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5 weeks Post HT--Length of Shedded Hairs

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I am probably worrying about nothing, but I am now just under 5 weeks post-HT, and I am noticing that around my temples and hairline, a few of the grafted hairs are growing. While that is great, I am also noticing that the the hairs I am shedding at this point are exactly the same length as the ones which came out at around week 2. Shouldn't they be a bit longer as well?


Any thoughts or insight would really be appreciated. Thanks!! icon_smile.gif

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  • Regular Member

I am probably worrying about nothing, but I am now just under 5 weeks post-HT, and I am noticing that around my temples and hairline, a few of the grafted hairs are growing. While that is great, I am also noticing that the the hairs I am shedding at this point are exactly the same length as the ones which came out at around week 2. Shouldn't they be a bit longer as well?


Any thoughts or insight would really be appreciated. Thanks!! icon_smile.gif

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The general answer is this: 5 weeks is way too early to be worried about anything regarding an HT because:


1. You could still be sheddingtransplanted hairs at this point.


2. You are within the time frame of the possibility of shock loss.


Most likely you are either experiencing shedding or shock loss. Both are inconvenient but very normal.


Do you know whether or not the hairs you are losing were grafted or your natural hair? Either one shouldn't be a reason to worry...but it might give you a better idea whether or not you are experiencing shock loss or shedding of transplanted hairs.


The length of the hairs, however, really have nothing to do with it.


I hope this helps.



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  • Regular Member

Bill...thank so much!


I have experienced some shock loss of my existing hair, which I know was to be expected. But actually, what I was a bit concerned about was the length of the transplanted hairs which are falling out now....I was under the impression (perhaps mistaken) that they the majority should have grown a bit in length after being transplanted. But, the tranplanted hairs I am shedding now all seem to be exactly the same length as the transplanted hairs which I shed weeks ago. That's my concern.


Hope this makes sense...and thanks again!!!

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Oh that makes sense. I misunderstood.


Typically the transplanted hairs do grow, however, I don't believe there is any reason to be concerned. In fact, when I look at my 1 month pictures, I can see a lot of black dots of hairs that didn't seem to grow, they fell out, but are growing now. But if it makes you feel better, you might want to ask your doc icon_wink.gif.



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I feel better now. icon_smile.gif


But since I have to touch base with the Dr's office about something else later on this week, I'll probably bring up this little concern also.


Thanks again!!! icon_smile.gif

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  • Senior Member

I am almost at week six, & I am still getting an occasional hair shedding. The hairs are basically the same size as the ones that shed early on.


I also have some of my transplanted hairs growing, although most of the transplanted hairs have shed.


Waiting for the new hairs is sort of like watching the paint dry......

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