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Hey im new to the board. I just wanted to know if age played a factor in hair loss? Im 20 going on 21 and have lost about half of my hair's usual thinkness in a matter of 2 years. Is it possible ill be tottaly bald in 2 years? Is it normal for someone my age to bald this quickly? i thought male pattern was supposed to take place, like say, over the span of adulthood.


Your help is greatly appeciated, thank you.

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Hey im new to the board. I just wanted to know if age played a factor in hair loss? Im 20 going on 21 and have lost about half of my hair's usual thinkness in a matter of 2 years. Is it possible ill be tottaly bald in 2 years? Is it normal for someone my age to bald this quickly? i thought male pattern was supposed to take place, like say, over the span of adulthood.


Your help is greatly appeciated, thank you.

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  • Senior Member

Age plays a significant role in the whole process. I can rest assure that many will tell you to use the "find" feature on this site and type in some key words to help you out. Closer you did find a gem in the rough with this site, be patient don't rush into anything (surgical) for a while. Do a lot of research. I am 25 going 26 in the next few days, and I was in your situation at 20. Take pictures now to get an accurate evaluation on your hair loss, then talk to a few docs about possibly getting on meds. Once again research the meds and know what your getting into. If I rushed into it I would of got butchered at a "hair mill". Trust me be patient, I just got my Ht one month ago. Do a search on this guy you might of heard on this site (being sarcastic!!) his name is Bspot. I am not trying to scare you but I believe he lost all his hair in a two year span. I am not saying this will happen to you, but anything is possible. Another note, many will ask for pics to help you evaluate your situation, learn to edit them to hide your face if you care about being seen. Hope this helps, please do a lot of research before making any decision, you truly are in the right place "People helping people its powerful stuff..." Vince Vaughn wedding crashers. Take care hope it helps..

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Age does play a factor but people can lose hair anytime after 20 or sometimes earlier! Most do in their 20s and 30's but other as early as 17 ! The speed is also variable so it is hard to generalize as it is a genetic thing



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I was pretty much totally bald by the time I was 22, so yeah it happens to some of us unfortunately.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Welcome to our community.


You have already received some excellent information/advice from some of our community members.


People can start to lose hair at many different ages however, the bulk of hair loss sufferers typically at least start losing some hair between 20-30 years of age.


Hair loss treatments such as Propecia (Finasteride) and Rogaine (Minoxodil) may help minimize the risk of future loss and at early stages of loss may even regrow hair (strengthen and thicken miniaturized hairs).


I hope this helps.



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