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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. Originally posted by HairHope:

    Good post Dhuge, I remember you when you were young and naive icon_biggrin.gif. Hope your growing well.




    Hey, thanks!


    As for my growth? I'm seeing the sprouts but I just can't wait until it thickens. As of right now, the density is not quite what I'd like it to be, but if it thickens it will look proper.

  2. I think b-spot has some fair concerns. It's a bit ridiculous for people to just use this place as a forum to bitch or to justify an absurd idea. However, sometimes people come in here without any education on the topic, and eventually they do learn that what they were thinking was wrong. You have to have a little patience with those that are uninformed.


    At first, I thought that I could shave my head because I just assumed the current standard process was more like Follicular Unit Extraction than the strip procedure. I had no idea! Well, now I know and now I've had a strip procedure done. Obviously, I know that I can't shave my head now...though I can get it cut pretty close!


    Also, though my clinic was one that "nobody has ever heard of" the doc has qualificaitons that some of the network docs don't even have.


    The docs listed here are not the end-all, be-all of HTs, but from what I've read, if you go to one of them you will be more than glad that you did. I'm happy that a place like this exists, so that even if someone is misguided, they can use one of the recommended docs and they'll end up with a good result, rather than going to Dr. Hair Butcher.


    This is an important forum with a wealth of information and it contains a list of some of the best hair transplant surgeons in the world. And the best part is, it's not because those doctors said so, it's because the guys who had their heads cut say so.

  3. Originally posted by kamin:

    I just started using 1% Nizoral a few weeks ago. I'm using it on Tuesdays and Saturdays. After massaging the scalp with the shampoo for about a minute, I leave it in for 3-5 minutes to allow the active ingredient to penetrate the scalp even more. Then rinse. So far, I haven't run into any problems in regards to itchiness, dryness, etc. Probably too early to tell.

    Is that frequent enough use? I'm just wondering because the directions on the container say to use it 3-4 days a week.


    Let me know how it goes...

  4. Originally posted by Mudpuppy:

    Ludicrous statement???, no here is an example of a ludicrous statement-


    Exact Quote from dhuge67

    "The scar on the back of my head would not be a big deal to me. I'd just look like a boxer or something, with the way my physique is."


    There are a TON of "ludicrous statements in the link below just check them out for a great laugh, you even insulted Jotronic and said Maybe Dr. Pistone does better work than Hasson & Wong, WOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    Take a poll on this board and see who thinks a strip surgery on a virgin head for less than 1200 graphs is not good.


    As far as spellcheck and puncuation,


    Screw you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, hows that for PUNCTUATION?????????????????????????????????????????????????

    I was new at that point and didn't know anything about the resulting scar. And to be honest, I think I held my own in that thread. Also, I came out of surgery without a problem, and my hair hasn't looked as good as it now does since 11th grade.


    Have a good day, Mutpuppy.

  5. Originally posted by Mudpuppy:

    i Have edited my post to say "Completely done" with 3000, i needed many more to get where i want i have had 2 surgeries and plan for one more most likely with Dr. Hasson, my post was for Mikie, and my point was to cut you open for "1200" should be illegal i had 2523 with Shapiro, anthing else save it im not here to argue with you

    I'm not here to argue with you, either. I just called you out on a ludicrous statement; which is especially ridiculous considering the massive improvement to hairlines that I've seen from pictures, where people got less than 1,000 FUs.


    And please spell-check and make some attempt to punctuate.



  6. Originally posted by Mudpuppy:

    Mikie, start another thread and let this one fade, the original poster has moved on and its now off topic, sorry to be a downer but i hate everything about the consult you had, i wouldnt go to this Dr. if it was free, and yes ive seen pictures of his work and read some stuff on him, "Youthful appearance" is a tricky phrase i dont like it, to cut you open for 1200 graphs is "illegal" IMO, if i needed anything less than 3000 i would do FUE, i would get a consult from Hasson & Wong or Shapiro in Mpls., there are many other good Docs but these are my only choices and its just my opinion, unless you decide FUE, im certainly not an expert but my advice is More research and 3 consults at least, good luck

    Did you do FUE on your 2523 with Shapiro? Because by your standards that surgery should be illegal if it wasn't FUE, for such a "small" number of grafts.
  7. Just tell them that you recently grew a penis on your head and you wouldn't want to be accused of sexual harassment just for being yourself.


    In all seriousness, though, you could always just say "I had an operation" or the one previously mentioned "really bad sunburn" and possibly "there's a big cut there from when I hit my head on a cabinet." Anything kind of remote but also very possible.

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