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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. I have my physical and fitness test next week and if I pass both of those (which I should easily), then next Summer I'll be in Quantico, Virginia for the Marines PLC program. If I get through that, I will return to PSU for my senior year and graduate as a second lieutenant and then go to TBS (officer school) for 6 months.


    I'm pretty excited about it. Ironically, I'll have to shave my head for a while. icon_smile.gif


    The only thing i'm a little bit concerned about (hair-wise) is not being able to take Propecia while I'm at PLC next Summer...


    In any case...I'm excited about this opportunity.

  2. You're about my age (I'm 21) but considerably further along in the balding process. I'd say that you'd want to start near the mid-to crown area going for maximum coverage. I'd check out Hasson & Wong if I were you and see about getting a mega session of 3,000+ follicular units. At your point, I wouldn't even mess with Propecia, but I'm not sure what others will say about that.


    You are a Norwood-6 or 7 and I'd definitely say that H&W have the best record with those types. Get as much done per session as you can, with an open playing field like that - it'd be ridiculous to cut your head for anything less than 3,000 grafts (if you could get 5,000 at once that'd be awesome), I think.

  3. MyPicture.jpg


    At least you can hardly detect the scar on a very short buzz cut.




    I need to do a better job of shaving that shit!


    For my second procedure, I want to focus on the highlighted area: SecondProcedure.jpg


    BTW, I just got through a ridiculous shed. Hopefully it was the Propecia kicking in at 6.5 months...

  4. MyPicture.jpg


    At least you can hardly detect the scar on a very short buzz cut.




    I need to do a better job of shaving that shit!


    For my second procedure, I want to focus on the highlighted area: SecondProcedure.jpg


    BTW, I just got through a ridiculous shed. Hopefully it was the Propecia kicking in at 6.5 months...

  5. You and I have kind of been Dr. Zorba'd. haha jk


    It's not too bad but it will give you an idea of how low-density the standard follicular unit transplantation can be. You and I both had Pistone do our first transplants and while I don't think it's bad work, it just wont be dense - which is why I am shaving my head down to a #3 (on a beard trimmer) until I get another procedure.


    I had about 100 more FU's over the same area and I'm definitely not happy with the "dusting" of hair that covers that area. I'll need about the same amount over the same area, again, to achieve my desired density.


    I'm gonna wait another 5 months and then I'll get evaluated by someone like Dr. Feller and then see what's what.


    All in all, you'll be better off in a year than you are currently (I know I'm already less bald looking, for sure). Just get ultra refined results next time - it's what I'm looking to do.

  6. Originally posted by John_in_NC:
    You can take anti-estrogen and testosterone support supplements, namely ones that contain resveratrol (found in Wine, grapes).


    I don't see how THAT could be a bad thing...


    how do you know it's nto bad? What happened to just eating very good and not taking chances with more of this hormone, or less of that? You're playing with your body and future here! I rather trust mother nature than some company trying to make a fortune selling hormones.

    You might be right about that...however, mother nature also says that 60% of men have gyno...
  7. Well that sorta rocks the boat! Although, as you do more research, anyone would realize that more testosterone is not always better. It could very well lead to more estrogen (higher bodily levels) through a process called aromatization.


    "Estrogen can cause an increase in body fat, a reduction of muscle mass, and even a decrease in strength, not to mention making you want to cry at the end of every episode of Grey's Anatomy. It can even cause one of the most embarrassing conditions known to man: gynecomastia, or male breasts."


    You can take anti-estrogen and testosterone support supplements, namely ones that contain resveratrol (found in Wine, grapes).


    I don't see how THAT could be a bad thing...

  8. Originally posted by NikkiJ:

    Propecia is an alpha-reducate type-2 blocker. It is like a road blocker for DHT, and so if you take testosterone you will just have more of a back up testosterone, it will not increase your DHT levels.



    Propecia will only allow a 33% production of DHT, no matter how much testosterone you have.


    So then a product like this ( http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=1054351 ) would be okay to take simultaneously with Propecia?

  9. Originally posted by JakeVig:



    On my travels for understanding hairloss I read somewhere to stay away from Steroids and creatine. You can quickly do a search of "Creatine hair loss" on google and you will get 1,120,000+ results. A lot of it is personal experience but a lot of people think that creatine can accelerate your hair loss.


    Personally I don't think it is worth the risk.

    Okay, but how does that make sense? I think it might be mental, with Creatine, more than anything. If you read posts from people at t-nation.com you'll find them saying how "laughable" it is that creatine could cause or accelerate hair loss.


    Seems ridiculous to me too, since it is not working on a hormonal level.

  10. Originally posted by HairHope:

    If you want to accelerate your hairloss, then increase your Test, esp. at your age when your test levels are sky high already and you are pre-disposed to MPB.


    Hairplants and Test Boosters (pro-hormones or whatever you want to call them) are in direct conflict in terms of healthy hair goals.


    and Dhuge, some people on this thread are doctors, just not HT surgeons.

    Well then I obviously won't touch the stuff. Thanks for clearing it up.


    What about Creatine? It seems people in the bodybuilding community see it as very safe and claim that it has no effect on MPB. Is this true, also?

  11. Originally posted by slick:

    I don't think you need any more on the hairline or temples. Hard to tell cause the pic is in b&w but once your ht matures it will probably look pretty good. If you do decide to get more work done you need to concentrate on your entire thinning area from hairline all the way back to the crown. This is what I had done with my ht so when I lose the rest I won't have an obvious unnatural pattern. I agree with beefy you really need to wait a year at least. Don't rush back!

    Sounds like a plan. I'm not rushing back. I'll definitely wait a year at least. My next procedure is either going to be FUE in the hairline or another strip for larger surface area coverage (I'm thinking from the halfway point on my head - a bit in front of the midscalp - and forward to the hairline). Then, I'd have maybe one strip left in me and if I go that route, I'd probably be conceding my crown if/when it would thin/fall out.


    I think my options are becoming more clear.


    1) Have pretty good hair now until maybe my 30's and then have a bald crown from there on out in hopes that maybe someday there are better advances in restoration.


    2) A more wait and see approach with FUE now in the hairline to conserve strips for further down the road.

  12. First of all, posts here may make me look obsessed or overly concerned about my hair. However, this is a forum dedicated to such a thing, so I pour out my "hair-feelings" here and really never think about it or talk to anyone about it except for my own parents.


    I'm a college student, I work for a large computer company as a campus rep, and I'm training to become a Marine Corps Officer...so back off (L'Anonyme) about the "unhealthy obsession" thing, please.


    I'm just trying to figure out what to do and asking the people who might know.

  13. Since I may be doing a "micro session" in 6 months time to fill in my hairline, I've been thinking that FUE would be the better way to go, so as not to waste scalp laxity/area with a strip procedure for maybe 800 units or so...


    Would Dr. Feller be a good option for this? What doctors in the north east could do this well? Geography is a limiting variable for me, as money is an issue (since I'm 21 and in college, etc).


    Thanks for the comments, in advance! icon_wink.gif

  14. Originally posted by troy:

    dhuge67 , I was saying everyones results, only commenting on what I saw from my own expirience, sorry if I confused you. I am like you still learning about all of this. It really is quite a journey. i am also contemplating my next move and seeking wisdom from people on this forum, sorry if i came accross negitive towards you.

    It's cool - I've just seen some big differences in people's results from month 6 to month 12.
  15. Originally posted by Jotronic:



    Six months is a good milestone but as you've already heard, you do have some more imrovement to look forward to. At six months most patients do see the majority of the results as far as new growth but the grafts you have will thicken in their diameter giving you an overall improvement.


    Your plan is wise to give it more time before you look at a new game plan. Stay on the meds and continue reading and participating. Your presence and documentation is helping others as it should.

    Thanks Joe - will do.
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