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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. Okay, I'm 23 says post-op and my healing has gone incredibly well. I'm back to running and lifting at almost normal rates, and I feel good. Shock loss is definitely happening, not horribly, but the loss is noticeably more than it was pre-op.


    I've been on Propecia for 16 days and have supply for 4 more months; so I'll be buying more at month 3 and just continue to use it until something comes along that is proven to be better (which could be many years).


    I'm just wondering how bad shock loss can be, when it is at the worst point, when it stops, etc.


    Also, what is the scalp supposed to look like, by this time? Mine has a few but not many hairs left from the operation, but the recipient site (if looked at closely) almost looks like a shaved area.


    Is everything normal, well, and good?





  2. Okay, I'm 23 says post-op and my healing has gone incredibly well. I'm back to running and lifting at almost normal rates, and I feel good. Shock loss is definitely happening, not horribly, but the loss is noticeably more than it was pre-op.


    I've been on Propecia for 16 days and have supply for 4 more months; so I'll be buying more at month 3 and just continue to use it until something comes along that is proven to be better (which could be many years).


    I'm just wondering how bad shock loss can be, when it is at the worst point, when it stops, etc.


    Also, what is the scalp supposed to look like, by this time? Mine has a few but not many hairs left from the operation, but the recipient site (if looked at closely) almost looks like a shaved area.


    Is everything normal, well, and good?





  3. Originally posted by DrEvil:
    Originally posted by DrEvil:

    These are from my phone so the pics are terrible.


    I was wondering if you guys could give me a ballpark as to how many HTs you think I need. I have my apointment Monday with Dr. Shapiro's office, but I was just curious.

    I dunno...I have no way of really knowing...but taking a pretty wild guess..I'd say 3,500-4,000?
  4. Nice post, though I don't think my first session was too aggressive. The hairline was not lowered or drastically altered. I had quite a bit of work done in and around the existing hair, all the way back to just before the top/crown area.


    I think I'll be safe. Nothing is certain yet, but I am feeling good about my odds. The only thing for certain is that I'll probably need another session or two before I turn 35 (15 years from now).

  5. I only used 1,619 FUs up for my first procedure (at the age of 20), and my donor hair is extremely thick. I would think that in combo with Propecia and 2 more HTs (as I need them), that I'll be able to always live with a normal looking head of hair.


    BTW, do you guys ever consider the future in these posts? It doesn't seem that many of you do. Getting an HT now, as a young adult, is a lot more practical than it was 10 years ago.

  6. Mahair, I am very sorry that you experienced a disastrous surgery but I am more sorry that you try to deter everyone else from possibly experiencing great joy. Sometimes you can take darkness and turn it into light by helping to inform people rather than to just beat them down with a torrent of negativity.


    You have had a major setback, we all know that by now. Some people here have had a positive life-changing experience and feel nothing but happiness for their decision to have had an operation(s). You should realize that because you feel rotten about your personal situation (which I believe is just as much a reflection of the victim's ignorance as it was the surgeon's unethical behavior) and can't help but try to darken other people's days, that there are people who feel the complete opposite of you and think of you as some kind of a nut-job.


    I think that if you could tone down your venomous discourse, then we'd all be better off.

  7. I am 17 days post op and have had some minor shock loss so far. I was not losing any hair prior to the surgery, or very little. Now when I wash my hair I see some hairs in my hands and there are a couple on my pillow when I wake up...


    I just want to fast-forward to 6 months post op. :/


    Hopefully the Propecia helps.

  8. Originally posted by Kansas:

    I am one of those that I would love to have my temples closed. Most of the time that I see pictures of a hair transplant, I notice that they pay little or no attention to this area. Is there anyone on this forum that has been to his clinic and visited with them or better yet, gone through a procedure and can give us actual results?


    While I have read on these boards about several different doctors, I have narrowed my search to two clinics that have a good reputation. Shapiro and Wong & Hasson. Does anyone know if they do good temple work? While I would love to undergo a procedure now, I have to first pay off my first HT gone bad with Medical Hair Restoration. I wish I would have known about this forum earlier, but what can I do now. Thanks for everyone's advice and helpful information!


    How's this for temple areas?



  9. Originally posted by hairworthy:
    Originally posted by dhuge67:

    wouldn't 5,000 grafts cost like $20,000???

    So what's your point?

    I'm just saying...it's a huge chunk of change.


    I'm hoping that by the time I get my next procedure I can get a lot more work done for a lot less money. That's how it should work. In 3-5 years, I want to be paying what I paid but be getting like 4,000 FUs instead of 1,600.

  10. 88% success rate could be true....but....success is defined by what, exactly? Tiny little regrowth? No shampoo will do as much as Rogaine or Propecia in terms of holding onto or regrowing some hair. Of course, HTs will plop more hair into areas where it has thinned than anything else can, at this point.


    Don't waste your money on something unproven and really expensive. Stick to the proven stuff and you'll be better off.

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