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5.5 Month Update: 5566 With Dr. Hasson


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After three years of research and deliberation (and saving), I finally scheduled my HT procedure with Dr. Hasson for this past July 28. It was an extraordinary experience overall, and I was immensely impressed with Dr. Hasson and his entire staff - they were friendly, caring, compassionate, and extremely professional.


Even though I've mostly been just a lurker on this forum, I never would have had the courage and confidence to follow through with the HT had it not been for the knowledge and encouragement of this virtual community. So please accept my heartfelt thanks.


For anyone who's interested, I've just posted a blog with some pre-post pics, and I'll plan to update it regularly in the weeks and months ahead:


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson


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You chose a top notch surgeon and come next spring, you're going to look and feel awesome. Are you on meds to prevent future loss?


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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Originally posted by splitting hairs:

You chose a top notch surgeon and come next spring, you're going to look and feel awesome. Are you on meds to prevent future loss?


Thanks. I tried propecia but had a horrible reaction - incredible irritability and mental fog - even at .5 mg/day.


However, Dr. Hasson said he knows a local guy in Vancouver who's able to compound propecia as a topical for H&W patients, and I'm probably going to try that route (once I get some data on the topical's systemic absorption rate).

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  • Senior Member

That's interesting, I always thought that Propecia wasn't absorbed topically.....worth a shot though!! Besides, I'm sure Dr Hasson knows what he's talking about!!


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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Thanks, Severn. I agree about the donor area in back (pretty amazing that the scar is already just about undetectable there just 16 days after I shaved down for surgery), but I should point out that it's a lot easier to see the donor scar on the sides - mostly due to a bit of shock loss. I'll try to remember to put up a pic soon to show that angle.

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In agreeance with yourself and the other guy here. Hairine looks great. If only you could keep it from today eh?


The scar for 16 days looks great. Really good. For sure, you are heading toward one pretty amazing result. Good luck man!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Originally posted by Raphael84:

In agreeance with yourself and the other guy here. Hairine looks great. If only you could keep it from today eh?


The scar for 16 days looks great. Really good. For sure, you are heading toward one pretty amazing result. Good luck man!


Thanks, Raphael. And good luck to you in your upcoming procedure with Dr. Rahal!

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Originally posted by ..:

The work looks very good indeed. i like the way Dr H takes the strips up and angled higher "At the sides" going into some real good solid hairs.


His technique is second to none! In fact, some of the leading HT surgeons out there have studied under him at some point . . .

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Thanks, Teach! I'll be thrilled if I can have some new growth to admire at the 3 month mark like you do . . .


Right now I'm trying to figure out what to do on Thursday when I have to head back into the classroom and lecture to 300 undergrads. It might look goofy to lecture with a ballcap on, so I'm thinking about just using some concealer to hide the donor-related shockloss on the sides, and possibly to sprinkle some fibers over recipient hairs in the front.


Any advice?

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Originally posted by aska:

What about the scar location? Almost on the crown?


In the back, the scar runs just barely above the occipital ridge (the bump on the back of the head), so it's well below the crown. The pic of my staples in the Gallery is a little misleading, maybe, because it's shot from below - which makes the scar placement look somewhat higher than it really is.


I'll try to take another pic soon from a straight-on angle to give a better feel for it.


Unfortunately, I've been getting a little shock loss on one end of the scar (near the left temple), which is going to make it harder to camouflage on that side. Again, I'll try to get a shot of that posted within the next few days.

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  • Regular Member

Looking great, Sparse! You had a nice, solid number of grafts transplanted, and I think you're ultimately going to have a spectacular result that you can be be proud of.


It's just too bad that your forum handle will end up contradicting your real-life appearance several months down the track! icon_biggrin.gif


Grow well!

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Originally posted by Mane Attraction:

Looking great, Sparse! You had a nice, solid number of grafts transplanted, and I think you're ultimately going to have a spectacular result that you can be be proud of.


It's just too bad that your forum handle will end up contradicting your real-life appearance several months down the track! icon_biggrin.gif


Grow well!


Thanks, Mane! Happy growing to you, as well.


And I'd be all too happy to change my forum handle in a year or so if events warrant! I could be "the-artist-formerly-known-as-Sparse" (represented merely by a symbol of hairy awesomeness). icon_cool.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Ok, here are the 1 Month (Week 5) update pics I promised.


As you can see, I've now shed the great majority of transplanted grafts. Since I've also had a fair amount of shockloss of native hair in the crown and middle third regions, I'm now looking more bald than ever. Throw in the residual redness and the additional shockloss around the donor scar, and it's safe to say I'm having a "bad hair month". Welcome to the doldrums.


At this point, I'm just trying to stay focused on the big picture: if the grafts all grow in as expected - and assuming the shockloss-ravaged native hair returns, as well - it will all be worth it.


One bright spot: some of the transplanted grafts seem to have taken hold and started growing in the hairline, and every day brings some new, wispy little fledgling hairs in the recipient region. (I'm thinking these have to be grafts that are just starting their growth phase?)


Comments welcome!

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  • Regular Member

5 weeks already..time is flying, i seem to be in the same boat as you,i have a bit of shock loss at the sides and gray hairs too..i cut my hair last week starting at a 5 and got down to a 2 thinking i couldnt see a scar then when i went out side i could cleary see it.im a fool...any way good luck with the growing and il try and put pictures up this week

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