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Swelling - Years Later?


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Here is the story.


I received a 3400FU transplantation 2 years ago. I had the usual swelling a couple of days afterwards. What was strange was that about 3-4 weeks later I got some swelling around the eyebrow area, right above the nose, in the forehead area. The transplanted area swelled slightly also.


Here is where it gets strange. Sometimes, when I wake in the morning, I will have swelling present on top of my head (where the transplants are). Again this only occurs occasionally (once or twice every 2 months) and last for about 1-2 days. When I go to sleep I do not notice it, it is when I awake that I notice it.


I kind of forgot about it because the last time I had it was a couple of months ago. Today when I awoke in the morning and I went to wash my hair I felt I had the same swelling again on the top of my head where the transplanted hairs are. Later in the day I noticed that I then had swelling in the eyebrow area of my forehead. Similar to what I experienced before and right after the transplant. It is not noticeable unless I point it out.


The swelling on top is present in the entire transplanted area and somewhat beyond.


Here is my concern.

1. Can it be caused by the HT?

2. Why would it still happen 1-2 years later?

3. Is this something to be concerned about?

4. Has anyone ever heard of this happening before?

5. I am getting another HT, any doctor out there recommend NOT to get another HT?


DOCTORS input needed!

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Here is the story.


I received a 3400FU transplantation 2 years ago. I had the usual swelling a couple of days afterwards. What was strange was that about 3-4 weeks later I got some swelling around the eyebrow area, right above the nose, in the forehead area. The transplanted area swelled slightly also.


Here is where it gets strange. Sometimes, when I wake in the morning, I will have swelling present on top of my head (where the transplants are). Again this only occurs occasionally (once or twice every 2 months) and last for about 1-2 days. When I go to sleep I do not notice it, it is when I awake that I notice it.


I kind of forgot about it because the last time I had it was a couple of months ago. Today when I awoke in the morning and I went to wash my hair I felt I had the same swelling again on the top of my head where the transplanted hairs are. Later in the day I noticed that I then had swelling in the eyebrow area of my forehead. Similar to what I experienced before and right after the transplant. It is not noticeable unless I point it out.


The swelling on top is present in the entire transplanted area and somewhat beyond.


Here is my concern.

1. Can it be caused by the HT?

2. Why would it still happen 1-2 years later?

3. Is this something to be concerned about?

4. Has anyone ever heard of this happening before?

5. I am getting another HT, any doctor out there recommend NOT to get another HT?


DOCTORS input needed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This type of delayed swelling is possibly caused by your previous hair transplant, but is very unlikely. As with most topics in medicine anything is possible. In most cases of delayed swelling it happens within the first few months, not the first few years. I think you should ask all these questions to the doctor you are planning to have your next hair transplantation with, You should not have additional surgery until you feel comfortable that all your questions and concerns have been properly addressed.

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