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8 months post op-- am I done?


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I am approaching 8 months after my surgery of 1400 grafts. My question is how much additional growth can I expect during the next 3-4 months? Does anyone have some experience they can share?



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I am approaching 8 months after my surgery of 1400 grafts. My question is how much additional growth can I expect during the next 3-4 months? Does anyone have some experience they can share?



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  • Senior Member

Hi Speed


With me I was done at the 8 month mark, however the individual FU's seemed to thicken and get healthier through the 1st full year. Others have had new growth through 12 months I have read. Hopefully 1400 fu's made a positive impact on your appearance.


Cheers !!


[This message was edited by NW on August 05, 2002 at 12:37 PM.]

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I'm 7 months now and at this time am a bit dissapointed...although I've been told to be more patient as sometimes it can take up to a year.


I had 2800 FU's in Feb of this year. I definitely have growth, but not consistent growth. More on one side that the other and several spots (where I had larger scabs) where there is no growth at all.


so..no dramatic change for me with 2800 FU's. But I will try and be more patient.

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Hey guys, hang in there! Patience is the key.

I had a lot of improvement between months 8 and 10, still more between 10 and 12, and I think you will too. Especially with a megasession, you might see delayed gratification, but just be patient. If my experience is any guide I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the improvement if you just give it the time. Cheers, Andy icon_smile.gif

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Thanks for the input, guys. I know that if my growth ended now at the 8 month mark, I'd be disappointed. Good to hear that some additional coverage may be still on the way!

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I did notice some thickening up to about a year. The hair shaft seems to "mature" over that time, but nobody seems to know why. Also, mine came in more curly than my other hair, but my doc says it will settle down over time (nobody seems to know why that is, either).

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Your response is very nice to hear..it gives me more hope.


I would expect better results with 2800 FU's. So, hopefully I fall into that 8 to 12 months total return factor.



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