get great regrowth, stabalizing and strengthening your hair is KEY...especially if you happen to be young and looking into an HT.
  2. Thanks every1, It feels liberating, indeed, to have joined The Club, and I can't wait to document my progress when my mind is free from the seductive shackles of Scorpion Bowlage!! *Eman, glad you enjoyed it; I actually am tryin to break into the writing scene, though it has been made more difficult since I left school early....but, who knows, perhap I will make a gallant return to academia just as the seasonal tides transform my mop from scrawny to brawny!
  3. Thanks guys, hairloss really is a tricky beast -- and unless you are going through it, most people are so unsympathetic and uninformed. I'm def looking foward to growing well and seeing what the end result looks like. Once a month I think I will be making an update.....also, I either never asked Dr. Feller for an opinion, or I did and forgot it during the haze of surgery day, but what NW level would you say I am at pre-op? I've never actually had an "official", unsubjective opinion on this. Anyways, just a quick update, post-op pain and bleeding has been really minimal so far heading into Day3, so the next hurdle I am looking to is the shedding and waiting...between keeping my hair buzzed tight once the staples come out and using some dermmatch I don't think it will be that bad and my paranoia and obsession over growth will be pretty tolerable! To women slaying mops!
  4. Those pictures are funny, and disturbing, to say the least.
  5. Haha, your hair looks perfect from this angl; if you are paranoid about possibly going bald, which you may still be, go see a dermatologist and get examined and have her look for early stages of minaturization. But, from my view, you are totally fine. If the test results come up positive, however, look into Revita shampoo, propecia, and rogaine 5% foam and weigh your options. You don't even seem to have a "mature" hairline yet, which you may very well be getting.
  6. Your crown has taken a heavy hit, and it looks like you may have some thinning mid-scalp, as well. I would look into, and assuming everything is kosher GET ON, the following as soon as possible, which I am sure you have seen told before: propecia; rogaine foam 5%, nizoral 2% shampoo (or revita shampoo if you don't mind paying a little extra) It wouldn't surprise me if you were to achieve very, very good results with the aforementioned given your loss. Also, look into toppik, with the above it could really allay your follicular woes.
  7. Balody, in my night of "inebriation" and absent-mindedness I somehow missed that comment of yours -- as Larry David might say, "pritty, pritty goooood" Dr. Feller, thx, and if/when Round 2 comes about I'll be sure to have a friend transport me about in an alchohol-proof incubator the night prior......!
  8. I would not use Nizoral on a daily basis; personally I find it too harsh, even the 1%. Revita, however, I now use as my daily shampoo and I love everything about it. Also, it contains 2% ketoconazole!
  9. A seminal moment in my life, for sure, and I feel total confidence in choosing Dr. Feller and his team. Hair loss has plauged me the past several years, truly impacting my identity, while sapping vigor....sure, some may find it to be "just" aesthetics; but, I think many of us know it is something far more reaching. After virtually two decades of living, the person I saw when I looked in the mirror, and the person I thought to project to others became increasingly fragmented, shattering into an image that I couldn't understand, want, or beleive to even have; at such a young age, particularly, it has been difficult to find ways to cope when it is such an anomoly. This has been a first, major step in working w/ Dr. Feller towards my "follicular revitalization".
  10. Man, two qualified applicants already! One who has tons of experience and a true penchant for burying people, but isn't responsible or punctual. Another with a very accessible freezer that already is proven to cryogenically freeze beer, which I would have to keep my paws off of but nonetheless is a nice reassurance. Ty Janna; and I agree that the two applicants' posts above are disturbingly difficult to choose between...
  11. An Armani patient. Shocker. Good thing he isn't packing in super high numbers of grafts into low NWs to help mask the poor yield that is inherent in brute-force FUE megasessions. Oh, wait....
  12. Ya, I was (am) QUITE embrassed by my gaffe the night before and have felt seriously terrible about it; for the life of me I still don't what I was thinking -- or not thinking to be more precise, as I had been taking every other precaution leading up my surgery and it was so uncharachteristic of me.....just one of those weird things, I guess....it was like the first thing I made sure I stopped doing leading up the surgery (drinking, even on NewYears), that by the time the day came I was just so consumed by everything other than drinking that I had a drink unwittingly. But ya, a lesson to all, indeed -- do not do *anything* (be it a sip of alcohol or a tablt of ibiprofun) that messes with your blood and make sure to never forget. All is well that ends well, though, and I will *never* make a slip up like that again for sure!
  13. I think the spacing in some of the grafts is because they were being placed in between a fair amount of native hair (?). And that the "larger" looking ones is just due to pic quality and blood (?). Not totally sure, but while 2300 grafts does seem to be on the lower end of the possibe graft count spectrum, I think it will provide you really good coverage and set you up great for the future if you decide you wanna go back for added density. Looking forward to seeing your updates!
  14. The wait truly begins; but a wonderful wait it is! In the coming days I will start assembling a weblog and posting pics. Balody, I haven't actually been told this, but I *think* "popping" means that when the grafts are being placed they don't take well (perhas due to a lack of coagulation?) and keep "popping" out.
  15. Hmmm, ya, shedding and natural, inevitable hair loss seems most likely....I scoured the web some last night and could't find anything other than anecdotal evidence that either treatment can have that effect. Good to know that a rogaine-propecia combo can work especially well in diffuse thinners, even on the hairline! Riding the wave of sheds is crucial, even though they can get pretty rattling....
  16. I am but 5 hours post-op, and already time is starting to warp itelf and minutes are becoming hours. Thus, I need help in freezing myself; you will also have to defrost me 6months from now so being responsible and punctual is a must. I don't want to wake up in the year 2150 where bald is beautiful.
  17. lol @ marco polo. I think keeping your hair buzzed is a good way to avoid excessive obsessions over growth....probably what I am going to do......then, at 6 months, start letting it grow out and let the good times roll.
  18. I've heard a decent amount of anecdotal evidence (for whatever that is worth) where rogaine (either foam or liquid) brought about and destroyed hairlines, as well. I'd like a more "official" opinion on whether fin and rogaine can actually put hairs to sleep w/o reviving them.
  19. Toco-8 is the vitamin E supp I am going to be using. As for other stuff that I am going to be possibly using as a post-HT regime: Generous portions of Aloe Vera (to donor and recipient 5days after, 2-3x a day) MSM (to try to speed growth) Distilled witch hazel (help with redness; use 8 days post op) As for emu oil, to be honest I am not that familiar with it; I know many people say it accelerates the healing process of your scalp...I beleive post-staple/suture removal people start using it on their donor. I will be calling Dr. Feller's office soon to inquire about both emu oil, aloe vera, and the distilled witch hazel to get their "official" opnion on all three.
  20. I'd recommend waiting 12 or more months, if ya can hold out. As a new user to going both pro and ro your results might be quite surprising -- in a good way, and change both your own opinion and your prospective doctor's on your prognosis! Plus, it is best to stabalize your hairs as much as possible to prevent shockloss....going to an elite HT practice is another prevention.
  21. Hey guys, Appreciate the kind words of support. Well, the deed is done and I just returned to my hotel room...I need to first say some words about Dr. Feller and his staff, because they really did go above and beyond their "typical" commitment to excellence. I really can't speak highly enough of Dr. Feller and his team; they all have a true passion for hair restoration, and they really do strive for the best that a patient can receive. I was no exception today. I did slip up and had some alcohol last night....ironic considering right before I went to buy socks and a nail clipper to make extra sure that I didn't hurty my grafts when I sleep!! Taking your advice, I made sure to alert Dr. Feller right away. While I didn't drink a terrible amount, I did drink enough to inrease whatever inclinations I had to bleeding and "popping"....this did make the procedure more complex and lenghty than it had to be, yet Dr. Feller and his staff worked tirelessly -- and meticulously -- in conquering the setback and forging ahead towards optimal results. I don't beleive many doctors would have been able to do this, or been willing. So, once again, I thank the entire Feller Operation for showing true dedication and care, which I truly do appreciate. (**conjuring up plans to express a tangible "thank you"**). Ok, now for some brighter news: the work came out great, and with my donor charachteristics I think the result is really going to be super. We got the 3k (and some change) grafts that was our goal, and built a hairline that I *love* and think to be very appropriate. The surgery was a breaze for me, save for some minor neck cramping towards the end....but, then again, the surgery was longer than it even had to be. I woul rate my overall discomfort during the procedure as a 2.5....the shots were a literal pain, but you are so excited and pumped up you get over it quickly. I was stunned by virtually feeling nothing as Dr. Feller excised my donor and made his incisions. Post-op, I felt some VERY minor pains in my head, but after popping a painkiller I feel 100%. I look forward to documenting my progress with this community. I can confidently say that without this site and it's members I would NOT have just received such a high-quality, safe procedure; and that the altetnative very well could have been disastrous!
  22. Ugh. Well, I probably had the equivolence of 1, maybe 2 drinks; and I followed every other blood thinning related precept to a T....can't find much detailed info on this, I'm not sure if a little drink the night before is going to be my ruin....
  23. Can't believe I drank.....stunned. I read and re-read the what to do's, what not to do's, when to do's, lists 8ways to sunday ...mea culpa....
  24. Thankfully I am one for hyperbole and my mother is a lush...nonetheless, worrysome.
  25. N.B. to those who read, filter what is said through the lens of me being slightly hammered after downing two Scorpion Bowls (actually didn't down two "scorpion bowls", but foolishly, albeit unwittingly drank a little bit) w/ my mother....**shameless plug #1** Hanata (Japanese) Fusion Restaurant and Bar makes a mean Scorpion Bowl and has wonderful, crispy duck, ahem. The Night Before I arrive to Inn At Great Neck and immediately start wondering if knowledge really is always power, and whether or not I should have spent so much time on the Bosley Medical Violation website. Any irrational anxieties, however, are quickly quelled when I scoped out the sick, hanging TV in my room and an eclectic supply of Pirate's Booty on the top of the cabinet. N.B. #2 it is often said that Caramel Pirate's Booty and Scorpion Bowls have a synergistic effect, and tonight proved no different. Settling into my room, my mother and I make haste into the mellow, but wholly interesting and refined night of Great Neck, NY. In well over a year, this is the first time I have exposed myself to the public sans Dermmatch and/or Toppik. And it felt awkward, but liberating; like the first time you wear a pink shirt, or so I imagine....we amble along, and find out way to the aforementioned Scorpion Bowls and crispy duck. N.B #3 the sushi looked to be amazing, but I wasn't about to risk getting food poisoned for the third time in as many months by gorging oneself on raw fish....not that there is anything wrong with that. Drunk, but not altogether mentally absent, I run down my master check-list of potentially useful items, paying particular attention the narcotic section of my list. Perhaps losing my hair @ 20 and electing to get a series of HT is a disguised blessing after all. Speaking of blessings, **shameless plug #2** Dr. Feller's office is situated in close proximity to a Chinese "ChiGong" massage shop; indeed, right across the street from the Inn At Great Neck you can have your back and neck trampled upon and come out feeling wonderful. Highly recommended, even if you elect to go about your business sans trampling. My father has called me about 8 times in the span of 8 hours as he thinks I am about to go to the butcher store and come back with hair that resembles shredded honey-ham. It is with this vein that I will down an ambien, and retire to my chambers, bathing myself in a soothing slumber of ambien and Scorpion Bowlage where cell-phone rings just don't exist. Surgical experience and frank dialogue of Why and How I got here to follow...
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