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Transplanting with Dandruff

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I have a question for any doctor out there. Is transplanting a problem for someone who has dandruff? I've been using Rogaine for about 3 weeks now and my dandruff and flaking has become much worse. I'm trying to fight it with Nizoral 2%, T-Gel, & T-Sal on a rotating basis and I'm starting to see some improvement. Should I discontinue the Rogaine until it clears up or keep fighting through. I'm scheduled for a HT in Jan and I wanted to use the Rogaine with Propecia to reduce shock loss, but now I'm worried about the effect the dandruff might have. I plan to stop the Rogaine 2 weeks prior to surgery. Thanks in advance.

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  • Regular Member

I have a question for any doctor out there. Is transplanting a problem for someone who has dandruff? I've been using Rogaine for about 3 weeks now and my dandruff and flaking has become much worse. I'm trying to fight it with Nizoral 2%, T-Gel, & T-Sal on a rotating basis and I'm starting to see some improvement. Should I discontinue the Rogaine until it clears up or keep fighting through. I'm scheduled for a HT in Jan and I wanted to use the Rogaine with Propecia to reduce shock loss, but now I'm worried about the effect the dandruff might have. I plan to stop the Rogaine 2 weeks prior to surgery. Thanks in advance.

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  • Regular Member

I tried sending you a email of my pictures but the info@fellermedical.com failed. Appreciate if you could give me the correct email or suggest you include it in your profile on this site. Also, appreciate anyone giving a shot at my question in the previous post, it may be a dumb one, but it is a concern for me. Thanks

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Sorry about the email bmt07, I'm changing my servers and updating some software. I made the mistake of doing this around the Thanksgiving Holiday so everything is slowed down. You might also note that all the links I've put on this site are down as well.


I should have everything back on line by the middle of next week so keep sending to info@fellermedical.com.


I'm also creating another domain on a dedicated server that will be open to ALL doctors so they can post their photographs without e-mailing. Everyone likes pictures, right?


Enjoy the holiday (if you are in the US), and remember...calories don't stick on Thanksgiving, it's a medical fact icon_wink.gif


Dr. Feller

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I wouldn't cancel a hair transplant just because a patient has dandruff.


What you are describing sounds different.


If you are having a reaction to the Rogaine you definitely want to stop using it. The fact that you have a surgery coming up is even more of a reason.


You don't want an inflammed and irritated scalp prior to your procedure as this would be much more of a negative than the Rogaine would be a positive.


I don't know that Rogaine will prevent shock fall out. There was a lecture during the last ISHRS meeting that showed that Rogaine was beneficial to the grafts after surgery, but I don't think there was any mention of it's ability to protect the native hair from shock.


Dr. Feller

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  • Senior Member

i experienced some major flaking after rogaine. The stuff is really high in alchohol content, like rubbing a stridex pad on your scalp. My dermatologist said he had patients that experienced irrepairable burns to their scalps. I personally think my scalp has is 100% more likely to flake since I 1st used it. By the way, only used it for 9 months, and that was years ago.

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  • Senior Member

If I don't use Nizoral for a couple of weeks I suffer badly from dandruff.

Prior to my HT I washed a lot with nizoral so I would have a clean scalp going into surgery.

After surgery I waited 1 month before using Nizoral again.

I have not suffered from any bad attacks from dandruf after my HT (due to Nizoral).

However during the implantation of the hair the asssistent asked me if I was using anti dandruff shampoo. She noticed that the scalp skin was very tight.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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