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Scalp Exercise after Hair Transplantation


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I have learnt about a scalp exercise, which seems

to be very interesting to me. With this exercise you move your scalp just by using muscles and the front and the back part of the head. Without using the hands. Sounds crazy and my English is to limited to describe it well, but I want to give it a try, since the guy (Tom Hagerty) who is explaining the exercise, seems to be a very reliable person and it costs mainly discipline.


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Now my question. Since this exercise enhance the bloodflow in the scalp strongly, are there any imagible contradictions to do this exercise after a hair transplantation? After 5 days the grafts are normally well healed in, as far as I have heard. I am 12 days post OP.

Please help.

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I have learnt about a scalp exercise, which seems

to be very interesting to me. With this exercise you move your scalp just by using muscles and the front and the back part of the head. Without using the hands. Sounds crazy and my English is to limited to describe it well, but I want to give it a try, since the guy (Tom Hagerty) who is explaining the exercise, seems to be a very reliable person and it costs mainly discipline.


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Now my question. Since this exercise enhance the bloodflow in the scalp strongly, are there any imagible contradictions to do this exercise after a hair transplantation? After 5 days the grafts are normally well healed in, as far as I have heard. I am 12 days post OP.

Please help.

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