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Need FUE Doctor to hit scar.

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Can you use FUE transplanted onto a donor scar (which was created through strip excision) to hide the donor scar? Will it actually grow in the scar area? I had a doctor mention that it is possible, but I just wanted to make sure.

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I had transplants placed in an old scar that was about an inch long and about a quarter inch wide. They took, and came in at around a year. You can not tell that there was a scar there before. So my guess is that placing FUEs into a scar would work at least for me, but then everyone's scalp and blood supply to the scarred area is different. Just my opinion.

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He says more scaring not worse scaring.


He means that in a strip there is one scar and it is more visible. In FUE, there are hundreds or thousands of scars (one for each extraction) but the scars are very small and far less noticable.


Any time the skin is cut, there is a scar, you can't avoid that. From what I understand, even if the head is shaved, the scar created from the FUE punch difficult to see.

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My scar (1 1/2" x 1/4")was probably 45 years old. I got it when I was a kid fighting with my cousin. He hit me over the head with a brick. I was amazed that the grafts took. I did not expect it, because the scar was so old. Good Luck.

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I am approximately 2 months post-op from a procedure with Dr. Jones. Part of the procedure was to extract 500 grafts of chest hair and implant them into a donor scar from prior strip incision surgery.


My results to date can be seen by clicking on the URL in my signature line.



Note: Any percentages listed are subjective estimates and should not be regarded as scientific measurements.


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