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im losing my mind


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Although it's a noble geture I dont think you owe anyone an apology. You are however a bigger man for it! You are right though. The older you get the less "being bald" bothers you. Just last year I thought about it 24-7 and was depressed. Now even though i've had a failed HT it doesnt bother me half as much. I still think about it alot,but it doesnt consume my life like it used to, and Jupiter hopefully this is something you can look foward to. You are young and there is nothing wrong w/ that ( I wish I was 20 again) and I know these things seem life and death, but they really arent! Jupiter have you tried using Toppik? It works wonders for your hair and your confidence!


BTW... If it makes you feel better in anyway than f#@k it use all the swears you want to! Your not in England entertaining the queen! LOL

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if there is a known history of baldness is it a good advice to get kids at 19 on meds, at the start(thinning) before it gets to be noticeable?

1.25mg finasteride

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Originally posted by Naruto:



if there is a known history of baldness is it a good advice to get kids at 19 on meds, at the start(thinning) before it gets to be noticeable?


Yep.........if I knew then what I know now (and it was available, I'm 41 too Dewayne icon_cool.gif), I'd have started Finasteride Pronto.


Losing hair sucks, no two ways about it. I found that once I married at age 25, when my crown was first starting to thin, I was less bothered by it but still didn't like it. My loss was gradual, I'm tall and still had hair on the front........so I had things in my favor but still it bothered me.


It somewhat depends on circumstances too. I can tell you, even at 41 years of age now I'm going back in the chair for HT #3 and the finishing touch. Unfortunately I'm single again after going through a divorce last year, was married 15 years.........I'm now dating again and must say I'm glad I had the first two HT's and am looking forward to more hair from #3.


Kudos to those who can shave down and say to heck with it...........I couldn't given the HT option.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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oops.............duplicate post.....sorry guys.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm sorry too Dewayne, like my post said I "really" was losing my mind. It just really affects my social life and my group of friends are extremely social. I've shaved my head to a #2 many times I know how it looks and I liked

it but now if I would do a number 2 it would be seriously emberrasing because the horseshoe you can see when I do it. It sucks because I have pics from 5 months ago when I just stopped using propecia(was on it for 7months) for the very first time and I still had kick ass hair... i stopped propecia for 2 months and now im sorta screwed. during the 2months i was off of it i didn't notice i was losing hair because my hair was still long and then i shaved it and i can seriously remember like a scene from a movie when i thought to myself my life now sucks. and i know thats a terrible way to think of it(and its not how I truely feel) its just I feel like a dork every morning after the shower because its just like i look the exact same.. my bodys still in shape, still same personality, its just i feel like i look so stupid idk.. i think i had that disorder or something i have no idea.. whatever thanks dwayne for apoligizng made me happy even tho it was rather my fault

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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I didn't see your recent statement to Dwayne or I wouldn't have made the last comment in my previous post. Sorry you stopped the propecia. Don't know if its true, but I had someone tell me that sometimes it will get some of the hair to come back. Give it another go, Jupiter. Can't hurt

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Losing your hair at any age sucks but no doubt at 19 it is a bit tougher as you are just establishing yourself as an adult.. I started losing at 23 or so and it was the worst icon_frown.gif


I basically used concealer until 13 years later until I got a HT . I got on Propecia at about 28 or so and that helped to keep what I had ..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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I fell you on this one homie

I am currently 18 and stated receeding at 16. Dude listen i know its tough, however you still have to go at life 100%.

When your 35 and theres a cure and you have a full head of hair you going to have wished that you didnt spend all that time worrying about your hairloss.Its so much easier said than done but you cant retreat from your life....


also do some things that my help you increase your confidence between now and when you get a full head of hair. Hit the gym 4-5 times a week, shav your head and grow a go-tee, i dunno... No worries dude

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We know how your feeling Jupiter. I was a bit of a playboy when I had lovely jet black hair. By the time I reached 23 it started to fall. I remember looking in the mirror one night and realised what was happening (hair loss) and actually shed a few tears as my scalp became more apparent. From then onwards I began to have military cuts buzz 1 . I even took up sports and began training regualr and acheived a very physically fit body ( boxing, running 6pack you name it )to match the cut hoping the problem would go away. As the problem got worse the hats moved inn I now have a wardrobe full of them from the baseball look to the gangster look hats. Then I started to even pencil in the gaps with a little tiny 1mm length pen marks in black with a very very fine tip. It was a special pen as this was the only one that would do the job undetected. This was to give me a real stubb look on the scalp as it blended in easily giving a fuller look and nobody was ever wiser.when sometimes the stationers would be sold out I would get depressed and stay inn. This had its down side sumdged itching could not wash scalp for a week a time , very time consuming in the mornings, always ate for university failed my exams late late late getting bogged down tryning to get it right etc. The hats continued and the pens continued to the point I thought Fuck it!!! enough is enough. I did a lot of resaerch and found Bill & Pat and realised this problem does not have to be. I took out of my life certain expenses that I did not need and worked out a plan borrowed a loan from the bank which I knew I could easily pay back over 12 months and went for the Big H/T 3250 grafts. By the way I only deliver Pizzas part-time.. This was 32 days ago . Now im sitting back and waiting to see the results im hopefull theyre gonna be good.


The motto of the story is all is not lost so dont get depressed.


Where theres a will, theres a way, so chin up man.


Thee who seeketh shallt findeth.

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I'm another one who knows exactly how you feel. I was 16 when I started getting teased about my bald spot. I was already doing the combover then to cover it. I had diffuse thinning all over the top of my head, so by the time I was 18 I couldn't even cover my hairloss by doing a combover. I felt like I went from graduating highschool to age 50 by the time the summer was over. Even my mother told me when I was 19 that I looked like a 42 year old bald man. Believe me that is depressing. Now at age 41 I feel like the bald school principal in the movie Back to the Future where Marty McFly goes back 30 years in the past and the guy is bald even then and Marty says "Jesus! Didn't that guy ever have hair?". That's me.


I was pulled over by a cop one time who thought my drivers license was fake because in the picture I had hair (taken at 17 when I got it) and he thought there was no way I was only 20. I had some women think it was fake back then too because they insisted I must be at least 10 years older than my ID showed. I ended up dating only women who were about 5 years older than me because they thought I was a few years older than they were. Forget about dating the 17 to 21 crowd. I had almost no chance with them.


A girl I met and started dating back in 1988 and am still friends with has never known me with hair. When I broke up with her in 1989 I told her I was going to have a HT. I didn't see her for 3 years after that although we did talk on the phone once in a while. When she finally did see me 3 years after going through several HTs she said "Why didn't you ever have a hair transplant."


So believe me I know how it is to be depressed about hair loss.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Yep! I know the score buddy. It can really bog you down In my case I failed one year studying physiology. I was so bogged down trying to conceal my scalp every morning that id be in front of the mirror 1/2 hrs a time and end up missing crucial classes in the morning everyday the point the tutors were getting really pissed ofF. And thats excluding getting dressed and travelling 25KM. To make things worse I was dealing with many sophisticated good looking women on the course and id always be wearing a hat even in practical lessons spring, summer, autum, winter which some found it pretty strange. My life was complicated believe me my confidence took a heavy knock. I remember when I did have hair, believe me I'd charm the birds out of trees.

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wow i def missed out on this topic. jupiter, im only 21 man and its gettin to the point where i cant hide it anymore, i bothers the F*** out of me man. i feel for you. its such BS that balding isnt takn more seriously by doctors and stuff. this sh** has literally ruined my life. the worse part is that NOONE in my family has gone bald, well at least not untill like 60, so everyone is like just in denial of it. and i have Fn diffuse loss so its like even worse. i cant even bald right. its a fn nightmare! i know i only got like maybe 1 year till i have to shave it off and i really dont know how im gona respond. its gonna be bad.

anyways thats my rant, the truth is my life is not gona be what i wanted it to be like and its BS!

and thing that pisses me off is when people in their 30s, or even late 20s, are complaining about it, at least they got to go through college with hair! they have no idea what to young balding guys go through. its hell

propecia .5mg 7x

revita shampoo 5x

multi vitamin 7x

saw palmetto 7x

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Youre right man . The worse part is going through college and university it sucks and can affect your ability to study. Trust me guys I know the feeling , but rather than getting depressed i did something about it. I found this forum with Bill & co and did some research over a year. I took out a small loan from the bank over a 12 month period which I know I can pay back, and next year in Feb 2009 ill take another smaller amount out again and probably go for 2000 graft just to give it that extra edge. By the way guys im a full -time student and working part-time delivering pizzas so If I can do it so can you. My advice is shop around do some research and trust me its not that difficult as it seems.

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Originally posted by jw34:

wow i def missed out on this topic. jupiter, im only 21 man and its gettin to the point where i cant hide it anymore, i bothers the F*** out of me man. i feel for you. its such BS that balding isnt takn more seriously by doctors and stuff. this sh** has literally ruined my life. the worse part is that NOONE in my family has gone bald, well at least not untill like 60, so everyone is like just in denial of it. and i have Fn diffuse loss so its like even worse. i cant even bald right. its a fn nightmare! i know i only got like maybe 1 year till i have to shave it off and i really dont know how im gona respond. its gonna be bad.

anyways thats my rant, the truth is my life is not gona be what i wanted it to be like and its BS!

and thing that pisses me off is when people in their 30s, or even late 20s, are complaining about it, at least they got to go through college with hair! they have no idea what to young balding guys go through. its hell


JW i seriosuly like relate to your situation so much. My parents and brothers are just acting like im insane when im having a really rough day about it and i finally will tell them its about my hair and theyll say im just imagining it and stuff.(there in denial of it) it sucks because half of my family and immediate family are models... and im not ugly.. just really need my hair lol or no hair at all.(bicking it) just rather emberassing how i use to fit in with them and now feel to ugly or something idk whatever

~im getting a hair transplant in 2012 when im 25~

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the worse part is i got a big fn scar on the right side of my head from a previous surgery so i dont know wtf its gona look like when i shave my head.

i know how u feel man, i seriosuly fret about it everyday! i affects my motivation. i think like wtfs the point of working hard when i just gona be like made fun of my whole life.

propecia .5mg 7x

revita shampoo 5x

multi vitamin 7x

saw palmetto 7x

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Originally posted by Abby:

Youre right man . The worse part is going through college and university it sucks and can affect your ability to study. Trust me guys I know the feeling , but rather than getting depressed i did something about it. I found this forum with Bill & co and did some research over a year. I took out a small loan from the bank over a 12 month period which I know I can pay back, and next year in Feb 2009 ill take another smaller amount out again and probably go for 2000 graft just to give it that extra edge. By the way guys im a full -time student and working part-time delivering pizzas so If I can do it so can you. My advice is shop around do some research and trust me its not that difficult as it seems.

ABBY- how old are? with that loan did you get a transplant? how many grafts? whats ur norwood before the surgery?

propecia .5mg 7x

revita shampoo 5x

multi vitamin 7x

saw palmetto 7x

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Im now 34 had 3250 grafts strip I borrowed exactly ?? 1500 over 12 months pounds UK . I think it was hovering around the Norwood 5'ish mark. I had also saved around an extra ??1300 from my part-time pizza delivery rounds over the year for the flight and ticket and spends.

Hopefully by next year around the same time im expecting to pay of the loan and apply for another for 2000 grafts to give it that edge. I know I will never have hair as I did when I was younger, but hey! some decent coverage is better than no coverage.

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The other important aspect about this whole thing is that one day, I bumped into a old lovely female freind and after a long converstaion she basically said " Abby a persons hair is a certain aspect that makes up a persons facial features which speaks volumes", obviously in a nice manner. It was that very converstaion that triggered do some searching as I was comming to my wits end with concealers, hats, bright lights you name it. After doing research over a year I then decided to take a small loan from the bank As I felt I had done enough waiting, now post op im waiting to see the results, cant wait.

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Originally posted by jw34:

the worse part is i got a big fn scar on the right side of my head from a previous surgery so i dont know wtf its gona look like when i shave my head.

i know how u feel man, i seriosuly fret about it everyday! i affects my motivation. i think like wtfs the point of working hard when i just gona be like made fun of my whole life.


Harden up your personality, develop an arrogant look on your face, shave that head, get your body into tip top shape, and wear tight white tshirts everywhere you go


Believe me, you will be a winner, hair or no hair icon_smile.gif


Dont people see so many good looking women with bald guys? You see it often - I can guarentee you, that bald guy with the hot girl looked at himself a handful of times and only felt mild annoyance at the condition of his hair - otherwise, he was too busy being cool, tuning women, to care ..... thats why he is happy today


Confidence radiates my friend - If it means upping other parts of your body, like muscles, to acheive it - so be it ......


I am hypocritical I know, butI flipflop a lot - I feel like you, then I feel like the hero guy the nest day - point is, your confidence is what makes you

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Good post by anonymous man right above.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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im sorry but thats not the best advice. You need to like you for you and you dont need to be the tough guy type with personality and arrogance.


Believe me I fell for that before I lost my hair. When I lost my hair it really gave me a hard look at myself. I lost my confidance big time,but it also let me see that i needed to change,because the looks are not as important than the charachter. I loved the looks but it really got me in more trouble than not. There is always a price to pay in either shoes.


That was how I was as a man before I became a christian and lost my hair. I deceieved myself big time and it actually became a stumbling block for truth which was deception on attitude. I had it and it caused me alot of pain trying to discover who I really was and getting to the place that if someone does not accept me. Move on because someone will be there who truly cares about your feelings. You just got to weed out the bad ones. Believe me when I put on the attitude it did bring success in someways, but I never really had great peace,because I was a counterfeit and I knew it from my character, Plus the people who will be attracted to you in this state,have issues themselves (not to say that we all dont have issues)Just places to improve!!! You will find that out if you take the advice above. The advice was not half bad!!! Workout and feel good about yourself. Working out brings happy cells and that is true (endorphins or happy cells) Shave your head and keep a loving nature. If people are attracted to the arrogant guy run. They themselves have insecurity issues and your big mistake will be to choose them for a partner or friend .Look for someone you can relate to and understands we all have short comings and we are flawed creatures.


Confidance does radiate but true confidance comes through liking yourself. If you dont like yourself you need to look more closely at your life and evaluate and begin to make changes. The bible says that mans heart is wicked and deceitful. Im sorry guys but im a deacon at a church and im just trying to really help this guy at the root,not the stem.

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At the end of the day you need to be able to approach hairloss in a positive manner. Concealer really helped me for over 10 years ( in addition to Propecia) to buy time to fix my problem. Yes, it did bother me but remember it is not forever. Lastly, we need to keep everything in perspective as well. It's not life threatening..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by djdennis:

im sorry but thats not the best advice. You need to like you for you and you dont need to be the tough guy type with personality and arrogance.


Believe me I fell for that before I lost my hair. When I lost my hair it really gave me a hard look at myself. I lost my confidance big time,but it also let me see that i needed to change,because the looks are not as important than the charachter. I loved the looks but it really got me in more trouble than not. There is always a price to pay in either shoes.


That was how I was as a man before I became a christian and lost my hair. I deceieved myself big time and it actually became a stumbling block for truth which was deception on attitude. I had it and it caused me alot of pain trying to discover who I really was and getting to the place that if someone does not accept me. Move on because someone will be there who truly cares about your feelings. You just got to weed out the bad ones. Believe me when I put on the attitude it did bring success in someways, but I never really had great peace,because I was a counterfeit and I knew it from my character, Plus the people who will be attracted to you in this state,have issues themselves (not to say that we all dont have issues)Just places to improve!!! You will find that out if you take the advice above. The advice was not half bad!!! Workout and feel good about yourself. Working out brings happy cells and that is true (endorphins or happy cells) Shave your head and keep a loving nature. If people are attracted to the arrogant guy run. They themselves have insecurity issues and your big mistake will be to choose them for a partner or friend .Look for someone you can relate to and understands we all have short comings and we are flawed creatures.


Confidance does radiate but true confidance comes through liking yourself. If you dont like yourself you need to look more closely at your life and evaluate and begin to make changes. The bible says that mans heart is wicked and deceitful. Im sorry guys but im a deacon at a church and im just trying to really help this guy at the root,not the stem.


Hehe my good deacon ....


I was exagerrating a tad with my post - trying to lighten things up.


Being an arrogant pr*ck wont really help you, no .... but becoming a little bit more confident, less concerned over hair loss, and identifying the things inside yourself that make you happy are important


All of us here are concerned with hair loss, so I am fairly sure its safe to say we are all concerned with our appearance ....


Therefore, its a few simple logical steps from here.


If we would be happy with a full head of hair, I am sure we would be happy with anything that makes us look 'better' in our own eyes.


I saw a six pack on your gut, arms that are bubbly, a chest that sticks out (and feels like) like an ironing board, and shoulders that are bulging will make us a little bit happier to look in the mirror icon_smile.gif


WHen I look at my head, I feel depressed. But when I look at my chest when I wear a tight white tee, I am beaming (and I am desperately ttrying to get more more MORE meat on my body).


Gym and the resulting physical 'superiority' feeling you have when being beefy and ripped, is an AWESOME measure to help get the confidence up. For me it is anyway.


When I am feeling down, and act like a mouse, I get little to no attention. I had y hair cut today in a hairdressing place, and the girl was stunning. I shrunk in that seat, and just wanted to get out. She was fairly indifferent, and we didnt talk. The guy next to me was balding too, yet he was on top of the world, and was bantering with his hairdresser, laughing, and getting heaps of attention!


My point is, do what you need to do - when I wear my fav outfit etc, I go out looking like a tank, I still get the looks from the girls, and the guys too, probably saying 'look at that hero, what a d*ckhead, but still, his arms are pretty chunky' haha



BE HAPPY is the key, if your hair sux, then compensate with other factors that you have better control over. Discipline and hard work cost nothing - and you can have phenomanal confidence boosting results from it.



What a rant ... sigh ..... and look at me tooting my own horn. I actually have deflated heaps, and look crap these days - just a sloppy bald guy now hehehe icon_smile.gif


Cheer up depressed friends - lest I spiral out of control ... again

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  • Senior Member

I stand my my opinion, anonymous man, that your advice is good.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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