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To Dr Limmer


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Hi Dr Limmer,


I read your post that it can take some people up to 9-12 months to see growth from a transplant.


I had a transplant from a very reputable doctor 7 months ago and my hair is worse now. I actually have bald spots and my bangs are so thin now I can't style them without people seeing my scalp. (I am a female by the way)I haven't grown back any of the hair I shed and the implanted hair hasn't grown either.


Can a transplant cause hair loss for some people? My doctor says that I can come back and see him and he would do another transplant for a reduced price or no charge. I am just terrified that I might end up even worse. Is that possible for some people?


I really need some imput about this. Do I just accept this and get a wig or should I chance another transplant or might I see some growth in 9-12 months?


Any advice you have would be appreciated-thank you!

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Hi Dr Limmer,


I read your post that it can take some people up to 9-12 months to see growth from a transplant.


I had a transplant from a very reputable doctor 7 months ago and my hair is worse now. I actually have bald spots and my bangs are so thin now I can't style them without people seeing my scalp. (I am a female by the way)I haven't grown back any of the hair I shed and the implanted hair hasn't grown either.


Can a transplant cause hair loss for some people? My doctor says that I can come back and see him and he would do another transplant for a reduced price or no charge. I am just terrified that I might end up even worse. Is that possible for some people?


I really need some imput about this. Do I just accept this and get a wig or should I chance another transplant or might I see some growth in 9-12 months?


Any advice you have would be appreciated-thank you!

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It is possible to cause some permanant hairloss when performing a hair transplant. Over the years, we have made changes to minimize this. In our patients, we typically only use 19, 20, and 21 gauge needles to make the grafts site. In those with alot of hair, we stick to the smaller (20 & 21 gauge)needles and are careful to match the angle and direction of the surrounding hair in efforts to minimize trama. I would not give up on your transplant yet. Wait till you are 12 months out to make your final judgement. In the event it does not grow, you can still consider another transplant, but maybe on a smaller scale than your first.


Brad L. Limmer, MD/jal icon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_wink.gif


Dr. Limmer

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