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hey Arfy or anyone else

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You look like a 2 to me, although the Norwood scale certainly isn't perfect.




Honestly, I would KILL to have hair like yours, and I would not go for a transplant at this time if I were you. Try to maintain with Propecia, and maybe Minoxidil if you want. Are you doing that? Have you stopped the progression?


You still have good density in the frontal forelock, and it has only receded in the temples. Personally, I think your hair looks great, and the only reason a guy like you would get a transplant is because you are shooting for "perfection"... DON'T DO IT. Hair transplants are for bald guys to get a little bit of coverage on their bare scalps, they should not be used to try to make a good head of hair "perfect".


You can always get surgical later on down the road. You are not bald enough yet. If I were you I would WAIT, use preventative meds like Propecia, and hopefully you will never actually need a transplant.

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I still want the HT - but am now going to wait and talk to Dr. Rob Jones about the FUE method. I do not want a scar at all and can go conservative with 500 fues at a time. Plus, with his process, there is little to no shock loss.


I'm also on Propecia, been on for a good two years now. Thoose pictures are from about 8 months ago. I'm also starting to lose some hair in the front now, really sucks.


I DONT WANT A PERFECT hailine at all, honest. All i want is to fill in the temples and end up with a very recessed look, nothing more. The one question I have, and i know you can't really answer it: but does it look good, with the amount of hair I have and at age 27 that I won't be 100% bold, say a Norwood 6 or 7 in the future? Just wondering.

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You should plan your surgery with the expectation you will become totally bald. That way, if it does happen, you didn't get screwed by having cosmetic surgery. That's why hairline touch-ups are a bad idea. If the guy does keep losing hair, he's in big trouble. If you truly need a transplant in the first place, odds are very high you are destined for total baldness.


I stand by my statement, a hair transplant is really for bald guys to "get a little something on a bare scalp".

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In all honesty i would discourage an HT for you. The fact of the matter is that propecia works really well to hold on to what you have and what you have looks good now. You will look great when you are in your mid 30's.

There will be new drug treatments and other less invasive medical procedures in the not to distant future. Not to mention tons of girls like the receeding look.

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Your hair has perfect density .You dont have the

fine hair like myself. I've been through 5

surgeries now and would kill to have the density

of your hair. Based on what I see to fill in the

recession areas along the temple and fill in the

frontal area you're looking at no more than 1200

grafts. I would start taking the either Proscar

or the new Duasteride and you'll have nothing

else to worry about for a long time - if ever.

Get started early and dont let it get out of

control . Take the upper hand. I didnt have the

choice of Proscar or Propecia in 13 years ago

in my early 20's when I really needed it


Greg D.

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I would have rather just started taking Propecia/Proscar and seeing how it worked for me before I did anything (I had 2 procedures for a total of 1,000 grafts).

27young, your hair looks good. I'm sure your hairline is an issue for you, but you are actually quite lucky....as you've heard, there are many people that wish they were in your situation.

I know you're itching to do something fast, but my advice to you, being that we're the same age, start with Propecia/Proscar and see how that works for you first. Patience is the best remedy for every trouble. I wish someone would have told me that.

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you look like NW3 to me. You've got really good density.

Best of luck with your decision. What I like is that you decided to go conservative and do a FUE. I think that shows good judgment if you do decide on an HT. That is such a personal decision, but it sounds like you know what you are up against -- the risks and what have you of being too aggressive.



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I cannot believe you are even thinking of a HT. I'm with arfy...I would give anything to have the amount of hair you have. Don't do it.



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How is your family history as far as hair? I fully understand you trying to get an HT, because I'm in a very similar situation, and clearly very sublte changes can make a lot of difference. Good Luck.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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I agree with Microprose. Your family history is an important factor to be considered. If you are likely to become a 6, I agree with Arfy. If, however, your father, brothers, maternal grandfather and uncles, etc. have only receded at the temples, you may conclude that it is more likely than not that your hair loss will not become severe and that you will have enough donor hair to address the likely future loss.


This latter course involves risk. No one can tell for sure what your loss pattern will be. Personally, after reading the horror stories of those who are caught with insufficient donor supply, I would need a really stellar family history before taking this risk.


Good luck.

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does a any HT Doctor not have an opinon on what I should do? I also looked at my dad, he is 65 and about a Norwood 5 and my grandfauther on my mom's side is about a 5a-6.....but i asked my dad if he was at my stage when he was my age and he said that he had lost hair in the crown and was about the same upfront......still not sure about this, i mean - from all of the posts, it seems that I will have enough donor hair for the future. I'll just need to get more HT's as I get older and with the new FUE methos, this seems like a good approach.

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Judging from your pictures I think that you may be closer to a Norwood III.I recommend that young patients like yourself consider using Propecia/Rogaine in an effot to stop the hairloss process.

You may notice some regrowth and be able to forego a HT if you are happy with the results.


If after at least 6-9 months of use you are still concerned about the frontal area, I would consider HTs. I would caution you to be very conservative. As I have written to others with a similar concern you need to concentrate on the frontal area, keep the surface area as small as possible and keep the hairline relatively high. You need to be thinking about where you might be in twenty or thirty years.You want to be in a position to use the avilable donor hair for the highest priorities.It is best to be prepared for a worst case scenario.


I suggest a consultation where your family history and medical history can be reviewed and a physical exam can be performed.

Paul T. Rose, MD, JD

President ISHRS

Board of Trustees ISCLS


Dr. Paul Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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