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ILHT(International Laser Hair Transplant)Pakistan facts


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Thanks. BTW, there has to be a good reason as to why he cannot practice in US? And no wonder he is working out of his clinic in Dubai. But believe me; this guy is getting some raving reviews from many of his past clients. He has openly given my countless numbers of his patients and asked me to meet them and see the results themselves. This friend of mine, who is a big time businessman and can afford anything under the sun, even went to him and is pretty satisfied. I did pop up the question of his reputation to Dr. Sajjad Khan and he said that he didn't give a hoot as he had enough successful stories and live clients. Then this guy I met through the forum also got his transplant done from Dr. Khan. He also had all praises for him. These are both educated guys. Have you posted any of your pictures when the surgery went wrong? And who finally fixed your hair? Thanks

5700 Grafts, Dr. Hasson

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Research is key, and consistency is golden. Frankly, I have no real knowledge regarding Dr. Kahn so I can't comment on him.


I do recommend however, that you select a surgeon based on proven consistency of quality results.


Best wishes,




P.S. I think you may consider JoTronic for surgery over me - he has nice experience making incisions with custom cut blades on a watermelon icon_biggrin.gif

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  • 6 months later...
  • Regular Member

Yes, I received horrible results from Dr. Shagufta Khan in chicago. There ae many others that have as well in the Chicago area. I have pictures to back this up. I recently had to receive one of many repairs jobs after the hack job by dr Shagufta Khan. It seems through my research that all of her patients need repair jobs and have to go to more reputable doctors to get the work done.


PLEASE BEWARE OF DR. SHAGUFTA KHAN! If anyone out there has seen her advertisements in the sports section of the newpaper BEWARE! BE VERY AFRAID! DONT EVEN WASTE YOUR MONEY! YOU WILL SPEND MORE MONEY FIXING THE BAD JOB SHE WILL GIVE YOU THEN DOING IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! I can be contacted on this forum and can be emailed at centurian51@gmail.com I can send pictures and my cell phone number to talk to you personally about the bad job she did. Remember she advertises cheap and you get what you pay for! I would like other victims of shagufta khan to contact me so that we can start a support group and make fliers and signs and protest outside her office to prevent others from making the mistake that we did. I am willing to invest my own money and time to advertise in newspapers and create a bulletin board to advise patients not to go to her. There are a few hack doctor in the Chicago area, and anyone that has been a victim of a doctor and received poor results I will invest my time and money to protest against these doctors outside their offices to deter others from being butchered. I wish that I had stayed bald! It is better to be bald than to be butchered!

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  • 7 months later...
Originally posted by centurian:

Yes, I received horrible results from Dr. Shagufta Khan in chicago. There ae many others that have as well in the Chicago area. I have pictures to back this up. I recently had to receive one of many repairs jobs after the hack job by dr Shagufta Khan. It seems through my research that all of her patients need repair jobs and have to go to more reputable doctors to get the work done.


PLEASE BEWARE OF DR. SHAGUFTA KHAN! If anyone out there has seen her advertisements in the sports section of the newpaper BEWARE! BE VERY AFRAID! DONT EVEN WASTE YOUR MONEY! YOU WILL SPEND MORE MONEY FIXING THE BAD JOB SHE WILL GIVE YOU THEN DOING IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! I can be contacted on this forum and can be emailed at centurian51@gmail.com I can send pictures and my cell phone number to talk to you personally about the bad job she did. Remember she advertises cheap and you get what you pay for! I would like other victims of shagufta khan to contact me so that we can start a support group and make fliers and signs and protest outside her office to prevent others from making the mistake that we did. I am willing to invest my own money and time to advertise in newspapers and create a bulletin board to advise patients not to go to her. There are a few hack doctor in the Chicago area, and anyone that has been a victim of a doctor and received poor results I will invest my time and money to protest against these doctors outside their offices to deter others from being butchered. I wish that I had stayed bald! It is better to be bald than to be butchered!

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Originally posted by nor:
Originally posted by centurian:

Yes, I received horrible results from Dr. Shagufta Khan in chicago. There ae many others that have as well in the Chicago area. I have pictures to back this up. I recently had to receive one of many repairs jobs after the hack job by dr Shagufta Khan. It seems through my research that all of her patients need repair jobs and have to go to more reputable doctors to get the work done.


PLEASE BEWARE OF DR. SHAGUFTA KHAN! If anyone out there has seen her advertisements in the sports section of the newpaper BEWARE! BE VERY AFRAID! DONT EVEN WASTE YOUR MONEY! YOU WILL SPEND MORE MONEY FIXING THE BAD JOB SHE WILL GIVE YOU THEN DOING IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! I can be contacted on this forum and can be emailed at centurian51@gmail.com I can send pictures and my cell phone number to talk to you personally about the bad job she did. Remember she advertises cheap and you get what you pay for! I would like other victims of shagufta khan to contact me so that we can start a support group and make fliers and signs and protest outside her office to prevent others from making the mistake that we did. I am willing to invest my own money and time to advertise in newspapers and create a bulletin board to advise patients not to go to her. There are a few hack doctor in the Chicago area, and anyone that has been a victim of a doctor and received poor results I will invest my time and money to protest against these doctors outside their offices to deter others from being butchered. I wish that I had stayed bald! It is better to be bald than to be butchered!


I am scheduled to get 1800 grafts this coming week. I am worried because Christina said if I need more grafts they will ask me in the chair under medication if I want more. They did take blood for testing for $150.00, but somebody posted that they took blood in the morning without receiving the results, went ahead with the transplants. I was taken with the cheap price. Christina said Dr. Kahn was booked till December, but I could get the transplant done this coming week. Is there anybody in the San Diego area that has a good rep.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Because you have posted this on numerous threads (all within the first day you registered AND some of the threads being very old), I must ask how you know this information.



DEAR <<<<<<<<<<

Bill/BMartin/Hawk/ members


NEWS RELEASE "Medical Board Of Califoria"




DR. Sajjad Khan and Dr. Shagufta Khan of ILHT Pakistan, Dubai & USA have been convicted and charged for doing hair transplant without license and proper medical degrees, thus exploiting hair transplant and cosmetic surgeries all over.


"The Medical Board originally filed an Accusation against Khan in December 2000 and a First Amended Accusation in July 2001. The Board alleged that Khan violated Business and Professions (B&P) Code section 2264 (Aiding and Abetting the Unlicensed Practice of Medicine), when her employees represented to patients that her husband, Sajjad Khan, was a doctor. Sajjad Khan was licensed to practice medicine in Pakistan , but not in California , and with Khan's express or implied consent he performed hair transplant procedures or otherwise practiced medicine in her office. Khan was also accused of violating sections 22349(e) (Dishonesty and Corruption) and 2261, 2262, and 2266 (False, Altered and Inadequate Medical Records) when she lied to investigators about her husband performing surgeries and provided the investigators with altered and incomplete copies of medical records; 2234(b)©(d) (Gross Negligence and Repeated Negligent Acts) for allowing unlicensed persons in her office to practice medicine; and 2234 (Unprofessional Conduct), when her husband was using business cards that identified him as a plastic surgeon. Khan agreed to a Stipulated Settlement and Disciplinary Order, in which she admitted she aided and abetted the unlicensed practice of medicine. The Stipulated Settlement was adopted by the Board. Terms and conditions prohibited Khan's husband from coming into her medical office, unless he held a valid California medical certificate, included a six-month actual suspension, and Khan's license was placed on probation for seven years......................................!


For further details, please visit official website of Medical board of California.




Dear BMartin you were right and your information to this forum was 100% correct.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 years later...

I had a HT (FUE) performed by Dr. Sajjad Khan in Dubai earlier this year. I experienced what I imagine everyone who has had a HT experiences which is: (1) amazement with the initial results; followed by (2) concern after the "shock loss" about whether the hair will grow back!


3 months post-transplant I hadn't seen any growth (which is not uncommon) and stumbled on to this website and also this post about Dr. Sajjad Khan. I promised myself that, if my HT worked (which I can confirm (6 months on) that it has done and that I am delighted with the results), I would write a post on this site.


This is not to push business towards Dr. Sajjad Khan (although I found him to be a very pleasant and charming man and, as I say, I am delighted with the results), but for two other purposes:


1. to reassure people who have recently had a HT by Dr. Sajjad Khan and stumble onto this thread not to worry (I freaked out when I read the above and I needn't have done); and


2. to stress to anybody who has recently had or is considering a HT the importance of patience - a point which is reiterated by a lot of surgeons posting on this site and elsewhere. It takes time for the hair to grow back and, for a lot of people, it gets worse before it gets better (i.e. you will look thinner on top than you did pre-HT) because you might lose some additional hair due to the trauma on the scalp.


I can't speak for how good a surgeon Dr. Khan's wife is, whether he is licensed to practise in the US and whether he performed HT's on various Bollywood stars (although, on the last point, he struck me as a humble man and not in the least bit braggadocious, so I would be surprised if he is lying about this). What I can say is that I am happy with the HT he performed on me and would use him again if I needed to do so.


Hope this helps / puts some people's mind at ease!

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