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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. 1) How low in the donor area can a strip be taken? My head/scalp is much more elastic in the lower region compared to higher up on the back of the head. Is the area, slightly above the neck but also above the very lowest point on the hair of the back of the head, useable?


    2) I don't know about anyone else, but my hair used to be a much different texture, before I started losing it. It is now much more coarse and dark, where it used to be more straight and a bit lighter in color. I'm not sure why this would be, except that maybe it is some kind of DHT side effect?


    3) Is it common for one side of the scar to be slightly raised? I read about someone who had this issue and they found out that there was a cyst underneat it, but it was promptly removed. Mine has been this way for a while, it doesn't hurt, and I think it's been getting better - but i'm not positive. Maybe the scar just needs more time, since it's still a week until I'm even 4 months post op.


    That's all for now.

  2. Originally posted by HL_Sufferer:

    Reading these comments makes me want to just give up on the idea of ever getting a hair transplant even though I really need it. I lift hard and heavy every week. It is one of the only things that makes me feel good. Taking time off to heal the scar would be a major league bummer.

    Plan to have your HT around the time that you should be taking a week off. You're not supposed to lift continuously without rest for more than 8-10 weeks. You should go 8 or so weeks, take a week off, change your regimen, and then get back to it.


    Bodies need time to heal and they also need time to adapt and "soften." Without giving it time to do that, and changing your workout plan, you'll limit your potential gains.

  3. Originally posted by frak82:

    Hi. I am a 24 year old male about to start taking Propecia.

    I have heard from many stories that it quits working after a couple years. Some people say this is true, some people say it's not.


    Something that is never talked about is whether or not starting with a low dosage of propecia (0.25mg or 0.5mg) and increasing it after a few years will prevent any kind of "tolerance" from occurring.


    If I increase my dosage of propecia, will it be BETTER at blocking DHT? If so, will increased effectiveness stop at a certain dosage? (2mg or so?)


    I want the full scoop on this icon_smile.gif


    I have not started taking it because I do not know what dosage to start with.


    From what I've read, it seems that there is a point that occurs between 1-3 years where Propecia will no longer regrow hair but it will still hold what has (maybe) regrown and the hair that it had been "protecting" from falling out.


    I think you should just start taking the 1 mg tablets, like most doctors prescribe.

  4. Originally posted by the B spot:

    I agree with Pat. The first session on a virgin scalp should be at least 2000 or more (personal opinion). You never have any assurances that your scalp will loosen up enough for HT #2. Also, what is the cost difference between 1200 and 2000? Talk to your consultant/doc and see what you can work out. Maybe they will meet you in the middle.

    The only possible option then, if the scalp was not lax enough for the next operation would be FUE, right?
  5. DermMatch is a hair thickening agent, and I suppose it could be used to color over an area of scalp, but it would be obvious on very short hair.


    I've used it briefly but it seems to work well and I will use it once this hair transplant grows in. It's a good way to get more "mileage" out of the current state of your hair and then get your finances in order for a transplant which will hopefully produce naturally, the result of what DermMatch does artificially.

  6. I got on Propecia a week after my transplant and it didn't seem to be the cause of shedding, but I think it was the shock loss from the transplant. It lasted about a week and wasn't awful. My hair is already diffusely thinning, but it doesnt seem any worse. I am now at day 104 of Propecia use and it seems my loss has been slowed to "normal" loss in the shower. I hope that I get some regrowth within the year.

  7. I'm just sitting here at work, bored, and wondering about this. What is the average age of an HT patient? It's probably hard to answer that exactly, but from this community it would seem that most are older than 30. I find this interesting because the average age of a married man is what, 25-30? It seems odd to me that hair-loss would be problematic to someone who is settled into a kind of comfort zone with marriage, kids, and a solid job. Of course there are personal issues that go beyond that, but I'm just thinking out loud.


    Don't beat me up over this.


    I'd say my main issues with my hair loss stem from it happening to me at such an early age. It's hard enough to "get the girl" with everything going for you, without being a balding 20-something. Eh, even if the girls don't really care, it SEEMS like they do. And I have run into a situation where a girl even asked me about it once....not fun.

  8. I'm just sitting here at work, bored, and wondering about this. What is the average age of an HT patient? It's probably hard to answer that exactly, but from this community it would seem that most are older than 30. I find this interesting because the average age of a married man is what, 25-30? It seems odd to me that hair-loss would be problematic to someone who is settled into a kind of comfort zone with marriage, kids, and a solid job. Of course there are personal issues that go beyond that, but I'm just thinking out loud.


    Don't beat me up over this.


    I'd say my main issues with my hair loss stem from it happening to me at such an early age. It's hard enough to "get the girl" with everything going for you, without being a balding 20-something. Eh, even if the girls don't really care, it SEEMS like they do. And I have run into a situation where a girl even asked me about it once....not fun.

  9. Originally posted by JakeVig:

    Hi Browny217


    At 23 you are still too young to get a HT the longer you do wait the better off you will be. At this poing in time I would recommend a positive outlook in life and some dermapatch.


    If you still must go through with it, I would consult with as many ethical surgeons as you can to assess your donor density and what is possible for the future.


    I don't understand this perspective, since I have had a transplant and am only 20 (and will be for another 4 months). If you have a proper plan of attack and you go to a surgeon that has an ethical history (and they are willing to do the surgery), then I don't see why there is a problem.

  10. bspot, wouldn't the donor hair characteristics play into whether or not a surgery of 1,500 to 2,000 FUs would be worth doing? I would think so. I'm not saying this just because I did it, but because I think hair characteristics are the underestimated variable in all of this. Why are some 1-for-1 transplants vastly different? A lot has to do with the quality of the donor hair, it seems.

  11. Originally posted by brianf:

    You're not even 4 months yet so definitely too early to tell.

    Think of it as a pregnancy. Some girls walk around at 4-5 months and nobody can tell. But at 9 months........

    What bugs me is that some stuff is just shooting out while in other places there is nothing! I'm just hoping some of the gaps will fill in. Of course, some hair is shorter than others, but im talking about areas where nothing has sprouted yet...I have to say..the roller coaster is in a dip right now...
  12. Originally posted by Bushy:

    Huge, it does look like stuff is beginning to happen, but it's still way too early to see any real results. I'd say by day 120 and forward you might begin to see some real action.


    BTW, I, too, lost my hair at 20. Sucks big time, my friend. Glad you're taking care of yourself. Good luck!

    Very cool to know. I'm looking forward to results now. On my countdown calendar on my computer, I had for some reason listed "Major Hair Growth" and it is still 103 days away from that marking. Hopefully it takes off soon!
  13. Originally posted by jagdish:


    You have been taking photos in dark light. Closeup photos are slightly blurred. If you take them in sunlight(not exactly under sun) they will look much better.


    Can you still see the incisions? I think they should not be visible by now.

    241 1-2 hair follicle units and 1373 3-4 hair follicle units??? I thought there will be more number of 1-2 hair follecules than 3-4 hair follicles.



    My doctor had a reason for not breaking them up, it's his normal practice. What do you mean by inciscions? I don't think I can still see those! What you're talking about might be the as-yet-to-sprout-but-almost-sprouting new hairs.
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