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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. Is it usual to have no evidence of a hair transplant, as in a bald scalp, in the area where transplanted FUs were placed? While some hairs remain, tons of scabs fell off leaving no trace of hair or hole behind them.


    I'm just not sure if this is to be expected? Lots of hairs have stayed but the majority went down with the scabs.

  2. Originally posted by Gorpy:

    Much of it has to do with your skin type, the density of the transplant and probably other factors. It varies greatly from person to person.

    My biggest fear right now is that things seem "too good to be true" and I somehow compromised my results by slightly rubbing the scabs on Day 9.


    I think I'm just overthinking...my little hairs are there, no scalp irritation, and no "divets" to be seen. Things just seem great. I guess it's hard to believe based on the way it looked on day 2 to the way it looked on day 8.

  3. Well, I'll have regrets if things don't turn out the way I'm hoping they do, and if Propecia doesn't help me halt my loss. I'll be forced into further procedures, but it's a risk that I was willing to take, obviously.


    I do sometimes regret and go back and forth on the actual moral decison to get the transplant. Sometimes I have a hard time justifying it to myself, and I feel bad that I did it. Other times I feel like a hair transplant is something equivalent to expensive teeth brushing - as far as it being something that everyone would do if it were as inexpensive as toothpaste.


    Still other times I remember that I didn't mind being bald and just going with the shaved look, which I can no longer do because of the scar...but I realize that I did look better and feel more confident when I had more hair; the last time I had a girlfriend was when I had hair...I think there is a parallel...


    Wasn't the last time I made out with a girl though. icon_wink.gif haha


    Anyway, I need to settle down for the next 3 months and relax about thinking about my hair...there are more important things, that's for sure.


    Here's hoping I end up with the results I want and then there won't be anything to regret.

  4. Originally posted by Gorpy:

    Yes, it's normal. Some people are lucky and have little redness.

    Sweet...again, I think my nearly perfect diet and youth have a lot to do with my quick and painless recovery, more than anything else.


    Taking care of yourself really does produce results when it comes to things like recovering from surgery. My body was also very used to heavy workouts and recovery from those, so since I was out of service for about 8 days, my body's recovery resources were all going to helping with my HT sites.

  5. Originally posted by DickJones:

    I'd like to thank everyone with their advice. I never knew how serious hair transplants were, I thought they just transplanted the hair and that was the end of it. I'm definitely going to go on the Propecia when I turn 18.


    I've added a picture if anyone has anymore advice.


    Thanks for the support

    You could talk to your doctor to see if going on Propecia right now, would be ok.
  6. Propecia regrows hair in 40% of its users, and holds onto the hair of 80%, while only 1.5% experience side effects.


    I've been on it for 3 days now, hoping that I will at least fall in the 80% category...


    I'm only 20 and have had a hair transplant, but 3 years is a lot of difference, especially when we're talking teens vs 20s and testosterone levels are quite different...our patterns sound different as well.


    At 17, I had a pretty full head of hair, but I did begin to use Rogaine then because I was concerned with my temporal thinning (which began about at that age or slightly before). My hair loss became noticeably "bad" just 6 months ago, and I feared that it was only going downhill...so I got on Procerin and Fight Back (dht blocker) and my loss seemed to halt.


    I found this place after I had scheduled an HT, asked some questions, and decided to go forward with my HT; which I did get on Feb 3rd. It's been about 10 days since the transplant and I feel it was a great decision as I've healed well already, and am now on Propecia.


    Hopefully Propecia can slow or cancel the need for me to have further transplant procedures; as pill-popping is much easier to face than is the task of saving money for and recovering from hair transplants.


    Remember, it costs a lot of money and it's something to be carefully considered.

  7. Originally posted by Abou:

    The result came out as good as anyone could hope for...


    At 1:15 the revision was done and Dr Hasson said there was zero tension... We had anticipated a 100 or so grafts from the revision...


    Then Dr Hasson came out with a surprise look on his face... "401 grafts!!! Where am I gonna put them all??? (Jokingly, of course)


    and then sweet and beautiful Anna spent few hours planting them as we were chatting...


    Then Gorgeous Rebecca came in and gave me my post op instructions..


    Same old impeccable and genuine service from all staff... Had the pleasure of meeting Dr Wong... Doug is one of the nicest gentlemen I've ever met and Christina is The Charmer...


    I don't mean to be rude but...wow. A little inconspicuous there..., Abou.

  8. Originally posted by finallyfree:
    Originally posted by dhuge67:

    Is it okay (being post op 9 days) to rub the recipient area (without fingertips) at medium "harndness" to try and get off some of the scabbing. Some of the very dry ones fell off and like almost like little flies...haha....is it okay to do that? There is some white dead skin, and hardened scabs, but some wont come off unless I rub a bit.


    Is this normal?

    A medium hardness rub is best at this time.

    Do not pick on the difficult to remove scabs. They will be easier to handle in a couple of days.

    Say you do, will it ruin any grafts/work?



  9. Is it okay (being post op 9 days) to rub the recipient area (without fingertips) at medium "harndness" to try and get off some of the scabbing. Some of the very dry ones fell off and like almost like little flies...haha....is it okay to do that? There is some white dead skin, and hardened scabs, but some wont come off unless I rub a bit.


    Is this normal?

  10. I recently purchased Propecia (a 4 month supply) and am wondering where people find good prices on it, online. I've seen the generic brand advertised on some sites too, and it is a lot less expensive. I'm wondering though, does it work as well? It says it has 1 mg too...



  11. I recently purchased Propecia (a 4 month supply) and am wondering where people find good prices on it, online. I've seen the generic brand advertised on some sites too, and it is a lot less expensive. I'm wondering though, does it work as well? It says it has 1 mg too...



  12. So, it's been 7 days and a few scabs have fallen off, and everything is getting really dry up there. Seems like there should be a mass fall-off soon. How does it actually happen, a lot at once?


    How long does it usually take...I want these things to be gone asap but I'm trying my best to hardly even touch them. I'm continuing to use the topical spray sollution that the Dr. gave me, and also started letting the shower-head hit directly on my head for the first time, tonight.


    Hopefully it all clears up soon, and then the next 2.8 months will zoom by.

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