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Is one HT really possible??

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HTinthefuture- both my grandparents had full heads of hair. My dad has lost a little in the crown, his hairline has been recessed as long as I can remember, but still has a decent head of hair and he just turned 60. It is frustrating as I seem to be the only male, including cousins and uncles, that has more significant hair loss. It sucks. Now the question is do I move ahead with a HT or live without it.


FYI HTinthefuture- Finasteride has strengthened my crown significantly as I have been on it now for about ten months. The side effects for me seemed to be more mental and in the first three months, but then they passed.


Jo- Bill is a perfectionist and his results speak for themself!! I am too but do not want four HTs. I guess I could swallow having a second 15-years down the road, but not more than that.


I am now at a point in my career where I can take off the time (my company was just bought and looks like the majority of us will no longer be employed--fun times) to go ahead with a HT now that I have some time off. I just need to make the call.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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"Jo- Bill is a perfectionist and his results speak for themself!! I am too but do not want four HTs. I guess I could swallow having a second 15-years down the road, but not more than that."



Just as a side note, Bill's first two transplants were a few years back. If you do scalp exercises and go to an aggressive clinic (H&W) you could probably get as many grafts in a single session that MANY used to get (and still do) in 2-3....

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One positive I think about regarding getting a series (2-3) of HTs, especially at a youngish age and in fairly close proximity, is that if your donor:loss ratio is good enough, you can be pretty much set for life afterwards and won't have to worry about losing those hairs again....if you get like 8k (just for example) grafts well distributed when you are 40 or w/e and a good portion of people is just starting to get hobbled by MPB you can be cruisin' right along.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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To Eman And Htinthefuture, How old are you guys? I just turned 39 years old and I did not start loosing my hair until I was about 31 years old? My family background is the same situation as you 2 guys. Everyone on both sides have or had great hair. My by far has been the worst. My Question to you 2 guys is did you experience any high levels of stress during the time you started to loose your hair? I myself did and thats what I think happened with myself. I also have been on the meds for about 3 months and I have seen wonders with both rogaine and proscar. Right before my procedure I almost cancelled to wait a year and see how the meds would worked on my hair. Plus I was nervous about the scar because I do where a military style cut and did not want my scar to be noticable. Well I did the procedure and you guys have nothing to fear if you find the right doctor. Have you guys ever had a root canal on your teeth? The pain of a root canal procedure is tougher. But remember that an Ht is much longer. No severe pain,but at certain times its just a bit uncomfortable. I am going to wait a year and go back and see my doc I had 2953 grafts in one session. My doc says that all I needed was one ht and I should be very happy. Well there are 2 factors that came into play that I would only need one ht procedure. 1st my hairloss was gradual for a late bloomer,2nd the meds work great on me with no side effects. I know myself and after 1 year if things go the way I am thinking. Its going to really look nice,but if I need some touchups on my hairline itself to just bring it back a little lower,then im all in for the 2nd procedure,because its not bad guys and its not what you think. Just go to a top notch Doctor. The doctors who seem to know what there doing on this site is of course my doc Dr. Jeff Epstein,Dr. Hasson and Wong and feller. One of the reason I went with Epstein is because he has a great port folio and he is a facial plastic surgeon,so he looks at the face and his determination is for more natural than a low hairline and he is huge on a small donor scar that is very minnimal line. Lst reason he does not shave your head. I went into his office on the day of the surgery witha buzz cut #4 just to play it safe with not being noticed from others after the surgery. Amazing not one person has asked or noticed that I had an Ht. I plan on taking new pics on my 1 month post op. So we are at day 15 and wait till my pics come up in 2 weeks because I am going to shave my head to a #2 buzzer. Then I will really get to see how my procedure came out.

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Jotronic & Spex as always provide clear realistic insights into the whole process as does Bill . I found this to be the case after reading this site for well over a year and as I had mine done 5 weeks back I can now in fact validate much of what they say. That isn't to marginalize anyone elses contributions, many are superb, I've simply found those 3 in particular get right to the nuts of the matter and they've been there and got the t-shirts so to speak especially on the 'one pass' option and its meaning.

In my case, I initially was under the impression that I might be able to get the whole area I wanted done covered in one pass given the capabilities of the top surgeons today.

After much reading here and detailed consults with the surgeon I realized that simply wasn't going to happen given the area of hair loss to be worked on, the size of a strip that could be safely harvested in one session, my expectations and the surgeons standards.

Once I knew it was going to probably take 2 HT's to be beautiful again the surgeon and I spent a lot of time going over how we were going to proceed. The 1st session was a successful 'one pass' (I'm taking the Docs word on that) in that we got the maximum in the front 70%, leaving the crown and any added density in the front 70% for a 2nd and my donor area is ample for the job.

As I'm not obsessed about my crown one may do the trick however chances are if all goes well with the 1st one the crown will bug me and I'll need a 2nd.

Knowing that I'd probably need 2 for optimum results going in was invaluable information and many posts on this site provided much of that information.

My Hair Loss Weblog


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