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help anyone, Please!!!


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  • Senior Member

My story:


I always had thick hair. To make the story short I notice that I was starting to loose my hair when I was 22 years old. I didn't think much of it cause I always have nice thick hair. I would gel it or run my finger and have some in my hands. I also notice it when I shower and I shampoo my hair. I still did not think anything of cause I always have think hair, but a few times I would get comments like, your hair is thinning and in my mind I am thinking maybe I have gel in my hair. One day I went to my cousin's house to get my hair cut and he would say something like your hair is thinning or something is different with your hair. From that time I still have alot of hair and I notice it more when I was like around 25 years old and that I need to do something. I saw a commercial about Hair Club and desperate as I was I made a call for a consultation. I told them my situation about what I think I know why I was loosing or thinning. I told them I have been taking a Dietry Supplement called Hydroxycut, I would take 2, morning and before gym. I have been taking Hydroxycut for 3 years straight. My girlfried did some search on Hydroxycut and she told me that some people have claim using Hydroxycut, they notice some hair loss and thinning. My friend that introduce me to this stuff, stop using it once he found out about thinning hair, but he did not used it consistant like I did. Til this day I rather be that fat kid with nice black thick hair and slowly loose the weight.


Why I feel strong about this cause I have no history of any bald family. How I know cause I ask my parents. Even they miss one person, how is it gonna hit me out of 17 kids and of course the youngest. I have nephews that are older then me have good hair.


Lets go back to Hair Club, they gave me (EXT)$1,400, its a six months supply of shampoo,condition,spray,spray,pills and spray.Its a supply you use everytime you shower, I just know that if IT WORKED I WILL NOT BE HERE RIGHT NOW TYPING THIS. They feel that I still have some hair that this should work. It suppose to be some STRONG stuff.

I guess I got over it and hoping that my hair will come back home. I notice that I invest in and wear alot of hats. I don't go out much and if I do, I have to wear a hat. I went to a restuant/bar and I was not aware of their code at 10pm, you have to loose the hat. I tried to hurry up and pay for my tab, the bartender apolagize and told me that I have to loose the hat like a insecure guy I left. I love hats, but sometimes I just want to feel the breeze going through my hair and not feel a cold air. Again make this sad story short, I finally shave my head to a #3 clip and feeling a little better about myself and I thought it looked good(NOT NOTICABLE). I am have thin hair around the crown area and my hair stop shedding,ITS BEEN LIKE THAT FOR 2 YEARS NOW.


My parents had a get together and I notice that my brothers ages 36-55 have all their hair. Don't forget to save the best for last,my father at 80 years old still sexy and my confident went out the door.

So, I recently contacted Hair Club again for almost 8 years. I schedule a consultaion saturday morning, hoping for a happy solution. Just 5 minutes of her time and I did not feel the vibe from her. I felt she talks over me instead of listening to my problems and what cause it. She gives me attitude that Hydroxycut don't do this to you(she only worked there for 2yrs and where is her M.D license) and thats when I got a lil pissed cause she was not trying to hear me out. She work at a gym AND??? whats that have to do with me and my hair. I didn't let her know that I was mad or at least I know I tried to be nice. She only gave me EXT options and thats it, I asked her....she paused and said we have a bio-......sorry forgot the name. It's non surgical. Trying to be nice...I asked questions and all I heard was blllalalallahhhhhhhhh!!! I forgot where I was at, I thought I was at a car dealership cause she was not consulting me more like insulting me. She did not explain nothing, but kept saying it will look real,scalp massage and nice. She told me the name of the guy that makes it (make what) I just did not want to hear mouth, so I ask to talk with the guy that is in that department. She took me into another room and I told my girlfriend to come with me. While we waited I told her how I felt and that I am not listening to someone without a some kind of Doctor's Degree. Finally, he came in and my girlfriend and I ask questions and they were answered. He told me...what its gonna look like and materials used. I knew I was not intrested before I got into that room, but I just wanted to get away from the girl before I choke her. He just made it clear enough that....this is not what I want to do cause I cant think of something not completly real on my head and pretend that it is real.

She came in the room after everything is said and decision done. She started to flip when I told her that I would have to think about,just to be nice and to keep it short so I can leave. I told her why pay so much to limit to what hairstyle and having to come in every month. I would rather shave my head instead of having to come in every month and pay extra fee (she left that out) My girlfriend was witnessing it all. She said it must be something, it is why I am there on a Saturday and it did not STOP there, she insulted me saying I am being indenial. Still I kept my cool and said I need help, but the help is not here. Still trying to sell herself, she said since you came back and spent $1400 the first time...I will take $500 off of the fake hair ($2500). I stood up before I loose my cool and she gave me her card....said later.


I want this said cause I don't anyone who needs help to get the door close on their face and insulted. I have my witness.

I am also glad to find this forum cause this site helped and gave me alot of knowledge. I read a couple of forum on here about Hair Club and I am not only person they have played, but at least I can learn from their mistakes and I appreciate that guys. I read that they shave all your asisting hair underneath where they apply the glue to put the fake hair and that is done everytime you come in for your monthly mantinance. 000h yea!! don't forget the scalp message or is it rubbing your bald spot.


So I am trying to be more wiser and do my research.

I will try to send some pics......


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  • 2 months later...
  • Regular Member

Mmmm yeah, hair club? No.


Try a much simpler, FDA proven solution to hairloss.


Propecia= you need a prescription from a doctor for this, your young, it should at least maintain what you have...its a pill you take once a day.


and add Nizoral, its a shampoo you can get over the counter, contains an ingridents that are suppoused to also help remove DHT from the scalp.


(DHT is essentially what kills our hair).


Try this for about a year and see where your at, if it maintains or even adds some hair, then great. You can start looking into Hair Transplants a bit further down the road...

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