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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. Does anyone else ever feel like it doesn't look like there are as many FUs on your head as were moved? I can see how they add up quickly, but it's hard to fathom that there are almost 2,000 individual ones up there...


    Such a high tech procedure, when you really think about it.

  2. Originally posted by hairbank:



    From viewing your photo it looks like you will see a dramatic change. Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery and excellent results. I'm sure it will be a change for the postitive!


    Keep us posted on your progress.

    Thanks for the kind words, I'd call that my "feel good moment of the day." haha


    Anyway, I will keep you updated with photos as things change.


    Can't wait to get the stitches out on Friday and for the freaking scabs to fall off...


    Then I'll start to feel really excited.

  3. http://web.mac.com/chrisd7/iWeb/Site/HT.html










    Those pics are from 2 days post op, immediately after taking off an ace-bandage that I had wound tightly around my head and where the stitches were. I wore a sort of spandex doorag over that. It looks a bit more red on the pics that it does since I've washed it by now.


    I'm also just starting to scab nicely, so I'm hoping these bastards fall off within the next 2-3 days or so.


    Thanks for the support, and I think you'll agree, it looks good (or at least will).

  4. First off, let me tell you all that I did go through with the procedure and I am very pleased that I did. Dr. Pistone was amazing and exceptionally selfless in his approach to my operation. He told me that if I did not want to go forward with the operation, that he would refund my deposit and there would be no issue.


    He said that I am in fact a rare exception, at 20, to be a candidate for the procedure. It all had to do with my pattern and progression of balding, which made me an appropriate candidate.


    The whole surgery went very well (My Cousin Vinny and Tommy Boy played during the procedure) and I was in and out of consciousness due to the anesthetics. I never felt pain or discomfort and things seemed to go quickly. The pain medication (vicodin?) made me kind of sick, but once I stopped taking that, Tylenol did the trick without making me feel ill.


    My future hairline looks fantastic and I think in a few months time, the 1,619 grafts are going to look phenominal and I'll be even more glad to have gone through this process.


    A big thumbs up to Dr. Pistone and in talking to him, I can tell that he's not in practice to "take" people, but to honestly, and wholeheartedly help people. I can't wait for the final results and I'll let my pictures speak for themselves.


    Thank you all too, for some good information (though some info was better than others icon_wink.gif ) and I hope you wish me luck in my recovery and growth phases.


    I'll post pics shortly.



  5. First off, let me tell you all that I did go through with the procedure and I am very pleased that I did. Dr. Pistone was amazing and exceptionally selfless in his approach to my operation. He told me that if I did not want to go forward with the operation, that he would refund my deposit and there would be no issue.


    He said that I am in fact a rare exception, at 20, to be a candidate for the procedure. It all had to do with my pattern and progression of balding, which made me an appropriate candidate.


    The whole surgery went very well (My Cousin Vinny and Tommy Boy played during the procedure) and I was in and out of consciousness due to the anesthetics. I never felt pain or discomfort and things seemed to go quickly. The pain medication (vicodin?) made me kind of sick, but once I stopped taking that, Tylenol did the trick without making me feel ill.


    My future hairline looks fantastic and I think in a few months time, the 1,619 grafts are going to look phenominal and I'll be even more glad to have gone through this process.


    A big thumbs up to Dr. Pistone and in talking to him, I can tell that he's not in practice to "take" people, but to honestly, and wholeheartedly help people. I can't wait for the final results and I'll let my pictures speak for themselves.


    Thank you all too, for some good information (though some info was better than others icon_wink.gif ) and I hope you wish me luck in my recovery and growth phases.


    I'll post pics shortly.



  6. Originally posted by Mrjb:



    I have had great results thus far. 1417 in my first procedure in Feb 2005. 1476 in my second in Dec.. I can't wait for 6 months or so for the results to come in from the second. Unfortunately you hear many bad stories from people who went to bad docs ( or had unrealstic expectations).. Do your research on here ( and other sites), visit some doc's and be patient.Better yet, see some results in real life from former patients. You always hear the same satisfied people on here going to the same docs...


    That's a good start

    The Doc I'm going to is top notch. I don't have that much hair loss, so I'm not concerned about the results, I think I will look good after one procedure. I may need subsequent ones later, but for a while I should be fine. I'll go on propecia and maybe I will not even need another procedure.
  7. Originally posted by hairbank:

    I used to use this stuff a 2-3 years ago on top and crown until my crowned thinned enough I just didn't have enough hair........you could see a little shine on my scalp!


    From looking at your pic's, you'd be a perfect candidate. I looked into a lot of concealer's at the time and feel Dermmatch is the best.


    Dermmatch does stay in all day. The effects won't fade or wear off until you shampoo them out. I'm not sure I would excercise with it in? Depending on how much you perspire it would probably be okay.

    Thanks, I ordered some to test it out!
  8. Originally posted by hairbank:



    I've been reading your posts.....have you checked with your doc about a refund of the deposit? If he's ethical and you have second thoughts, it's hard to believe he wouldn't return it to you, or at least the majority of it.



    I'm only having second thoughts because of what people here have said. However, I DO believe that an HT IS appropriate for me at this time.
  9. Originally posted by Gorpy:


    To answer your question, yes in general you won't be disfigured or anything like that IF you go to one of the top doctors. But there is always the possibility of ending up worse than you are today.

    How can this be?


    You know, that makes me feel really good right before my first HT. :/icon_frown.gif

  10. Is it safe to assume that if you go to some of the highly reputable MDs mentioned on this site, that you'll come away with at the very least no damage, and at the most, a really great result?


    Is there anything about the doctors practicing Ultra Refined FUT, that is common amongst all of them, which makes the great ones great?


    What are the signs of a good doc compared to a bad one?


    Also, why has it become almost a given that Bosley is terrible, for exmaple?


    Dr. Pistone has performed over 6,000 operations and his credentials are impeccable. His patient photos seem good to me, and the fact that he's faculty at Thomas Jefferson and Drexel University Schools' of Medicine. Are there any flaws in his credentials?




    As you can probably guess, I'm a bit nervous right now.

  11. Is it safe to assume that if you go to some of the highly reputable MDs mentioned on this site, that you'll come away with at the very least no damage, and at the most, a really great result?


    Is there anything about the doctors practicing Ultra Refined FUT, that is common amongst all of them, which makes the great ones great?


    What are the signs of a good doc compared to a bad one?


    Also, why has it become almost a given that Bosley is terrible, for exmaple?


    Dr. Pistone has performed over 6,000 operations and his credentials are impeccable. His patient photos seem good to me, and the fact that he's faculty at Thomas Jefferson and Drexel University Schools' of Medicine. Are there any flaws in his credentials?




    As you can probably guess, I'm a bit nervous right now.

  12. Would this product stay in all day? How long will it be until the effect starts to fade or wear off?


    Could you exercise with it in? Meaning: would sweat ruin it and make it run or come off/out?




    BTW, Forum Moderator & Satisfied Patient: do you exercise with that stuff in, would you?


    You seem to be physically fit, so I'm wondering if you would wear that to the gym etc...?

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