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Shock loss


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My question is for all the veterans and doctors on this website. I am 29 and as you can see in the picture I have had significant loss and thinning in the front. I am concerned having a HT in this area would shock the remaining hair and I would look very bald in the months following the HT. I know this hair is not helping much but it is helping some. A little concealer can make it look good. I am concerned I may have to pay the price by loosing my existing hair.

I have consulted some reputed doctors on this website and they tell me shock loss is a possibility. One even told me to postpone HT till all my hair fall off which could be another 2 years. None of them however told me the exact degree of shock to expect. It could be anywhere between 0 to severe. True, no one can look into the future but based on your experience can you tell me what is the probability of shock? How many grafts would be considered "safe" for shock? Would a transplanted hair when they grow in look so much better that it's worth taking the bitter pill and live through the agony of much lesser hair in the months following the op?

They say the more bald you are the beter HT works. But I cannot wait and "loose my golden years" for HT to work better.

Please share your thoughts.




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My question is for all the veterans and doctors on this website. I am 29 and as you can see in the picture I have had significant loss and thinning in the front. I am concerned having a HT in this area would shock the remaining hair and I would look very bald in the months following the HT. I know this hair is not helping much but it is helping some. A little concealer can make it look good. I am concerned I may have to pay the price by loosing my existing hair.

I have consulted some reputed doctors on this website and they tell me shock loss is a possibility. One even told me to postpone HT till all my hair fall off which could be another 2 years. None of them however told me the exact degree of shock to expect. It could be anywhere between 0 to severe. True, no one can look into the future but based on your experience can you tell me what is the probability of shock? How many grafts would be considered "safe" for shock? Would a transplanted hair when they grow in look so much better that it's worth taking the bitter pill and live through the agony of much lesser hair in the months following the op?

They say the more bald you are the beter HT works. But I cannot wait and "loose my golden years" for HT to work better.

Please share your thoughts.



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I have to agree with PRGuy. It is too hard to tell. You have a gamble in front of you, plain and simple.

Definitely get on Propecia and Rogaine to keep the hair you have.

And I'd say this, if you current amount of hair really bothers you, take the chance and get an HT. It looks like you have thick sides and are just thinning on top, so you should have good donor supply.

It is better to take a calculated risk then sit and "what if" yourself into oblivion.

My point of view is if the hairloss really bothers you, do an HT all over the top. If your hair shocks and never comes back, I'm sorry that sucks. At that point, you'll have to plan for another HT to get satisfaction because your transplanted hairs have minimal chance at shock.

Shocked hairs usually are hairs you were going to lose soon anyway.

Propecia MAY help counteract shock. I was on Propecia 5 months prior to HT, and I'm very pleased to report no noticable shock, and I had hairs transplanted throughout the top of my scalp to help bolster existing hairs there.

Best of luck to you and I hope this helps.



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If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.

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