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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. Originally posted by Eman:

    Like troy said I think that your overall hair looks good. I also agree that your temples were brought down too low, but should be able to be filled in with your next session.


    I am sure that you are excited to get back in the chair with Feller.

    Yeah, thanks for the comments...I hope my next session leaves me looking as if I had never had a transplant...at least for some years.
  2. Originally posted by troy:

    dhuge67 , maybe I am see it wrong, but it looks like the doc brought your temples pretty low, that could be an issue at a later date. Your hair does look good short


    Troy, you are right. It is already a problem, since I have receded behind where the transplants were placed, already.


    I already know that I'm going to have to give up my crown as far as transplants go. I'm going to save what donor area I have left for the mid-scalp to the front.


    Luckily, with my head shape etc, I can always cut my hair close and maybe one day it won't be noticeable that I am bald/balding.


    If Propecia kicks in soon and maybe holds the hair at the crown, I'll be set. I just hope that my side recession doesn't go too far, otherwise I'll have to use up precious donor hair on the SIDES of my head...YIKES.

  3. Originally posted by Browny217:


    I got Strip Extraction, Dr Martinick does a special closure so the hairs grow up through it and break up the scar ,

    Yeah im from Sydney Australia

    Dr Martinicks from Perth but she does most of the capital cities and travel around asia too



    I know everyones said this to you mate but your still only six months out , be patient I know its hard

    I do hope things will work out for you Mate

    I must admit i do look upto in regards to Transplants

    Has your hair started growing back since you shaved it?




    My hair grows normally, yeah, I just keep it short. I Might let it grow at the 10 month point, so by 12 months I'll see where I am and have something to show at a consultation.

  4. Originally posted by John_in_NC:
    Originally posted by dhuge67:

    but worse with it grown out and shitty-looking...



    Have you tried your hair at 1/2 inch enough to cover the scar and dermmatch in front to make it thicker? As far as looks don't worry that much: at worst you have a thinning, but still with hair looks. Is not as bad you think. The HT while thin, still frames your face, and people's eyes stop as soon as they see something darker.

    The problem is - it looks odd when longer because the hairs are growing in 3's and 4's ALONG THE HAIRLINE. There are 1's and 2's as well, but 3's and 4's directly up front make things look very odd...


    Basically, I can't wait til February to get this done right by Dr. Feller.

  5. Originally posted by John_in_NC:

    That's my view too. yes he is young, but he already started the HT process, he is NOT happy with it (notice how he has to wear a hat) and 1000 FU at a time are not the way to go. A good doctor will see him and say, "you are headed to #4, #5 or #6" and this is what I suggest based on what donor hair you have. If the math makes sense, I would make believe that the existing hair on top does not exist and pack the area up. If he does not have enough donor hair to provide full density everywhere, then he has to set his priorities and plan accordingly. He already had 1600 FU and another 2500 should give him plenty of density up to the crown. It's just a matter of time before he is forced to do it anyway IMO, the thinning hair will eventually fall, so he has no need to suffer this way.


    Originally posted by troy:

    Dhuge, I do feel bad for you that you are in this postion. I think you should do a online consult with a few of the big names and see what they say and recomend. Go in for a dense packing and put it behind you.

    That makes sense to me.
  6. Originally posted by John_in_NC:

    That is scary. Please make another post warning future HT pattients about that. Dr Pistone either needs to keep up with the times or do something else.


    You will be in good hands with Dr Feller, but you might also want to consider adjusting your schedule and go for one "final" strip HT and leave FUE to fix little things in the future years. If you do it in June, you will be fine by September for school. Sure it sucks, but you will be set probably for life; no need to worry abotu hair anymore.


    Originally posted by dhuge67:

    Well, I cut it too close and yeah, the density is not good enough.


    My friend looked closely at my head (mind you, it is cut down to a #1-2), and he said, "it looks swollen." He meant where the hair is coming out, it is slightly bumpy and raised. You can only tell when it's this short, but it shows that the incision holes were too large.



    While that may be true (about the strip), I'm going to consult with him for sure in February. My loss does seem to really slow if at all, right now, so that's good. I might want to just get through the Marine PLC training program next Summer before I do any surgery.


    My timetable is as such.


    Surgery is a go in February but I leave for Quantico, VA in the first week of June. That SHOULD leave me plenty of time to recover and get back into great shape.

  7. Well, I cut it too close and yeah, the density is not good enough.


    My friend looked closely at my head (mind you, it is cut down to a #1-2), and he said, "it looks swollen." He meant where the hair is coming out, it is slightly bumpy and raised. You can only tell when it's this short, but it shows that the incision holes were too large.



  8. Okay, I'm now 7.2 months post-op and really upset about the density and hairline situation. I am going to do something to fix that in February but I'm not sure what doctor to go to. I also can't decide on the method of surgery.


    I'm thinking of getting a FUE for the hairline to ONLY put hair in the area where there has ALREADY been a procedure (so if it shocks hair, it will only shock hair that will regrow) & it will just "normalize" the density in that area.


    I would go for a full-on FUT but I can't considering the Marine Corps PLC program ahead of me, next Summer. The downtime of a week or two from FUE is bad enough, let alone a month (or 2+) from FUT.


    Who does a good FUE in the North East? I was and still am thinking Dr. Feller in New York, but I'm not sure.


    Thank you for any input.


    Today was hard for me on the first day of classes; a professor told us his only rule was to take off hats. I just told him that I wasn't comfortable doing that, as I "just" had an operation. He let me leave it, but it made me embarrassed and really uncomfortable.



  9. Okay, I'm now 7.2 months post-op and really upset about the density and hairline situation. I am going to do something to fix that in February but I'm not sure what doctor to go to. I also can't decide on the method of surgery.


    I'm thinking of getting a FUE for the hairline to ONLY put hair in the area where there has ALREADY been a procedure (so if it shocks hair, it will only shock hair that will regrow) & it will just "normalize" the density in that area.


    I would go for a full-on FUT but I can't considering the Marine Corps PLC program ahead of me, next Summer. The downtime of a week or two from FUE is bad enough, let alone a month (or 2+) from FUT.


    Who does a good FUE in the North East? I was and still am thinking Dr. Feller in New York, but I'm not sure.


    Thank you for any input.


    Today was hard for me on the first day of classes; a professor told us his only rule was to take off hats. I just told him that I wasn't comfortable doing that, as I "just" had an operation. He let me leave it, but it made me embarrassed and really uncomfortable.



  10. Originally posted by hairbank:

    Congrats to you, Chris.


    If you don't mind my asking, why did you decide to do it? I was close to doing the same thing when going through college in the mid-1980's but decided not to.

    Well, I'm in great shape right now, and I've always thought about it. My grandfather was a Marine and my cousin is currently a Lieutenant Colonel.


    I'm going the officer route though, so I'm not dropping out of school or anything. I just know that my whole future will contain a multitude of options that I wouldn't otherwise be able to get with just a college degree. I know I have the mind and the physical capability to do a good job in a military environment.


    I have the fitness test on monday - so wish me luck!


    PS - the hair transplant was not an issue for the medical screening/physical part of the application. Just an FYI for anyone who was curious.

  11. Originally posted by John_in_NC:


    what % went in the center as supposed to just the temple area? I am trying to see what density you got in the temples.


    Originally posted by dhuge67:
    Originally posted by troy:

    dhuge67 , I was saying everyones results, only commenting on what I saw from my own expirience, sorry if I confused you. I am like you still learning about all of this. It really is quite a journey. i am also contemplating my next move and seeking wisdom from people on this forum, sorry if i came accross negitive towards you.

    It's cool - I've just seen some big differences in people's results from month 6 to month 12.
    I think MOST of it went in the temple region. I'd guess about 20 fus/cm2.
  12. Originally posted by tkerr22:



    I think you look good with the buzz cut and it doesn't show the scar. In the second picture it looks a little thin in the temples but better than before. I don't see any reason to go ahead with another procedure for a good year or two from now. Stick to the meds and a good hair care regimen and see in a year or so. But I think it looks good

    Thanks buddy.


    I'm lucky that Dr. Pistone did a good job with the scar closure as it really is something you have to search for to notice it.

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