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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Ya, I also heard that ancient chinese monks used to use similiar techniques -- secrets past down, of course, through several generations of kung fu -- to obtain thick, Elvis hair in addition to untold amounts of virility and strength!
  2. Ya, its scary to think that every single area that is now thin will eventually....be gone....
  3. Howdy. Your remark about the world famous Bosley Jip -- is that made mainly based off of you not perceiving noticeable results at this time, or other stuff as well? As for the hat issue, or non-issue: I've been told by several doctors that wearing a hat won't in and of itself cause "hair loss"; though, if we are talking strictly about the "health" of your hair and scalp, it is probable that in a perfect situation you didn't wear a hat as opposed to wearing a hat...especially if you sweat a lot. I've never heard of rogaine (foam or otherwise) negatively affecting the work of a HT, when being used in a similiar fashion to what you would be doing (i.e. 6months post-op, etc.)....at the same time, I wouldn't expect it to work a miracle, sadly, if you got jobbed on the HT to begin with. Do you have any post-op photos of your HT work?
  4. Not just from this thread, but from topics regarding this very question, the answers usually seem pretty polarized -- either someone got "butchered" at a hairmill after getting duped and regrets it like all hell, or the HT(s) were successful and its given them a new lease on things and they are giddy. Even though *complete* restoration isn't possible as of now, the tools exist, that, when in the hands of an elite doctor, can yield truly excellent results....and seem to do so at a near perfect rate.
  5. Thats a good point BeHappy; almost always things take much, much longer than people want them too -- especially journalists n' writers who want to pump up juicy new breakthroughs! Why can't hair restoration be like computers and every year the latest best thing becomes antiquated!?
  6. Thx -- wow, I wasn't even fully aware of the "Varient" Norwood classifications....Tough to say for sure without doing a thorough self-examination (or doing another online consult), but I think I'm a fresh IIIa....10months or so ago I'd hav said I'm a IIa. Gotta do some research on this, see what exactly I'm dealing with! Come to think of it, I think a surgeon said I was a _a, but I'm generally so anxious during meatings with doctors a lot of info slips past me....need to create check-lists before and write things down.
  7. For me, e.g., my actual hairline is pretty much intact; I don't have any "bald spots" really, not even in my crown...however, I have pretty badly thinned out hair throughout my frontal region...I'd say the first 1/3rd of my scalp. I've tried determining my Norwood level by looking at the typical descriptions and can't really come to a conclusion. I don't ever recall a doctor giving me a NW classification either. I'm still trying to get pics onto my PC, but, in the meantime, does anyone have any info about how to classify cases like what I described...?
  8. For me, e.g., my actual hairline is pretty much intact; I don't have any "bald spots" really, not even in my crown...however, I have pretty badly thinned out hair throughout my frontal region...I'd say the first 1/3rd of my scalp. I've tried determining my Norwood level by looking at the typical descriptions and can't really come to a conclusion. I don't ever recall a doctor giving me a NW classification either. I'm still trying to get pics onto my PC, but, in the meantime, does anyone have any info about how to classify cases like what I described...?
  9. Ya, in ~6months when I go back to get analyzed by True&Dorin, if I've continued to respond really well to the meds, I'm going to make some serious inquiries about opting for a more aggressive approach. As of recently I was recommended for ~1200; unfortunately, I'm not sure how large a piece of the pie that is, and what the ultimate number would be to give me "full", or close to full, density...thats one question I'm really curious to get answered.
  10. I remember a thread a couple weeks back (which I can't find), with Pat stating that 2 recommended doctors would be getting removed; one of whom was "outed", the other (a Coalition doc) getting till' ~August,1st to confirm or not their current standards and expertise. Was there any new info on this that I may have missed?
  11. I remember a thread a couple weeks back (which I can't find), with Pat stating that 2 recommended doctors would be getting removed; one of whom was "outed", the other (a Coalition doc) getting till' ~August,1st to confirm or not their current standards and expertise. Was there any new info on this that I may have missed?
  12. Really good article, mildly depressing, not altogether surprising...I feel like I just learned that Santa Claus doesn't exist!
  13. Congrats, PowerR. Again, I'd implore you to at least get an online consultation with, ideally, a "coalition doctor"....and/or post some pictures here....start to get a wholly dependable assessment of your situation, then start taking deliberate action. Regardless of what doctor and what treatment you ultimately decide, you have made an *excellent* decision in getting out of your (formerly) scheduled HT w/ Bosley. I also 2nd WantHairs' idea...I do wonder how "Grace's" employers would feel about the way she conducted herself, and the specific things that she has said...certaintly, *threatening* others and acting like an escaped mental patient aren't part Bosley's corporate policy...
  14. I really sympathize with your situation, Reverie. I'm not an expert on hair restoration by any means, so I can only lend support and words of encouragement. First, you have come to a good website and its great that you started contacting *elite* surgeons, setting yourself up for the optimal path -- I'm assuming "coalition doctors". I really wouldn't take their initial silence as a tacit way of saying you aren't a good candidate....it would truly surprise me, and I agree with what Bill said regarding it. The biggest positive is that we live in a time where hair restoration has truly made great, great strides -- and astoundingly monumental breakthroughs are on the horizon (hair cloning/multiplecation, etc.). I think doing what you have started doing is the best thing possible -- like starting a business, surround yourself with the best people possible....inform yourself as best as possible, meet with the elite in the hair restoration field.... Keep at it!
  15. Looks like this will give her a really nice aesthetic boost....I'm always amazed at the difference a relatively modest # of grafts can make when focused on the hairline region.
  16. With the (likelyhood) of cloning/HM on the way -- lets set the timeline at, say, 10 years as of today -- could that be a key piece in utilizing a more aggressive approach with current, HTs? I think so (as of now), though maybe this is just a convenient excuse to be overly-aggy....but, I think the next time I meet with True&Dorin I will raise this point....it seems like the primary, long-term downsides that can arise with a too-aggressive, early approach are at least somewhat mitigated if you make it a given that major scientific advancements will happen.
  17. I don't have much to add, other than try to be patient, know that you are taking action and have come to a good place and will be going in a solid direction. Sucks to wait, for sure, but the end of August isn't that horrible, and the most important thing is that you have begun informing yourself and are taking action! It sounds like you have caught MPB pretty early, if you even have it! If ya want to just start *something* to tide you over till you may be moving onto the big guns, maybe look into taking some "biotin".
  18. My best hope for it is that it will basically augment existing treatments, I think thats the best case scenario for it....though, it seems that many beleive it is 100% bs..... Nonetheless, I'm hoping it would help my HT hair grow in stronger, faster; maybe be one more thing to aid in my existing hair coming in stronger....I dunno, but I didn't pay for the laser comb so I might as well give it a whirl. I too will report benefits; am going to start using it this week I think.
  19. You really are doing a *great* job representing Bosley, btw...as I initially said, you are a very...."fitting" cheerleader. I'm sorry if I don't mince words and it strikes nerves; and that I call a spade a spade when it concerns the well being of a kid who is being taken advantage of by a sicko shill. I stand by every word I have said, and I'm positive that somewhere in your wacko mind you may very well realize that you are completely full of shit....sadly, your too much of a coward to open your eyes...or, maybe you are just a total ass and enjoy being like that...who knows, eh? Either way, I really just hope PowerRanger doesn't get totally screwed by you and your Bosley cohort, as I have repeatedly said. And, fwiw, your last post was clearly written by someone so unstable that I am almost starting to think you are just some troll. GG, Grace, your body of work speaks for itself.
  20. At first, I thought maybe some things were said that were too harsh and emotional, perhaps she actually had the best interest of PowerRanger in mind to an extent... But I just re-read this entire thread, and The Great Shill Of Bosley comes off even more deceitful and distasteful...its *almost* comical, except she is actually aiding in the rolling of dice of a young man's life and who knows how many others...which, after all, is ultimately what many of us have taken serious objection to! From the start, she spews *blatent* deceit and half-truths in her ironic "FACT:" post, which many members systematically ripped apart, and naturally took offense to. Virtually every word she has spoken, from first to last, regarding hair restoration, has been laced with a combination of the following: ignorance, arrogance, smugness, deceit, and corporate sales sleaze, and doublespeak. To me, "Grace" is part of an effort (and apparently a big cheerleader to boot) that prays on people, particularly the young, when they are at their weakest, most vulnerable, most confused; and, at a time when they need honest guidance and truth the most, betrays their trust. Whether her impetus is ignorance & good intentions, or pure, outright deceit people like her are dangerous and contemptible.
  21. Grace, Grace, Grace.... I really don't *need* to belittle you, nor have I really tried -- you seem to do a truly marvelous job on your own, as you descend into hurling lame, ineffective personal attacks. A true LOL @ that pseudo-imperious, pathetic attempt at an insult....not only do you prove yourself (once again) to be an ass by hurling a *very* weak insult -- in this case to a fine university -- which, I have zero affiliation with; but, your post manages to reach epic lameness when you ramble incoherent about divinity school (); and, topping things off, you bring up SATs in a desperate (and once again patheticly inane) attempt to compensate for your company's tawdry, ugly, inferior makeup...which, by the way, you seem to be an excellent reflection of! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. So good job, Grace, keep on truckin' at Bosley, clinging to your hilarious notion of smug, snide intelligence. You come off as an unhappy, shrill shill....and I have the sneaking suspicion that I am not the first nor the last to think this! Intelligence is what intelligence does, Grace, didn't you learn that at Cornell? As an aside, you write *horribly*, almost to the point of being offensive since you like to act so smug at the same time....I would implore you and/or your family to ask CORNELLLLLL for a refund.
  22. I'll take this "fact" by fact, if you don't mind. FACT: Many posters are not paid to post here, and most of your most vehement critics within this thread are not. FACT: The doctors recommended on this site reside on the vanguard of hair transplantation, and serve to provide the best service which is ultimately what we all want. FACT: Yes, the numerous (horror) stories documented about Bosley certaintly are, unfortunately, real. FACT: Perhaps you do fire *some* doctors....just like some doctors choose to leave because they are put off by both your sales tactics and quality of work. FACT: There are risks in any surgery, sadly for Bosley patients those risks are exponentially greater than with any number of the doctors recommended on this website. FACT: Laser therapy's efficacy is murky at best....but hey, you are offering the young man TWO FREE LASER SESSIONS!!!!!! if only he will just follow through and sign his follicular sould over to you...hey, can't beat that offer. FACT: Ok..... FACT: Well, assuming you don't go totally spastic I look forward to your final "fact" being brutally slaughtered as well. But hey, rolling the dice with this young man's life really means nothing to you....well, wait, it actually might mean a few $$$$$. The information within this thread I suspect will continue to bolster the points and perspectives initially set forth; hopefully, this will aid others in the future as well as PowerRanger himself.
  23. HTs are "permanent"; however, male pattern baldness, which you may very well have, is very much a progressive (sometimes frighteningly so) condition, which in turn makes things relatively complicated. e.g., say you find a competent doctor willing to work on you and transplant 2000 units....you forgo using propecia and/or rogaine....fast forward 12 months, and the transplanted hairs have grown in and given you a nice aesthetic boost where you before had thinning or no hair....will you then look as you presently imagine you would with the said transplanted hairs filled in? much more likely than not, the answer would be "no", as your MPB has continued to progress at a relatively quick rate as you haven't taken certain steps to mitigate it; now where do you stand? You keep on rinsin' and repeatin' the aforementioned, I suppose. Re-growth is a very very tough thing to achieve; this places an even greater importance on *preserving* existing hair....which, as in the hypothetical I provided, can go hand in hand with transplantion(s). I would definitely recommend you read some of the bigger debates concerning drugs on this forum; personally, and this goes for most, I have experienced little to no side effects. I also have a strong beleif that the future will bring new solutions and that I will not be on Propecia for the rest of my life. Ultimately, I firmly weigh the positives of what Propecia does above longish-shot, unknowns. Of course,I can't prove a negative and say that my future on Propecia won't result in X ailment; but, after having tested out Propecia, noticing no side-effects, I have stayed on the drug and have found it to be an integral piece of my hair loss puzzle. Either way, read up on the pros and cons and see what makes the most sense for you.
  24. Yo, Welcome to the forum! Your loss hair pattern sounds rather similiar to mine, actually. At any rate, the general consencus advice for "Oh shit, I'm really beginning to lose my precious follicles, wtf do I do?!" is to *look into* (different things work best for different people so its not an absolute that the following will be for you): seeing a doctor and looking into starting propecia....this is the staple hair loss drug, and its main efficacy is in preserving and bolstering existing hair, with the potential for re-grouth with continual usage (i.e. 9+ months...also, it has the least effect, generally, in the frontal region...though, for me, it seems to have halted virtually all of hair loss!) propecia does have side-effects, like all drugs, so look into them carefully (this forum has some good debates over it), and realie that for the drugs effects to STAY, you must maintain usage! the rogaine 5% *foam* is another staple....you mentioned using it for "a month or two" and stopping....I can't say for sure if you continue using it you will see results, but I would def recommend getting back on it, using it for 6 months and re-evaluating....maybe take some before and after pics to judge progress (?). nizoral or revita shampoo....this won't give you Elvis Hair by any stretch of the imagination, but the ingredients seem top top insofar as you can ask for a shampoo to help your hair. as for a HT (hair transplant), impossible for me to say, and your best bet is getting a consultation with a Coalition Doctor...if none are viable due to location, many offer online-consultations; as well, if you post some pics here I am sure you will get some helpfull feedback as many HT-gurus dwell! imo, take things very slowly with regard to getting a HT, be very deliberate, and soak in the new information I am sure you will find. best general advice I can give!
  25. I always knew Bosley offered piss poor HTs, but after reading the response they sent to PowerR, and the way they are hawking their services it is just downright shameful and truly showcases ethics of the lowest order. High degree of incompetence, low degree of ethics, sole aim of $ = disasters waiting to happen. In a sense, Bosley is just a business, and from this stripped down point of view, their actions are logical and even understandable....they have an inferior product and find ways to compensate for this. At the same time, while Bosley has the right to make this choice, it is our right and choice to point out their deficiencies and faults while offering solutions; which, have nothing to do with business & money but with an objective desire for people to get the best treatment possible for their personal MPB-situation. At the end of the day, PowerRanger, you gotta go with your gut after analying the information that has been laid on the table; whatever you ultimately decide to do, like Bill said, we wish you the best of luck and hope you keep us posted!
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