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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. I agree with you there, and I also think my Doctor does too, as he told me at my follow up visit (which I had early but I went because I was in town so it made sense to see him then - at about 5.5 months) that I would probably need a micro session to boost the density in the hairline to where it should be.


    NOW - here are my thoughts....


    1) I will definitely wait til 12-14 months before any surgery happens again.


    2) I'm not sure if I should do surgery again for a while, as to preserve grafts, elasticity -- due to the fact that I am young and I have more balding to come.


    3) If I do get surgery, I'll probably do it the way I should have done it the first time, dense-packing with a coalition or top-rated, ultra refined practicing doc.


    I could have avoided this need for a micro session if I had gone dense-packing to start with, however, I may have also avoided shock-loss because of the less densely-packed first procedure.


    Either way, I'm glad I didn't experience shock loss and I still have pending results from Propecia to look forward to.


    I'm still positive about this...


    Also, with dermmatch put in, it really looks dense in the hairline...I could always get away with that as I prolong surgery.

  2. Originally posted by JakeVig:

    Hi dhuge67,


    We'll judging from your postop pics it looks like you should still be expecting growth on your hairline. I know that a lot of people here have had most of their growth between 6-8 months so I would wait a couple of months before deciding on your HT results.


    Do you know what density you got on your hairline, judging by your post op pics im guessing around 40cm2 but Its hard to tell because of the scabbing.

    I would say more like 25 cm2, but I'm not positive. I'm thinking I'll need a "micro session" to fill in the proper density.
  3. I definitely have growth coming, and I'm better than where I started, for sure. I think that a year will tell the tale, but for now it's just not one of these AMAZING results I've seen people post about.


    Propecia is helping to stop loss though, I think, maybe not completely yet but it may be slowing. My hair is grown out for the first time in over a year and it doesn't seem quite as thin as it was before I started shaving it.


    I went for my first haircut in a year (I had been buzzing myself) and the hairdresser had no clue that I had toppik in the top...I just told her "nothing off the top or front, just the sides and back with scissors." That turned out well and it looks pretty full when I use concealers.


    I'm still back and forth on what to do about cutting it. I think I'll leave it growing through 12-14 months post op and evaluate the results. If it looks like crap, I'll cut it close and start talking to some doctors. In any case, I'm going to keep up my routine with Propecia, Nizoral, and research.


    I figure, by the time I'm 25-26, I'll be about ready for my second procedure and I might even have a small one for the hairline (from a Top-doc) within the next 2 years, as well. We'll see...

  4. I'm about 6 months post op (August 3rd) and 5.5 months on Propecia without a total halting of loss. I'm kind of bummed out, and hoping that the Propecia kicks in, because it's aggrivating to still see hair falling out...as for the transplant - I don't think i'll know about the cosmetic result for 3-4 months still.


    I'll post pics on the 3rd. As for now, I'm just hoping Propecia begins to work for me soon.

  5. I'm about 6 months post op (August 3rd) and 5.5 months on Propecia without a total halting of loss. I'm kind of bummed out, and hoping that the Propecia kicks in, because it's aggrivating to still see hair falling out...as for the transplant - I don't think i'll know about the cosmetic result for 3-4 months still.


    I'll post pics on the 3rd. As for now, I'm just hoping Propecia begins to work for me soon.

  6. I am a nutrition minor at Penn State and the U.S. recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of the alpha-tocopherol formulation of vitamin E is as follows:


    men: 10 mg or 15 IU

    women: 8 mg or 12 IU


    Here's a note from the text:


    Skin care. Vitamin E is thought to increase an individual's tolerance to UV rays when taken as a supplement in conjunction with vitamin C. Vitamin E has also been touted as a treatment to promote faster healing of flesh wounds. While its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties may have some benefits in reducing swelling and relieving discomfort in a wound, some dermatologists dispute the claims of faster healing, and there are no large controlled studies to support this claim.

  7. I think that confidence is a huge part in all of this. I am not saying that bald is beautiful, but bald is not always ugly and does not have to stop you from talking to women. I know a lot of ugly guys with beautiful girlfriends, and I know a lot of bald guys with beautiful girlfriends. The common variable is that the guys are confident in themselves. They don't see themselves as ugly or define themselves as bald, or if they do, they hide it well.


    It's hard to do - which is why I got a hair transplant and realize I'll have 2 more or so to be "complete" of this process.



    I don't want to force myself to block out the bad feelings I have about my self image. I find that to be too hard and therapy to be as expensive as a hair transplant.


    I don't take the easy way out, in anything in my life - but this is one instance where I just would rather go the easy way and deal with it on a physical level. I'm young and I just don't feel that I need the mental stress that happens to come to ME from going bald.


    The thing I always notice is - though people will tell you what they think of how you look, if you're a lightning-rod of a personality, you'll get the girl.

  8. Originally posted by swk:

    I had a transplant performed by Dr. Charles three weeks ago. It was a great experience from beginning to end. He met with me personally to go over the procedure and explain the process I would go through. So far so good--he took a great deal of pride in making sure all my concerns were addressed (I had his cell phone number and felt comfortable calling any time). The recovery was mild, 2-3 days. I know of two other patients that had transplants performed by Dr. Charles that look outstanding, I am looking forward to seeing my finished look 6-12 months from now.

    Glad everything went well.


    You'll see "finished" results in 12-14 months. Probably substantial results in 9-10.

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