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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. Originally posted by TrOpiC00:

    ya thats true, its too early to tell your right. my incisions just seemed smaller thats all. id say you still have at least another 3 more months. didn't mean to cause any panic! sry man icon_smile.gif

    No, it's okay. This wasn't a dense packing session. The reason why? That may have caused me excessive shock loss and I am a special case, at age 20.


    I'm not defending anything. Please continue with discussion! And would you guys say (from looking at the pics) that everything that was transplanted seems to be "there?"

  2. Originally posted by TrOpiC00:

    i think these incisions look pretty big and wide spaced. maybe its just the scabbing i don't know. personally i would be concerned but i don't know what you were expecting as far as density goes. hope all is well bro. the wait is the worst. gl

    Maybe not everything has sprouted yet? I'm unsure...
  3. Originally posted by scooping around:

    that doesn't look too bad at all, now that it's dry. But it does seem like that you are holding the camera steady and the pic turned out a lil blurry. You balding rate looks about the same as mine, but I'm 26 and getting closer to my 30s. I am pretty sure I will get a HT eventually, but I want to do the wise thing by waiting a few more years to see where my progression is going. I do know what you are going through, but I agree with what others are telling you, waiting a few more years should be the wise thing for you to do at this point.

    You do realize that waiting may not be necessary? If regrowth creams and genetic duplication techniques are being refined, then why wait? Those things will bail you out later if there were a problem, which there might not even be...
  4. In 8 days, it will have been 90 days or about 3 months since my hair transplant. You'll be able to see the short growth that has started, and I want honest feedback and opinion on whether or not things are proceeding normally.


    I'm pretty happy, but I know it's still a long way until the final results will show. It's like...the plane just left the runway and the travel has just begun. Hopefully, when the trip is over, I'm happy with where I decided to go.


    Pictures: http://web.mac.com/chrisd7/iWeb/Site/Photos.html

  5. Originally posted by Island Girl:


    I understand exactly what you are going through, it's pretty scary! My drain got clogged in the shower at about 2 weeks after my HT with all the hair I lost. It was thinner than it's ever was but at 14 weeks post HT the hair I lost is coming back in again, thank Goodness! Keep the faith!

    Hey, thanks!


    You know, i'm not experiencing "shower-drain clogging" shock-loss by any means, but it is just thinner than it was before the surgery. Hopefully it starts to return in the coming weeks. :/

  6. Originally posted by Qwert:
    Originally posted by kg007:

    Qwert -


    Can you post more clear pictures? it's really difficult to see before and after results.


    Sorry, these pics aren't very good since they were taken with my computer quick cam. I've been going into H&W every month for proper pics, but don't have them at hand. At month 6, I will request them & will do a time line.

    Man, you had so many grafts placed...amazing.
  7. Originally posted by Gorpy:

    Those are good questions Chris. I would expect shockloss to taper off about the 2 month point. Things start to sprout around the 3 month point and you can expect shock loss hair to re-sprout about 3 months after it was "shocked" out. So maybe at 4 months you'll start seeing some shocked out hair start to come back.

    Fantastic, thanks for replying so quickly.


    Basically, I'll know how it all worked by October...

  8. I have some shock loss questions as well, but instead of creating a new topic, i'll just post them in here.


    I am 58 days post op and I do now see some stubble of hairs starting to come, but nothing really substantial yet.


    However, without Dermmatch in my hair, my hair is a lot thinner behind where the surgery was done.


    This is obviously due to shock loss.


    IF it does come back, WHEN will it? I'm hoping this loss isn't permanent.


    Also, is there sort of a time that is considered like, when you're out of the woods? As far as shock loss is concerned and the overall appearance of your hair, following surgery?





  9. Well, i'd also think that the more towards the front that the work is done, the more obvious it will be. After you take care of the hairline, the stuff further back might not be as obvious.


    I am 58 days post-op and noticing shock-loss at this point...also, in these almost 60 days, the stubble of hair has been there almost the entire time.


    Being in college helps, as I can wear a hat every day.

  10. Originally posted by tkotko:

    I was numb for nearly 9 months, though it did improve as time went on. I was kind of worried after six months, but finally improved.

    I've read that it can be numb for up to a year. Right now I'm still a little bit numb in the donor area (right above it), and not at all anywhere else. It has gotten significantly better since the surgery, but it's not all the way back yet.
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