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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. Originally posted by JW:

    What do you have to lose?

    More hair?


    I'm pretty much planning on getting the HT and just going with an unaggressive plan.


    I'm not going to add much to the hairline, in case of future receding. I'll have it filled in slightly on the receded parts, but most of my donor hair should go to the middle of my hair..where future loss will occur.


    Of course, I will get on Propecia ASAP.



  2. Originally posted by the B spot:

    D-- We all share your pain, my brother--- Welcome to the real world!!! You are now ready to begin a REALISTIC treatment program that is best for YOU. I am 29 and after 4 months of my 1st HT, I have a hairline for the first time in 5 years!!! I had James Dean and Jonny Bravo hair all rolled into one icon_biggrin.gif, so I know exactly how you feel. I spent most of my twenties with a shaved head. Let me tell you I would not change anything about the way I am treating my hairloss. I researched for almost 2 years, losing hair and not responding to Propecia. Only after that, did I seek the best surgeons and procede.


    Oh and another thing, while I dated some of the hottest girls I have ever seen, I met my fiancee while I was bald, and she is the best looking of them all. At some point you have to realize that we do this simply for ourselves. Any other reason, and it is not the right move.

    Anyway, I empathize with you, and will be available to answer any questions to the best of my ability. Good Luck, and stay informed!!!!!

    You know, I am doing this for myself; for the way I feel and the way I go about my life. I just want to have my hair back...as simple as that sounds, it's obviously something very hard to deal with and to treat.


    I'm not going in to this blindly. I'm probably more in-the-know than a lot of people that have had HTs. Obviously I found this place, right? You can see that I have sought out the opinions of those who have actually experienced HTs--good and bad ones.


    Next Friday, I'll talk to the doctor. I will walk away and hopefully get my deposit back, if what I find him saying heavily contradicts all of what is in this thread. If he can tell me something that makes sense and seems legit, I'll listen and might even go through with the HT. I would even walk away with a loss of $3,250 if I feel I am putting myself into a dead-end situation.


    I'll let you know what happens next weekend.


    If I get the HT, I'll post pics, if I don't I'll let you know what my next steps will be.



  3. Originally posted by hairbank:



    This is the toughest part..............it's up to you! You have a wealth of information here to review. I can't think of a thing to add, maybe someone else can.


    You've been advised to the possible negative consequences of having the HT done at your age. If you experience heavy shock-loss, yes, you may see little improvement from the HT and could possibly thin more. I don't think anyone can give you a definite here.


    Share your concerns (and our advice) with your surgeon. Get a 2nd or 3rd opinion. At the very least, push the date back a little. It is a BIG decision. Given it the attention it deserves.




    Okay, let's put a few things aside for a second...


    What is the likelihood that this procedure will leave me with a WORSE head of hair?


    Since I plan on getting subsequent procedures, will the issue of future hair-loss be that big of an issue, especially since i'll be on a daily regimen of Propecia?


    I also want to just reiterate how much I appreciate this forum and you guys for being so awesome about this. It's hard to come out and talk about a subject like this, so openly. Not only have you given me great advice and seem to genuinely care about the well-being of others, you do it selflessly.


    I'm sorry to those who I've ticked off or offended. Thank you.


    Also, if anyone knows ANYTHING about Dr. Pistone or HEARS anything...or even if you have a way of finding these things out...it would be so amazing if you could and would let me know. Most of you seem to be way more in touch with this whole industry that I ever will, so please, if at all possible; maybe you could find valuable information for me.

  4. I'm thinking it would be okay for me to get back to some light cycling (maybe 20-25 minutes) after 7-10 days from the surgery.


    I'll get back to weights (light ones) hopefully after 2 weeks, and then a normal routine after a full month.


    I think this is where being only 20 is a good thing, in the post-op healing process.

  5. Originally posted by Jotronic:



    Uh, me working for a clinic has nothing to do with my posts. I did not say that you should not go to him. I did not say to come to my clinic. I shared with you some common sense issues that apparently, to you, are not common sense.


    Regarding the papers and research comment, you pointed to a doctor with the Hershey Medical Group (name?) with great "credentials" and used the reputation of this medical institution as backup for your decision. I was addressing your choice of reference, not Dr. Pistone.


    Your comments about my motives for addressing your case are out of line but if that is how you operate then so be it. At least you are going to try Propecia so at least one of our suggestions got through to you.


    What is odd however is how you attack me for working for another clinic and that my suggestions must be some kind of subterfuge yet many others have chimed in with the same advice. Whatever could their motives be?


    I'll part by saying good luck and check back with any questions you may have after your procedure. I hope you will at least share some photos with us showing your post-op and continuously developing results as the days and months go by.

    Okay, let me start by apologizing.


    You have to understand how frustrated I am, coming in here, posting, and then having almost everyone tell me that I am being foolish.


    I worked for 3 years to pay for this, saving almost every penny while my friends spent their money on clothes, cars, girlfriends, and partying. I saved mine up for a HAIR TRANSPLANT. I just feel so down right now...hearing this, with just a week to go until my scheduled procedure. I almost want to print this thread out and bring it to the doctor and see what he says about it all.


    This whole ordeal is so emotionally hard to handle and the last thing I was looking for was second-guesses. I just didn't expect it and my reactions were out of frustration and misunderstanding.


    I'm hoping that my hair loss can be fixed! I thought this was the best option available to me and the only thing making it hard would be the expense. I just really assumed that by getting this procedure now, my hair could look great for 2-3 years, then I'd probably have to go back for another procedure to fill in whatever else starts to go (if it does), and possibly a 3rd procedure 5 years from now.


    I just want to look good at my age and feel confident instead of self conscious and depressed.


    I don't want to do anything that will hurt me permanently! All I'm hoping is that this procedure will fix my hairline and add some density to the front top.


    What I've heard here is that the procedure could leave me thinner than what I have now, give me an ugly and permanent scar, and will not hold up over time due to continual balding.


    What am I to do?



  6. I am a fitness fanatic and I exercise at least 4-5 times a week. I'm really into weight lifting and have been putting off the cardio lately (I know, I know), and have found what I consider to be the holy grail of supplement prices.


    www.dpsnutrition.net has amazing prices and they deliver 2nd day (standard) if you're in PA. If you're near PA, I'm not positive on the exact delivery times.


    Anyway, just check them out and let me know if you think they've got good prices...If you know of anything better, let me know..if I can save money on these things, all the better.


    BTW, Muscle Milk is the best protein powder I've ever used...and it's only $19.99 per tub.


    Sorry for the rant!

  7. Originally posted by marc515515:



    Like everyone else here, I wish you the best. Many men have been permanently disfigured by this surgery, and none of us want to see another guy suffer that fate.


    I've skimmed much of this thread, and I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but it's a fact that a lot of the top HT surgeons refuse to operate on anyone under 25, let alone someone who's only 20. Doesn't that give you pause?


    I'm not sure you realize what a life-changing experience a strip HT is. You're going to be someone who's had major cosmetic surgery. That's a big deal, even in 2006. And there's no way to reverse it. Once the back of your scalp has been cut open and sewn back together, there's no returning it to its original state.


    I was 26 when I had my first procedure, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into or what the psychological ramifications of it would be. Please, do more research and make an informed decision.


    Since you're in Eastern PA, my recommendation for you would be to take a drive to Great Neck, NY, and get a consultation with the surgeon I had my last procedure with, Dr. Alan Feller. There's no charge, you'll meet with the doctor personally, and Dr. F has a reputation for giving honest appraisals and doing excellent work.


    Good luck.

    I genuinely do thank you for you concern, but my hair loss at age 20 is that of someone in their 30's. The reason that most places won't perform a surgery on someone under 21 is because they say that there is no discernable pattern of baldness...in my case, there is an obvious one.


    I really do thank you for your concern, though, it's good to know people care.

  8. Good point, Hoping.


    The other thing I'm concerned about are posts from people EMPLOYED by particular HT surgeons. It really bothers me when they also try to compare a doctor (that they do not have information about) with a "writer and researcher of art" and a "real artist like Van Gogh."


    Wow, just wow. Maybe you should do some research before you speak? I take some of those comments and throw them in the cabinet, along with the Procerin.


    Just because you don't know of the doctor, doesn't mean they don't do top notch work...possibly even better work than Hasson and Wong?

  9. Originally posted by Beefy:

    D , If you are going to get the HT done at least start taking the propecia. But please do this go to at least 3 other Dr's and get their opinions dont do what I did for my first procedure and go to the first doc you see , take your time and shop around, go to one of the Dr 's recommended on this board just for a second or third opinion it can't hurt only helps. The bottom line is dont short change yourself Pistone will always be there if you decide to use him but get other opinions. When you buy a car do you buy from the first dealership? No you shop around and get other prices and opinions? Dont you think you should try other doc's instead of going with the first one you went too.


    I agree that this would normally be the case but..and I have not yet stated this...my mother had breast cancer and during that time my father got to know the Chief of Surgery at the Hershey Medical Center very well. Since I decided to get the HT, my dad contacted this man and asked about Dr. Pistone. Everything checked out and he is considered top notch by the Hershey people. This gave my dad enough confidence to allow me to move forward.

  10. Originally posted by troy:

    dhuge67, I dont think anyone is against you moving forward, just suggesting you do all your research to protect yourself. If you have made up your mind and this is your choice please keep us posted on how everything turns out.

    I will indeed keep you all posted.


    I think hair can be transplanted and still leave my other hair intact and growing as usual. I don't think my pattern/family history would suggest otherwise.

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