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A reputable Doctor on Long Island PLEASE!


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Hey kick ass


Sorry to be blunt , but are you joking ?


Below is a quote from Dr Sadick's web site


"Transplant techniques, such as punch grafts, mini-grafts, micro-grafts, slit grafts, and strip grafts are generally performed on patients who desire a more modest change in hair fullness. Flaps, tissue-expansion and scalp-reduction are procedures that are usually more appropriate for patients who desire a more dramatic change."




Behave , your playing with fire and you will get burnt .


Use you brain and stay well away from this quak hahahahaa



2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Take it easy on the guy he sounds very sincere. Lets hope that he get a good result and gets on with his life. Just because me and you made a good choice doesn't give us the right to put down other that appear not to have.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Try Dr. True in NYC


Very good doctor



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Regular Member

Long Island... don't decide on an HT Doc based on location! The extra $$/time to travel should NOT be a factor here.


Research Doc's, pic's and become informed before making your choice. Dr. Feller was my choice and one that I'm happy with (I'm 3.5 months and looking forward to the next couple of months...things have already improved) ....I went with True in 2004 and have not liked results.


Take several consults.


Good luck



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  • Moderators
Originally posted by hairthere:

behappy, wasn't it also alleged that hitzig had random people working as techs, like a sanitation worker?



Unfortunately the link on my page I had to that news story is no longer valid.


Dr. Hitzig used people were not Drs. to perform surgeries and pretend to be Drs.



What Hitzig used to do is hire some former patients to be reps or showcase patients. They weren't necessarily former patients of his. At least one was a former patient from another HT company. A couple of them he eventually started using as part time techs. The allegations are that some of those people also began performing all aspects of the HT including consultation and the actual surgeries on some patients. The patients were led to believe those former patients were actually the Drs. That is what I've heard and read. Parts of it I know are true, but I don't have first hand knowledge of all of it. They are (were) a mini HT chain with about 5 locations in NY, NJ, and PA, so what was happening in one location wasn't necessarily happening in all others.




Here's what I can assure you is true because this is what happened to me:


A supposedly former patient named Lou Amico would go around showing off his great results. He spoke to me showing me how the crown was a little thinner than the front. I didn't find out until years later that he actually had his HT by another company and NOT by L. I. Medical, yet they used him constantly as a great success story and his before and after photos were in their brochures.


The brochures and info tell you that you "At L.I. Medical Associates, all physicians are licensed to practice medicine and surgery and have specialized training in hair transplant techniques." "You will always be treated as a patient seeking professional medical advice and service." "At the consultation, one of our physicians will evaluate the type and severity of baldness"


Those statements that I just quoted from their information booklet is what made me go there because I had already been to a dermatologist who handled general skin problems, so I decided to seek a specialist in hair and scalp conditions.


I made an appointment and had a consultation with the "Executive Medical Director" named Stephen Archibald who said I needed surgery as soon as possible because if I waited much longer my condition would be too advanced to be able to stop and reverse it. I as already a NW 5/6 at age 22, so I had the HT done by him. I didn't find out until 5 years later that he was not a Dr. The company knew he wasn't and yet he had been working there for 13 years prior to my first visit. They listed the Dr. of that office as Dr. James J Malecka, yet Stephen had the title of Executive Medical Director. I hardly ever saw Dr. Malecka. He had his own General Practice about a half hour away. He would just show up at the office, ask how I was, then leave the building a few minutes later. Dr. Malecka never actually spoke to me about any of the procedures.


When someone called and asked to speak to the Dr. they would hand the phone to Stephen Archibald. This happened to me when I called, when my mother called concerned about the procedures, and I saw and heard it happen when I was in the office when others called in.


After several sessions that I felt were total failures I did have a consultation with Dr. Hitzig who agreed to perform the next HT session on me himself since he was supposed to be one of the best. When I went in to have it done, Hitzig was there and I was prepped for surgery. Then as it was about to begin, he told me another Dr would be doing the work. I was concerned about that, but Hitzig told me that Dr. John P Schwinning was actually better than himself at HTs and I would be better off letting Dr. Schwinning do it. Hitzig said he already discussed everything with Dr. Schwinning that we had agreed on in the earlier consultation. This was the first time I met Dr. Schwinning or had even heard of him and I was already in the chair with the bandage on my head and being sedated.


It turned out that he actually was a Dr., but he was banned from practicing surgery except for elective Hair Transplants because of malpractice issues. He had previously amputated the wrong leg of a patient.


After the procedure with Dr. Schwinning I went back to complain that he hadn't done what was promised and he had absolutely no idea what was agreed to by me and Hitzig. He said Hitzig told him I just moved to north New Jersey and was trying to get a little more coverage out of an old HT. He had no idea I had already been a patient of theirs, never saw my patient file, never knew I had agreed to something specific in a consultation with Dr. Hitzig. All he would say is if I had a problem with the HT then I'd have to talk to Dr. Hitzig. I told him he was crazy. Why would I talk to someone else when you're the one who performed the surgery? He couldn't answer that and just kept saying he didn't have anything to do with it. I asked him why he would perform surgery on someone without knowing or asking what surgery was supposed to be done. Again he had no answer other than to tell me to get out of his office and not to come back.


That's the condensed version of my experience with them.




Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Originally posted by BeHappy:
Originally posted by hairthere:

behappy, wasn't it also alleged that hitzig had random people working as techs, like a sanitation worker?



Unfortunately the link on my page I had to that news story is no longer valid.


Dr. Hitzig used people were not Drs. to perform surgeries and pretend to be Drs.



What Hitzig used to do is hire some former patients to be reps or showcase patients. They weren't necessarily former patients of his. At least one was a former patient from another HT company. A couple of them he eventually started using as part time techs. The allegations are that some of those people also began performing all aspects of the HT including consultation and the actual surgeries on some patients. The patients were led to believe those former patients were actually the Drs. That is what I've heard and read. Parts of it I know are true, but I don't have first hand knowledge of all of it. They are (were) a mini HT chain with about 5 locations in NY, NJ, and PA, so what was happening in one location wasn't necessarily happening in all others.




Here's what I can assure you is true because this is what happened to me:


A supposedly former patient named Lou Amico would go around showing off his great results. He spoke to me showing me how the crown was a little thinner than the front. I didn't find out until years later that he actually had his HT by another company and NOT by L. I. Medical, yet they used him constantly as a great success story and his before and after photos were in their brochures.


The brochures and info tell you that you "At L.I. Medical Associates, all physicians are licensed to practice medicine and surgery and have specialized training in hair transplant techniques." "You will always be treated as a patient seeking professional medical advice and service." "At the consultation, one of our physicians will evaluate the type and severity of baldness"


Those statements that I just quoted from their information booklet is what made me go there because I had already been to a dermatologist who handled general skin problems, so I decided to seek a specialist in hair and scalp conditions.


I made an appointment and had a consultation with the "Executive Medical Director" named Stephen Archibald who said I needed surgery as soon as possible because if I waited much longer my condition would be too advanced to be able to stop and reverse it. I as already a NW 5/6 at age 22, so I had the HT done by him. I didn't find out until 5 years later that he was not a Dr. The company knew he wasn't and yet he had been working there for 13 years prior to my first visit. They listed the Dr. of that office as Dr. James J Malecka, yet Stephen had the title of Executive Medical Director. I hardly ever saw Dr. Malecka. He had his own General Practice about a half hour away. He would just show up at the office, ask how I was, then leave the building a few minutes later. Dr. Malecka never actually spoke to me about any of the procedures.


When someone called and asked to speak to the Dr. they would hand the phone to Stephen Archibald. This happened to me when I called, when my mother called concerned about the procedures, and I saw and heard it happen when I was in the office when others called in.


After several sessions that I felt were total failures I did have a consultation with Dr. Hitzig who agreed to perform the next HT session on me himself since he was supposed to be one of the best. When I went in to have it done, Hitzig was there and I was prepped for surgery. Then as it was about to begin, he told me another Dr would be doing the work. I was concerned about that, but Hitzig told me that Dr. John P Schwinning was actually better than himself at HTs and I would be better off letting Dr. Schwinning do it. Hitzig said he already discussed everything with Dr. Schwinning that we had agreed on in the earlier consultation. This was the first time I met Dr. Schwinning or had even heard of him and I was already in the chair with the bandage on my head and being sedated.


It turned out that he actually was a Dr., but he was banned from practicing surgery except for elective Hair Transplants because of malpractice issues. He had previously amputated the wrong leg of a patient.


After the procedure with Dr. Schwinning I went back to complain that he hadn't done what was promised and he had absolutely no idea what was agreed to by me and Hitzig. He said Hitzig told him I just moved to north New Jersey and was trying to get a little more coverage out of an old HT. He had no idea I had already been a patient of theirs, never saw my patient file, never knew I had agreed to something specific in a consultation with Dr. Hitzig. All he would say is if I had a problem with the HT then I'd have to talk to Dr. Hitzig. I told him he was crazy. Why would I talk to someone else when you're the one who performed the surgery? He couldn't answer that and just kept saying he didn't have anything to do with it. I asked him why he would perform surgery on someone without knowing or asking what surgery was supposed to be done. Again he had no answer other than to tell me to get out of his office and not to come back.


That's the condensed version of my experience with them.




Thanks for sharring your story. It's obvious to me at this point I will not be seeing him. How is that laser brush working out for you? Dioes it actually work? It will grow back where there is none at all? I was very skeptical when first hearing baout it.

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I suspect that you've addressed this question by now, but in response to an earlier post about Dr. Feller and shaving...it's not the entire head, just a narrow strip around the donor area (which I assume would have to be standard surgical practice, regardless of doctor) and as much of the recipient area as the job requires.


If you look at his photos, some patients only have the temple areas shaved; others, the front 1/3rd, others, like me, who had an two extensive procedures, the entire top (procedure #1) or most of it (procedure #2).


Good luck to you in your search!



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Check out Dr. Feller . I originally thought his patients had to shave the whole head back and front but I see now it's only the areas needed to be worked on .

Regarding Long Island Medical Assoc. The work they did on me was not done by the doc I saw just two people there I think one was possibly a nurse the guy there said I could get more grafts for cash . What a trainwreck ! If I ever see those people again ......

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