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Abou's Second Scar Revision with Dr Hasson...

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Hello Everyone,


As I'm sure many are aware of my scar revision with Dr Hasson after my double scar... The result came out as good as anyone could hope for... I could maintain a very short haircut (#2) and get away with it... Anything shorter would show the scar... I did consider FUE in the scar but then decided on a second revision using the new Trico closure technique...


So here we go... Got in Vancouver Thursday night... Friday at 11, I was in the clinic and saw Dr Hasson who was very pleased with the overall result... Then Joe came out and we had a nice chat... He then took a look at my scar and said: "You came all the way up for THIS?" hehehe... He surely had a point there... ( I almost didn't recognize him with that new haircut... He looked great...)


Dr Hasson started the revision at 11:45 as he was making jokes about how handsome he is... He then said: "I don't know about handsome, maybe less revolting...


At 1:15 the revision was done and Dr Hasson said there was zero tension... We had anticipated a 100 or so grafts from the revision...


I had lunch... Then Dr Hasson came out with a surprise look on his face... "401 grafts!!! Where am I gonna put them all??? (Jokingly, of course)... I said: " Oh, don't worry you'll find a place for them...


Got those shots then the incisions and then sweet and beautiful Anna spent few hours planting them as we were chatting... Then Gorgeous Rebecca came in and gave me my post op instructions.. I didn't want her to finish... Careful guys, it's easy to fall in love with her...


Same old impeccable and genuine service from all staff... Had the pleasure of meeting Dr Wong... Doug is one of the nicest gentlemen I've ever met and Christina is The Charmer...


The scar 20 months post op revision 1 don't look much different than the pictures I posted during my updates... I'm reorganizing my site and will have it up and running sometime soon... I won't be doing much updates as it's meaningless to judge a scar until at least 4-6 months post op...


Pictures 1,2,3 are before scar revision 1...

Picture 4 is before scar revision 2...

Picture 5 is hairline 20 months post op of 825 grafts from scar revision 1...


Thanks and good luck to all...


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Hello Everyone,


As I'm sure many are aware of my scar revision with Dr Hasson after my double scar... The result came out as good as anyone could hope for... I could maintain a very short haircut (#2) and get away with it... Anything shorter would show the scar... I did consider FUE in the scar but then decided on a second revision using the new Trico closure technique...


So here we go... Got in Vancouver Thursday night... Friday at 11, I was in the clinic and saw Dr Hasson who was very pleased with the overall result... Then Joe came out and we had a nice chat... He then took a look at my scar and said: "You came all the way up for THIS?" hehehe... He surely had a point there... ( I almost didn't recognize him with that new haircut... He looked great...)


Dr Hasson started the revision at 11:45 as he was making jokes about how handsome he is... He then said: "I don't know about handsome, maybe less revolting...


At 1:15 the revision was done and Dr Hasson said there was zero tension... We had anticipated a 100 or so grafts from the revision...


I had lunch... Then Dr Hasson came out with a surprise look on his face... "401 grafts!!! Where am I gonna put them all??? (Jokingly, of course)... I said: " Oh, don't worry you'll find a place for them...


Got those shots then the incisions and then sweet and beautiful Anna spent few hours planting them as we were chatting... Then Gorgeous Rebecca came in and gave me my post op instructions.. I didn't want her to finish... Careful guys, it's easy to fall in love with her...


Same old impeccable and genuine service from all staff... Had the pleasure of meeting Dr Wong... Doug is one of the nicest gentlemen I've ever met and Christina is The Charmer...


The scar 20 months post op revision 1 don't look much different than the pictures I posted during my updates... I'm reorganizing my site and will have it up and running sometime soon... I won't be doing much updates as it's meaningless to judge a scar until at least 4-6 months post op...


Pictures 1,2,3 are before scar revision 1...

Picture 4 is before scar revision 2...

Picture 5 is hairline 20 months post op of 825 grafts from scar revision 1...


Thanks and good luck to all...


9591099802_DA695E7E0B4AC800BCCB28FD44A58146.JPG.thumb 8591099802_BD2474E213BC0B7DB5EF913A9C7A98E1.JPG.thumb 7591099802_4FCDDB1A39AEAA9690C1BA75D986EF02.JPG.thumb 6591099802_933162A9CC932A13CF3B1E98889A43A9.JPG.thumb 5591099802_A3A496AB519EEDBB7FC6B5D8579F02D6.JPG.thumb



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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Abou:

The result came out as good as anyone could hope for...


At 1:15 the revision was done and Dr Hasson said there was zero tension... We had anticipated a 100 or so grafts from the revision...


Then Dr Hasson came out with a surprise look on his face... "401 grafts!!! Where am I gonna put them all??? (Jokingly, of course)


and then sweet and beautiful Anna spent few hours planting them as we were chatting...


Then Gorgeous Rebecca came in and gave me my post op instructions..


Same old impeccable and genuine service from all staff... Had the pleasure of meeting Dr Wong... Doug is one of the nicest gentlemen I've ever met and Christina is The Charmer...


I don't mean to be rude but...wow. A little inconspicuous there..., Abou.

1,614 with Dr. Pistone on 2/3/06 in Marlton, NJ.


As long as the moon shall rise

As long as the rivers flow

As long as the sun shall shine

And the grass will grow

Let me listen, I will learn to speak

The old language

Yes, I yearn to bathe in blue skies

And fall apart from the world of machines

Regain my feet and my pounding heart


My Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Abou:

hehehe... I had to look up inconspicuous...


Yeah, I was lucky I got back shortly before the storm... So had some time to write...

I was actually being sarcastic...your posts just seems to be one giant ad.

1,614 with Dr. Pistone on 2/3/06 in Marlton, NJ.


As long as the moon shall rise

As long as the rivers flow

As long as the sun shall shine

And the grass will grow

Let me listen, I will learn to speak

The old language

Yes, I yearn to bathe in blue skies

And fall apart from the world of machines

Regain my feet and my pounding heart


My Hair Loss Weblog


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I posted this on another site and not one poster thought it was a huge ad...


I had a very successful revision with Dr Hasson and I'm writing about it so others can benefit from my experience... What's the problem with that?

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Abou:



I posted this on another site and not one poster thought it was a huge ad...


I had a very successful revision with Dr Hasson and I'm writing about it so others can benefit from my experience... What's the problem with that?

It's my opinion, I never said there was a problem with it.

1,614 with Dr. Pistone on 2/3/06 in Marlton, NJ.


As long as the moon shall rise

As long as the rivers flow

As long as the sun shall shine

And the grass will grow

Let me listen, I will learn to speak

The old language

Yes, I yearn to bathe in blue skies

And fall apart from the world of machines

Regain my feet and my pounding heart


My Hair Loss Weblog


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Dhuge, patients tend to get very excited when their hair procedure turns out well. If yours does, and I hope it does, you'll be singing the praises of Dr. Pistone. I'll also be doing the same with Dr. Keene if mine turns out well. It's just human nature. It's also very informative.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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