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Posts posted by dhuge67

  1. I'm 5 months post op now and more grafts have sprouted and seem to be sprouting now. It took a while, but things are beginning to happen. I'll post some pictures in a little bit, though I'm not sure how good the quality will be.


    I just hope that what is there thickens in shaft diameter over the course of the next 5-7 months.




    IMG_4348.jpg Heavy flash









    Maybe I should have stayed with the shaved head...THIS SUCKS.

  2. Originally posted by JakeVig:



    I only believe that you should have 1's for the hair lines only because the top docs only put 1's on the hairline.


    I'm only guessing but I think that it might have something to do with the HT density of 50cm2 as there will be more space between the grafts. I'd say 2's and 3's on the hairline with a non MPB head with a density of 80-100cm2 is not noticeable. Having said that I still have a native front tuff (i.e. not receeded) and i cant see anything other than 1's and 2's on the very front of my hairline.


    Having said that dhuge I doubt it will be noticeable by anyone. You may only notice because you focused on it 5cm away from the mirror. There is no reason to start consulting other docs until you are at least 14 months post op.

    I'm getting it looked at, just for another opinion and to see what he thinks about my future regarding HTs. It can't hurt to go for a free discussion...something I should have done more in the first place.
  3. Originally posted by JakeVig:
    Originally posted by dhuge67:

    I have a lot of 2's and 3's on my hairline...


    dhuge are you saying that you have 2's and 3's on the very front of your hairline? or that you have some 2's and 3's behind some 1's on the hairline which would be normal.

    2's, 3's and 4's actually - in the very front, yes.


    I'll be seeing Dr. Feller in a few days for a consultation.


    I might post some pictures of this in a little bit. It doesn't look terrible, but it still doesn't seem quite right or as good as stuff that i've seen on here.

  4. Originally posted by paris_caine:

    Hi faceless, congrats on getting he deed done, and done well.

    I have a question, since my hair is very similar to yours. Since they shaved the entire top off, how long would it take for your existing hair on top to grow, so you would be able to go back to work, or is it that you don't care about that part? i have always been scared that once they shave my top off, it would take a long darn time before my hair on top grows to the length i keep it at usually, to be able to hide the HT hair.

    Any thoughts?


    P.S i have a consult scheduled with Dr. Feller in a week. any words of advice besides the usual?



  5. I tried it as well...no great results, if any so I got on Propecia once I found this site. I don't know why I didn't get on Propecia first - it was probably due to the cost.


    It's worth it to me to pay more for something proven. Propecia seems to be slowing loss, but I expect to stay on it for a long while, and it's only been 130 days so far. I've heard it takes from 6 months to a year for it to kick in?

  6. The way my scar felt at that point, I would say that light cardio (walking, cycling) would only be acceptable at that point. I did absolutely nothing for a full week after the procedure and I'm 20 years old. I just made it a point to work out very hard for about 5 weeks leading up to the procedure, so that a rest period would be benificial.


    Give yourself a month or more before you go back to extremely heavy weights.


    I lifted at about 2 and a half weeks post-op, but only light and only certain exercises that would not stretch or strain my head/neck.


    Just be cautious and smart and you'll be fine.

  7. Originally posted by Lon:

    I don't think propecia is the answer for most..unless you don't have much of a sex life anyway and you don't mind making your orgasms smaller...

    What kind of bullshit is a comment like that? A "friend" of mine is on Propecia and is still having WILD orgasms. Of course, this guy is 20 years old, but still...don't BLOW things out of proportion. The issues with that pill happen in, what, 2% or less of users? Yeah.
  8. Originally posted by tkerr22:
    Originally posted by jerry78:


    The reason that Katz uses for small sessions, according to what he told me at my consult, is that if you place lots of grafts close together at the same time (think of planting vegetables in a garden without spacing them apart),a lot of the grafts will not grow due to the lack of blood supply, etc. He prefers a small session, then when those grafts have taken "root", a second session can be done thereby allowing more graft growth. Jerry



    See I was told different by my doctor because of the new blades they use that make the incisions so small and nonevasive. He went ahead and dense packed my front and it turned out great! If you look at H&W along with some other docs on here they dense pack too and there is no loss of grafts due to their non evasive blades

    I believe you are correct. I never said that what I was told was infallible.
  9. Originally posted by jerry78:


    The reason that Katz uses for small sessions, according to what he told me at my consult, is that if you place lots of grafts close together at the same time (think of planting vegetables in a garden without spacing them apart),a lot of the grafts will not grow due to the lack of blood supply, etc. He prefers a small session, then when those grafts have taken "root", a second session can be done thereby allowing more graft growth. Jerry

    I heard this from my Doctor as well.
  10. Originally posted by future doc:

    Never had a bald president? Does Eisenhower ring a bell?


    people who listened to the Nixon/Kennedy debate on the radio decidely chose Nixon. But we all know he didn't stand a chance when standing next to the youthful, healthy, full-haired Kennedy.



    Of course, we all know who really won that ELECTION. ***COUGH:::Chicago voting fraud:::COUGH***
  11. Originally posted by irish homer:
    Originally posted by the B spot:

    We have never had a president who was bald



    the lack of baldness in your current president is the least worrying thing about him icon_biggrin.gif

    Let's not go there.



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