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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. Originally posted by troy:

    dhuge67, I have not tried any cocealers yet, my question is this, if you were on a date and she wanted to touch your hair, what would that be like? is it kind of like gel? I think i would only need a tiny bit, right now i just use gel and that works, but would prefer a bit more thickness. Then does it just wash out with shampoo, and where do you purchase toppik?


    As I said in another thread, I just make sure the excess comes out of my hair after letting it sit in my hair for about 2 minutes. Just run your hands through your hair, and the excess will fall out, then just add some non-harmful hairspray and you're good to go.


    Nothing comes out in your hands after that and it feels like your normal hair - it's pretty crazy and amazing.


    I bought it from the first placed that showed up on Google: http://www.folica.com/toppik.htm

  2. It's sort of like a salt shaker for your hair. If you run your hands through to style your hair, the excess will come off. Then use a little non-harmful hairspray and you'll be good to go, and nothing should come off on your hands after that.


    I worked out in it (I lifted and then ran 3 miles) and it didn't run or become obvious.

  3. Yeah, it is quite amazing to me that it works as well as it does. I don't know if Toppik has the same potential as Dermmatch, as far as it staying in during exercise?


    Also, it's a little iffy on the hairline, itself. I need to be careful when applying it there. Once the HT hairs sprout and fully thicken, it will be easier, but right now it would be obvious on the hairline if it were scrutinized.


    I'm happy with the results though.


    Class presentations and speeches, etc? Toppik, check!


    I mean, I was happy enough with the trial size that I immediately bought a 150 day mega supply. I just hope Propecia stops my loss completely now, so I can continue to use this effectively.


    Does anyone know of a good, unharmful hairspray? I'm using Nioxin's Niospray, but I'm not sure it's the best, as it has alcohol in it...

  4. Originally posted by jagdish:
    Originally posted by dhuge67:
    Originally posted by chich:

    Hi everybody, first time writing...Got a question. I am 23, my hair has gotten thin, and if i wear gel or mousse, my scalp is pretty visible. I was wondering if anyone knew if hair transplants could be done on people with thinning hair. Money isn't an issue, what can i do?

    What you should do is buy Toppik, apply, and be happy. That's what I'm doing and believe me, it will be a good option rather than having to go through with a risky surgery.




    Look who is talking. Dhuge you seem to be matured. I remember you when you were fighting with the guys who gave you the same advise.

    I checked your blog. You are looking great with toppik. Congratulations.

    Thank you, sir.


    I think the surgery I had was a special case, and at just 4 months out, the hair is starting to really come out now. My combo of old hair + new hair + Toppik really gives me a natural and normal look, for my age.


    I'm happy now, but it will be even better in 3-4 months time.

  5. http://www.hairlossweblogs.com/home-page.asp?WebID=69


    These pictures illustrate the dramatic change in appearance that I achieve with the Dark Brown Toppik fibers that I simply sprinkle over my hair. It's interesting to me that it takes hardly any time at all (especially when you consider that people WITH hair spend time on their hair in the morning), and costs a fraction of what you might think. I seriously wonder how many actors/politicians/celebrities, etc...use this stuff. I tried Dermmatch and it works well too, but I like the ease-of-use with Toppik better. To each his own, but I think I'm sticking with this for now


    BEFORE (to be fair, this pic was taken a few weeks ago when I had shed some and it was shorter hair - but still it's similar to that without Toppik)










    In short, sweet!

  6. Originally posted by chich:

    Hi everybody, first time writing...Got a question. I am 23, my hair has gotten thin, and if i wear gel or mousse, my scalp is pretty visible. I was wondering if anyone knew if hair transplants could be done on people with thinning hair. Money isn't an issue, what can i do?

    What you should do is buy Toppik, apply, and be happy. That's what I'm doing and believe me, it will be a good option rather than having to go through with a risky surgery.


    Have you tried Propecia? It should be considered by you, especially at your age, and it's an easy option to try.


    Get a transplant later, when you've got an "open playing field" rather than risking shock-loss and end up having to "chase your hairloss."


    I had a surgery, at age 20, and will now probably wait until as late as I possibly can before I get my next one. My hair is kind of thin from the frontal core and forward, but Toppik restores density to it, without the need for surgery and for a lot less money.


    I'll probably end up needing surgery again, later, but for now it's a good stop-gap.

  7. I can tell you that a lot of times, all that has to be done is verification that the company is citing the ingredients that are actually in the solution/pill. The claims that some of these companies make about what the product does, those claims are usually unchecked, since the FDA never touches most of them.


    You can put piss in a bottle, clearly state that what's in the bottle is piss, and then say that it regrows hair.

  8. Originally posted by irish homer:

    What utter shit, the reason that some of the posters here can't get a nice girl of any age is obviously that they have no idea how to treat a woman and an unhealthy attidude to women in general.

    the only thing a head of hair will do is perhaps make a first impression on a woman who doesn't find herself attracted to balding men. after that there has to be something else to make a relationship work.it will also give some men a bit more confidence when speaking to women.

  9. Originally posted by Eman:

    What is the best way to approach a friend who I think has had a hair transplant without making him feel like I am "outing" him or making him think it is noticeable? I think he has a really good result from the HT, as not one of our friends has ever questioned him.


    He is a buddy of mine and I have always wondered about it (as I am looking at possibly getting one).


    A bunch of us were swimming the other day and I noticed the infamous smile on the back of his head--small and barely noticeable. Mind you, his hairline looks really good with some diffuse thinning.


    I could probably figure out a way of asking, but I am curious what you guys think or maybe how someone may have asked one of you. Give me your thoughts or experiences.


    Thanks eman


    I did the opposite thing. I told all of my friends that I had it done and not one of them blamed me or thought of it as a bad thing. I got a lot of support and encouragement from my friends. A few said they didn't even think it was necessary for me to do.


    It's funny, that even when others don't care, I still do.


    That's the nature of this very personal operation.

  10. Originally posted by angel706:



    I didn't mean to insult your intelligence, obviously. It wasn't even your comments that stuck under my craw. I totally understand your reasons for going through this process...you were feeling insecure about your appearance, and you hoped having a HT would help you feel better about it. Good for you! I think that's the best reason to go through ANY kind of cosmetic surgery. It was certainly mine...as a woman who previously had a receding hairline, I felt the same way. Like I stuck out somehow, and I hoped this surgery would help.


    What was creeping me out was the misogynistic vibe about women getting ugly as they age. I didn't read any of that from you. You seem like a decent guy in that respect. So, sorry if I offended you personally.


    Also, it seems like one or two of the guys on this thread are looking at HT as the ticket that's going to suddenly help them get lucky with young skirts. Which, I'm sorry, but is just creepy and offensive to me as a woman. I think most women would feel the same way. Particularly the young skirts.

    I'm with you all the way on what you're saying. My bad for jumping on you, thinking you were criticizing my reasoning.


    Isn't the whole idea of love about finding someone who you want to be with for all time, regardless of appearance or attraction? Like Angel was saying, appearances are fleeting, in my case the hair just went a little too fast. If you reason that you want an HT to attract a female, and you are young, I can understand.


    It is natural for older men to lose hair, but if they do it (get an HT) to feel more comfortable with themselves and aren't thinking about doing it to simply please other, possibly younger girls- that's a different line of logic...and I think much more mature.

  11. Originally posted by tkerr22:

    it is kinda like a powder but have used for years and never had a problem inhaling it myself, even though tried to fill in my moustache one time with it!(JK) I don't think there would be any side effects as I don't remember ever seeing any such warnings on it. just rinse your mouth out with water if it happens

    Do you like the way it works, as compared to the other products?
  12. Originally posted by angel706:

    Man, some of you guys on this thread (not all of you) have some seriously screwed-up attitudes toward women. Any woman worth having, no matter what she looks like, will judge you not on the basis of looks, but on your character.



    Saying that is an insult to my intelligence.


    Obviously any woman worth being with is one that likes you for you and not for your damn hair. The point I made was that if I'm not even comfortable enough to get to know the woman because of how bad I feel about myself, then she won't even have the opportunity to know me and I won't have the opportunity to really get to know her.

  13. Originally posted by PB:
    Originally posted by dhuge67:

    There was one kind of tipping point for me, when a girl I knew asked me about me going bald. I didn't know what to say. I just left that group of people and walked back to my apartment by myself.

    You should have informed her that with modern liposuction, it would be possible for her to have the excess fat removed from her flabby butt and belly and placed on her chest where her breasts should be icon_mad.gif That would have shut her up.



    I felt like telling her that the reason I was going bald was for the same reason that she was born a bitch. It just happens.

  14. I know I had a girl when I had hair and don't have one right now or since I've been balding, minus a few drunken frat-nights with a hat on. hahahaha


    Anyway, it's been kind of painful to deal with that loneliness. A girl I would have gone after (and yeah, even if she WAS WORTH IT) I just couldn't because of how I felt about myself. It wouldn't be fair to her to be miserable, even if she didn't care about my hair.


    There was one kind of tipping point for me, when a girl I knew asked me about me going bald. I didn't know what to say. I just left that group of people and walked back to my apartment by myself. I felt like shit and still do. I want this crap to be over with and I am sick of waiting.


    Yeah, there are worse things in life, but maybe I'm lucky enough for this to be my crutch? In any case, it hurts to feel abnormal and physically ugly. I feel like I can't win. I lose weight, look good - lose hair, look bad.


    What the hell.


    Also, as mean spirited as it was, it felt great to instant message the girl who had made that comment to me. It was a few days post-op and I sent her a message that said, "my hair will be looking good soon, baby."

  15. I haven't had a hair cut for 2 years. I let it grow out then I buzz it down myself and repeat. I'm too ashamed to get a haircut, especially now, with the strange-looking transplanted hair coming in against the much thicker but thinning native hair.


    I wear hats all the time in public. Hopefully in another 3-4 months, the hat will come off and Dermmatch will go on, and then I'll have one more procedure next Spring and be done with this damn headache.

  16. I am a nutrition minor and it is a myth to say that cardio burns more muscle than fat. Just take in a sufficient amount of protein before you go to the gym and immediately after your jog or run and you'll protect yourself from muscle wasting. It wouldn't be a good idea to do an intense jogging or running session more than 4x a week though.


    The best of all worlds is to lift hard, heavy, and consistently and then run for 20-30 minutes following the lifting. It's hard but it pays off.

  17. Originally posted by the B spot:

    D--- if you feel the base of your skull, right in the middle is a bump called the occipital protuberance----- if you put your finger right on that and slide it down right under it, that is as low as ANY surgeon should go. After closure, your scar should be right above the bump itself, not on it.

    UM4L, brings up a good point about the nape area, so your doc should be paying close attention to that as well, since your hair can thin in that are as well.

    Based on that, I should have room for a cut right above that bump and just below the first transplant cut.
  18. It's funny, for me it was the opposite. I started off heavy, lost 30 lbs, and I did that in reaction to my thinning hair. Then I got the transplant and it's like now I'm trying to catch my head up to my age and body. I want to look like a kid in his early 20's, not a 20 year old that looks 35 or 40. icon_frown.gif

  19. The future-future would be cloning and replicating new hairs, from a couple that are FUE'd from the head. It has been discussed before, but the reason I say it is "future-future" is because the cost of such a thing would be insane.


    Maybe a pill will be developed that will make surgery and graft placement a thing of the past? It's possible that if there is some way to block the DHT and stimulate the dormant follicle, then the future of the industry could be pills in a bottle, rather than people in operating rooms. Propecia is somewhat like this, but I'm talking about a Super-Propecia-on-steroids kind of thing.

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