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Non Surgical Surgery?

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Normally I don't post advertisements - for anyone. But this ad by Dr. Armani - with more international offices than the CIA - was just irresistable.


Apparently FUE is no longer surgery. It's more like a cut and blow dry with some mousse.


Is Dr. Armani selling suits or medical services?


Note - Face lift and Armani Suit not included.




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Normally I don't post advertisements - for anyone. But this ad by Dr. Armani - with more international offices than the CIA - was just irresistable.


Apparently FUE is no longer surgery. It's more like a cut and blow dry with some mousse.


Is Dr. Armani selling suits or medical services?


Note - Face lift and Armani Suit not included.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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By the way, where's this guys before photo?

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Wow he certainly has got the globe covered!

By the looks of that ad he seems more like a Superhero or a Rockstar or maybe a magician than a surgeon!


Forgetabout da model..

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a new low. unfortunately, his late teens/early 20s demographic doesn't seem to care about the deception. they make the no scalpel = no surgery argument for him on other forums. face lift, huh? icon_biggrin.gif glad this got posted over here for all to see.

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No surgical risks? Really? Wow! Things are really advancing in the HT industry.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Well still - I have the acid test for that.

How can you tell if a hair transplant doctor is lying to you? .....


His lips will move.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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That ad reminds me of the ads I've seen touting Botox or injectible fillers (Restylane, CosmoDerm, etc..) over getting a face lift.


And is it just me? When I first saw the picture I thought it was Armand Assante, circa 1982.

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There are many honest and ethical hair transplant physicians and most of them are presented on this site. Flip comments like your above comment only support the physician critics of this community who can excerpt posts like yours out of context and present them to their colleagues.


We don't need more of that. Remember "loose lips sink ships".



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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I can't say I agree with your last statment, but lately I am begining to understand what you mean by it.


I have been shocked by the number of doctors offering bogus "laser hair" therapy to their patients, and this latest advertisment posted by a very high profile HT doctor goes beyond the pale.


I called Spencer Kobren about the doctor in RI who basically offers "heat" therapy for hairloss and he informed me that MANY high profile HT doctors have jumped on the "laser bandwagon".


As a recognized consumer advocate Kobren could NOT endorse the laser treatments. He attributes the rise in doctor use solely to the recent FDA approval it received.


Whether these doctors actually have valid reasons to offer this questionable treatment remains to be seen, but I intend to call each of them and find out. I will report back here with my findings.


As for the advertisment at the top of this thread, there is clearly no defense and the intent to mislead is beyond refute.


Hyperbole in the name of good marketing is one thing, but outright lying is quite another. Had a NY licensed doctor placed this ad in NY, he would be disiplined IMMEDIATELY.


If this doctor has a practicing associate in New York state with a NY license he's about to get a nasty letter from the state.


It was by my reporting a very similar fraudulent advertising scheme that kept another off shore group of supposed FUE specialists out of New York. They did have an associate with a NYS license ready to act as a "franchisee", but after I sent a copy of the advertisment (similar to the above)to the NYS Dept of Medical Conduct that group vaporized. I know for a fact the State acted.


Less than ethical HT doctors may bother you all, but they absolutely nauseate me and I will never shy away from calling one out publically. I hold myself to the same standard should any knowledgable doctor or professional out there think I am acting unethically. That's the very power of this medium.


Dr. Feller

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Laser Therapy DOES have benefits! I am not going to say it magically grows hair but it does help in post op healing. I have personally worked with laser therapy for several years now and have seen some great results on some and not so great on others. I would never recommend it as a sole treatment but it does fit nicely with adjunct therapies.

The problem here is with overzealous marketing! Some people can't get the results they want so they lie in advertising to get people in.


By the way there is a new vacuum device on the market that hooks up to you vacuum cleaner and sucks the hair out of the scalp making it grow 100 times faster! Guaranteed! LOL!

1st HT 1-5-05 - 1894 FUT's Dr. Glenn Charles


2nd HT 12-18-06 - 1542 FUT's Dr. Glenn Charles


Total: 3436 FUT's


Current Protocol: Propecia Daily, Laser Therapy EOD 20 mins.



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As for the advertisment at the top of this thread, there is clearly no defense and the intent to mislead is beyond refute.


Hyperbole in the name of good marketing is one thing, but outright lying is quite another. Had a NY licensed doctor placed this ad in NY, he would be disiplined IMMEDIATELY.


If this doctor has a practicing associate in New York state with a NY license he's about to get a nasty letter from the state.


It was by my reporting a very similar fraudulent advertising scheme that kept another off shore group of supposed FUE specialists out of New York. They did have an associate with a NYS license ready to act as a "franchisee", but after I sent a copy of the advertisment (similar to the above)to the NYS Dept of Medical Conduct that group vaporized. I know for a fact the State acted.



Is that some new stance that NY is taking? They certainly didn't care a few years ago. I produced a bunch of material about Dr Hitzig, Dr Shwinning, and Dr Handler in NY that claimed a hair transplant was a cure for baldness, they will give you a full head of hair, no scar in the donor area, you'll always be treated as a patient seeking medical advice (my procedures were done by someone who turned out to not have a license to practice), I could go on and on. The state never did anything at all. In fact the Drs are still practicing and STILL doing punch grafts. They call it a linear punch. It's just a rectangular punch graft tool rather than a round one.


They have offices in NY and NJ. I think the NJ State answers were even worse than NY. The NJ State Attorney general said it's not medical malpractice if the person doesn't have a license to practice medicine, so they weren't going to persue my complaint. Can you believe that!? It's a criminal act and they didn't care at all. According to THAT stance anyone at all can claim they are a doctor in NJ and do any surgery they want and be LESS likely to have the state look into a complaint than if they were licensed. No wonder Hitzig/Schwinning decided NOT to have someone in the NJ office have a license.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Regarding Dr. "armiani" I guess the laws in Dubai allow you to make false claims? Regarding Laser therapy, I totally disagree that it works regardless what the FDA or a small percentage of people say.. Too many top doctors say it does not work and the evidence is a correlation at best ..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Non Surgical Surgery? This topic was just too good to resist.


So injecting anesthetic and making incisions into somebody's scalp isn't surgery? What about removal of the hairs...does that not penetrate the skin?


I can't say I'm surprised though...


Marketing is often done in such a way to grab the consumers interest and not presenting all the fact. Of course...this is an outright LIE...but who can tell the difference anymore between bending the truth and an outright lie?



It sickens me to be honest and I honestly wish this kind of unethical marketing was illegal...


FUE DOES have surgical risks...in fact, there have been MANY posts about it, including a threat of my own discussing the difference between Strip and FUE.


Despite his popularity, sadly, I've always questioned the ethics of Dr. Armani due to his use of megasession dense packing of the hairline on younger patients.


Anyway...I'm glad that the members of this community are too smart to fall for such a scheme...but what saddens me...is the general public isn't.



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That Joe,


I can't tell whether your post on laser therapy is serious or a joke. Your last statement of the vacuum cleaner led me to believe that your seemingly serious email about your belief in the medical benefits of lasers is a joke...


BUT...if you are serious...there is currently a hot debate on another thread about it. Many people, including myself, have asked for PROOF that laser therapy can do anything to benefit hair...if you believe it has some benefit, surely you have some proof?



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If Armani wants to advertise.............that's fine. It's his money and he and his clinic and use it how they see fit if they're selling the truth.


Unfortunately, many who are oblivious to the finer points of a HT are likely to see this and think "Wow, no knife, no pain........I just go in and somehow they restore my hair without cutting on me"!


This type of advertising should be illegal and I'm surprised it's not. Who governs marketing for HT clinics?? No way this ad can be correct.........I'd love to pass it along to those responsible for fair advertising if there is such a thing. Any recommendations???



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Given the amount of false advertising claims in the world apart from hair restoration, I doubt there is any governing force.


Take a look at EVERY commercial on your TV? Need face cream? This particular brand will make your skin smoothe even when you are 80 :P. What about gym memberships. I'm sure all the people at the gym look like the men and women on the commercial...extremely fit. Look at advertisements for workout machines and videos? What about cleaning supplies?


The world is FULL of false advertising. In my opinion, there should be a governing force over this...companies should be forced to tell it like it really is.


But let's talk reality...if the FDA, a Federal agency is going to approve laser therapy for safety only and not effectiveness...what is the point of approving it at all? It's fuel to the fire for false advertisements.


It's sick...but doesn't seem like anybody is doing anything about it.


All I can really do to fight it is post on these forums and should LIAR when I see one...and then not buy the falsely advertised product myself.




Wish there was something that was being done about it though.



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You're probably right, buddy! icon_frown.gif


I do remember from my college days (you know, the stone age icon_biggrin.gif) that there are governing agencies for fair marketing/advertising. The restrictions are loose but ads must at least be presented in a way that the company's claims are legit. Often they use generic terms to skirt the issue like "more", "almost", "most everyone".


I would think when a surgeon claims surgery to be "non-surgical" they would be over the line but who knows.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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You may know more about the governing forces than me. Just by taking a look around, however, it appears that if there are governing forces, they are NOT doing a good job.


I agree that calling a surgical procedure "non-surgical", this has surely crossed the line of ethics, if not anything else.



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I feel FUE surgery can greatly benefit certain hair loss patients. I worry that hyped-up adverts such as the one in the thread will give the procedure a bad name. Very unfortunate.

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I feel exactly the same way and believe there is certainly a benefit to FUE for some.


I suppose hair transplantation surgery in general still has a bad name to the general public, however. Most people still think of the unnatural plugs when they think of it.


I have played this game called Apples to Apples...ever hear of it? It's a game where one person reads a card of adjectives and you have to put a noun card down that fits the best. the person reading the card is the judge. Anyway...there is a "hair transplant" card that comes up every now and then. This card has brought some about some discussion about how unnatural and horrible they look. Oddly enough, the same group of people have complimented my hair on occasion...they don't know I have gotten several hair transplants.


The hope of truthful information continues to rest upon this and a few other communities.



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I want to look good like the pciture in this advertisig but I am happy to find this service.


I agree with Bill about the false advertising. I am happy to find this service because Bill help me to find the good doctor and not the bad doctor who are like doctor Limmer and the ones who are doing the bad surgeries and advertisments. Thank you Bill.

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