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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. One of the things I'm wondering about is when Dr. Pistone told me that he didn't think that in a year's time it would be appropriate to have another large session. He said he didn't know where the hair would be placed. However, I am pretty sure that the guys doing dense-packing with loops/close-up imaging devices would be able to find plenty of open scalp all throughout the top of my head for a large 2,000+ session.


    What do you all think?


    BTW, Feller called to tell me that they were going to be out of the office this Friday or maybe he had surgery so my consult is being put off for now.


    I am 5.5 months today and I'm a bit happier as the density has increased somewhat, there are some more sprouts, and I know I've got my best days ahead...

  2. Doc told me that things are progressing normally and it's too early yet to tell what the results from this procedure will be but my healing is going well and things appear to be fine. He thinks that in February (12 months from the operation) we can evaluate again and see what we may do. He thinks it will be too early to go back in to the native hair for another large HT. He said that time is probably a while off, but I might need some more hair put in the hairline with a smaller session of maybe 800-1,000 FUs to add density to that area. Of course, if I had the original work done with a dense-packing session, this might not be an issue (and it is one now, but it's not a huge deal).


    That's probably what I'll do, a micro session to add density to the new hairline which isn't quite up to par with the density of my native hair.


    He says I have about 3.5 cm in width of good donor hair, and I assume the length is around 20 cm or more all the way from ear to ear? I have a pretty wide head (take about a 7 1/2 size ball-cap).


    Things are looking up.


    I'm just glad that I'm not facing another huge financial output (for me, a student, anyway) in less than a year. Plus, since the smaller HT would go in where there is already hair, recovery/concealing would be a lot easier this time around.

  3. Originally posted by JakeVig:

    Hi dhuge,


    Good Luck and let us know what Dr Feller says. I hope you don't push for an aggressive 21 yo hairline at your age though. Keep us posted on the incoming results of your first HT.

    It's not about the hairline. If everything is already thinned at this point, what does it matter to start work? Jesus, it's not like I am at an early stage of baldness here, I just went really fast, at a really young age. It's the same as a 40 year old would be.
  4. Originally posted by L'Anonyme:

    Do you think Feller might object to operating on you b/c of your age? Does anyone know if he routinely does patients this young (does spex know perhaps?)? I would assume he'd avoid the liability. What do you do if Feller or another great doc tells you to wait, that you're too young to keep doing these interventions on your scalp at this age?

    Uhm...I'll be 21 and a half when/if Feller operates on me. I'm on Propecia, willing to give up my crown if needs be, and my donor area is plentiful.


    You should see this nest. It looks outrageous right now, since i've let it grow out.


    Time will tell what people will say/do, but I'll let you know.

  5. Originally posted by jagdish:

    Have you tried Dermimatch? Applying Toppik is very easy when compared to dermmatch but dermmatch works better than Toppik.

    Agreed...Toppik looks less natural but is easier to deal with. I own both.
  6. Originally posted by King_FUT:

    Guys, what do you think of this hairline I drew? Also how many grafts do you think it would take to fill this area? My hair is full everywhere else. Would this be Norwood 2 or 3? Thanks.

    To me, that looks a bit far forward in the middle part. I'd take it back just a slight bit...as for graft numbers...a total guess for good density would be around 2,000.
  7. Originally posted by Jasjeet:

    I have an HT scheduled with Dr. Ron Shapiro for my frontal and side temples. I have been advised for 2000 - 2500 grafts. My photos are attached along. Please give me your valuable opinions in this regards. Are the no. of grafts suggested valid?

    Dr. Ron Shapiro is held in high regards on these forums...I'm pretty positive that his word is stronger than anyone else's in terms of how to proceed with your operation.
  8. Troy, your results prove to me that it is possible to enter the native hair zone and still be able ot produce great results. This leaves me feeling optimistic about my potential...




    I think the juxtaposition of these photos tell the story...





  9. Originally posted by trachound:

    I'm currently 6 months post op and very happy so far with my growth. From what I read on here, I'm only 50-60% and still have much growing and thickening to look forward to.

    Two questions: At this point, do I still have new hairs to anticipate sprouting up, or is it mostly the existing ones thickening from here on out? Secondly, a couple of weeks ago I picked a blackhead(I got quite a few of them after the procedure) and it came out and 2 hairs came with it. Will they grow back or what? I figured after 5.5 months they'd be totally sealed. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


    Dr. Charles 1522 graphs

    I've been wondering about the same thing about new hairs sprouting at this point...


    As for the picked hair that fell out...it probably fell out temporarily from being too harshly picked.


    It's the really thin ones (like the one that just fell on the keyboard here - damn it) that probably wont come back.

  10. Originally posted by troy:

    I can remeber you posting and you didnt want to take anyones advise, you were very arrogant, it seems you have humbled yourself now and are open minded to other people feedback. I think you will need another session of 3000+ and fill in where its thin from ht number 1. And this time I would reccomend you check out some of the recommended Drs on this site. also they say we can expireince new growth all the way upto a year so hang on and watch untill then, meanwhile y0u could start to research your next move by interviewing other docs, just my opinion.

    I'm way ahead of you there. I have a consultation with Dr. Feller on the 21st.


    Also, mind your words please, considering I was not arrogant but more than naive about this process. Luckily, I still made out with an above average HT, in my opinion.

  11. Originally posted by JakeVig:

    dhuge I would hangon for another couple of months as I am hearing that a lot of people experience a dramatic difference between 6-8 months.


    I hope that from now on in you are doing everything you can to hang on and possibly regrow your existing hair. Because you are young you have the best chance to regrow some hair with meds.

    I haven't missed a Propecia dose in 142 straight days. I hope it works to regrow the hair further back in the midscalp/crown areas. I also use Nizoral 3-4 times a week.


    My pre op pics are on the hairloss weblogs page, found here: http://www.hairlossweblogs.com/home-page.asp?WebID=69


    It's notable that the first picture (topdown without flash), shows the shadow of where the hair is growing at the temple areas, where there was nothing before.

  12. I am wondering why the bother? The units are so far apart...I don't think it's going to look very natural or any "better" than if you had just trimmed down to a #1 everywhere else.


    Good luck to you, though, hopefully things turn out nicely.

  13. I'm 5 months post op now and more grafts have sprouted and seem to be sprouting now. It took a while, but things are beginning to happen. I'll post some pictures in a little bit, though I'm not sure how good the quality will be.


    I just hope that what is there thickens in shaft diameter over the course of the next 5-7 months.




    IMG_4348.jpg Heavy flash









    Maybe I should have stayed with the shaved head...THIS SUCKS.

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