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BitingMyNails HT Journey


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  • Senior Member

well for being 36 you still have plenty of hair. At this age with this much hair left Im sure a coalition doc could create that hair line you drew and radically alter your appearance. I would like to see the top too though. How bad is it? Is it thinning all the way back into the crown area too? I bet you could even get those temples you want too, but I would want the doc to thicken up my entire top of its really thinning. Just me though.


*any sides on proscar?*



"Nashvegas"---- I didn't know there was a Vegas in TN? Do they have Dolly Parton instead of Wayne Newton?...

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  • Senior Member

Dude, if you are thinking of getting work done, you really should reconsider, its not necessary.


If a doctor agrees to perform surgery, please update this thread with information on who agreed, and how many grafts they proposed you will need.

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Im really surprised by your comment. Every ones tolerance level for their hair loss and self image is relative and different. If the guy was 18 then I could see your point, but he is 36. Big difference.



He did not even post pics of the top of his head and he stated he is a diffused thinner.


this is an *elective* surgery, like all other plastic surgery. Look at ANY of the top notch docs recommended on this forum and you will find guys with a lot less loss than this and some even younger than this who the coalition docs were more than willing to put under the knife...

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  • Senior Member

Ya, without seeing his top he looks to be a great candidate to receive a tremendous HT, imo, that will shore up virtually all of his follicular woes. His hair is far from horrible, or even bad given his age, but if you are a "safe" candidate for an HT and you want one and can get one more power to you.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by notgoing2gobald:


He did not even post pics of the top of his head and he stated he is a diffused thinner.




He showed a diagram that he wanted work done at the forefront and the temples, which to me is not necessary, but its his life, and advice is free.


And he's free to ignore it.

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  • Senior Member

Ah, BitingMyNails, for any diffusion you may have, I would heartily endorse looking into dermmatc/toppik if you haven't already!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member



here are a few examples of guys who only had hair line work done as your pic and drawing suggests. I think the pictures speak for themselves. They look like totally new men. I would love to be in their shoes. Take a close look at the very first guys before pic. It appears to me that he has thinning hair all over the top of his head, but he only had 1100 or so grafts placed in his hair line and the after photo makes it look like he has absolutely no hair loss:








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  • Senior Member

I don't think the first example is far off at all; and I said guys who had "hair line work"...




its pretty hard to tell exactly how his hair line is with only that head on shot he demonstrated. He also stated in one of the pics that the photo is NOT a good representation of how thinning it is on top. Hence I would assume he wants to go in and thicken things up a bit.


your getting so worked up over this as if this guy is some 18 year old kid who said he is going in the chair with Armani tomorrow morning.


what gives?

the guy is a 36 year old man who wants a new hair line. so what? whats wrong with that?...

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  • Senior Member

I think the angle and shot of the pic shown might be a bit deceiving and is negating some of his hair loss' oomph. Again, I think his hair is far from horrible but clearly *could* use work if he wanted it, which he clearly does. FWIW, I think a doc will quote BitingMyNails a 1.5kish graft count.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

By the way Biting my nails, you could likely get a really nice look for under 2k grafts, if you decide to go that route. I think there are a good many doctors who could fill that in for actually less than that amount (what you had pictured).


I think your hair looks great as is. Either way you really cant go wrong with the little work you want done. I would check into FUE from some people who have had this done.

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  • Regular Member

I appreciate all the input. Guys, I had the procedure 10 days ago. I'd rather not name names on who the doc is.... I'd like to avoid any bias opinions.



My frontal work looks as I drew in the picture...


The pic that everyone is looking at is my most recent pre-op pic. It is very deceiving....My hair was almost identical to this guy:




I will be posting the pre-op pics that my doc took as soon as I

receive them I will post.


My hair loss is definitely not the worst case, but it was enough to bother me.


My stitches were removed this Friday and the scar is almost not detectable (except for one spot).


Here are my biggest concerns...


1) low return to diffuse thinning (attrition of native hair)... I'm worried that my net gain won't be worth the hassle of the lengthy road ahead.


2) shock loss scares the s**t out of me. hence the handle "BitingMyNails".


Thanks again!

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Originally posted by notgoing2gobald:

can you give us the details of the surgery (i.e. graft count and into what area it was grafted)?

I had about 3000 grafts... about 65% in the front half and 35% in the back/crown.... I didn't come out very much on the hairline... just reeled in the stragglers and tried to densify my thinning throughout.

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so you had the surgery PRIOR to your initial posting, correct?


what do you mean..."I didn't come out very much on the hairline"...


As far as sharing who your doc was---if your not comfy with sharing that is cool, but that is one of the main purposes here so we can all see and learn...

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by notgoing2gobald:

so you had the surgery PRIOR to your initial posting, correct?


what do you mean..."I didn't come out very much on the hairline"...


As far as sharing who your doc was---if your not comfy with sharing that is cool, but that is one of the main purposes here so we can all see and learn...


Yes, I had surgery b4 my first post... but I've been lurking here and on other boards researching for about 6 months.


I'll post some pics in the next few days.... You can't really tell what's going on with out them.

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  • Senior Member

well I hope you end up one happy guy BMN and you get a great result.


Im a pretty skeptical guy, but I just find it somewhat strange that you posted the question AFTER you had already had the procedure...and that you have been lurking here for six months yet only have four postings all of which were after your procedure asking advice as to what we thought regarding your ht plan of attack----AND---that you will not share who your surgeon was so there is no bias judgement being made...


dunno, that all just sounds a little backwards to me.


I have only been searching here for several months have posted over 500 times and all BEFORE having a ht. Reason being that Im looking for advice and finding out as much as I can BEFORE I have a ht.



hope yours turns out good. just doesn't add up to me...


I wonder if your doc will turn out to be one of the recently "reccomended" ones to this forum...

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Could be wrong, but I think he started this thread under the assumption that he didn't have an HT yet b/c he thought he would get a more "unbiased" response, which he seems pretty keen on attaining...dunno though.


Anyways, 3k grafts seems like a pretty robust number, and it very well could give you a great cosmetic change; even taking into account what I think is a deceiving pic, 3k grafts seems pretty hefty, not that thats a bad thing. Try to get more pics up, would like to see your crown.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Congratulations on your recent hair transplant.


In my opinion, based on your age and use of Propecia, you certainly appear to be a candidate to refine your hairline and frontal scalp.


I encourage you to post your immediately postoperative pictures in your photo album and continue to update us with monthly pictures. I also request for you to provide a graft/hair count, surgical details and name of the clinic for other members/guests to be able to reference in the future. I understand why you would be afraid of certain biases however, all legitimate hair transplant experiences no matter who the physician are welcome and encouraged here.


Feel free also to create a hair loss weblog in order to share your story and pictures with us.


There is nothing like following a hair transplant patient's journey from the beginning. Not only does it give members a chance to support and encourage you through your journey, but seeking hair transplant patients considering this surgeon can use your case as one example that will help them in their hair transplant decision making process.


Best wishes for restoring your hair.



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  • 6 months later...
  • Regular Member

Hey guys, sorry for the delay on the pics.... my camera broke right after my HT. I just updated my profile here with 6 week and 12 week pics. Unfortunately, I had to use my phone to get the pics. Tomorrow I'll be getting a new camera and will post some 7 month pics that should look much better. HONEST appraisals only. You can't hurt my feelings!

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