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Crime and no Punishment

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It is horrendous what has happen to this young man. I would like to support B-Spot's cause anyway I can.


Unfortunately, Dr. Shapiro has been out of town for the last week and 1/2. We'll be sure to review the pictures and other available details to figure out how best we can help.

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Tisab--- it is very old issue about Dr. Woods---who puts himself forward on many occasion as the foremost authority in the world on hair transplantation.


In response to being asked to help he wrote a very long winded article of "advice" as opposed to simply staying away from the situation or offering to help.


I hope you will forgive my language, but sometimes it is a bit much from him, thus the shaming part.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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B Spot,


Ive been away for a few days and this is the first thread ive looked at on my return. I'm extremely saddened by what has happened to this young lad and will help in anyway I can.

"Plan for the worst & hope for the best"

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B Spot--


Please let me know if there is any way I can help.


Has this young man consulted a medical malpractice attorney? There may be a statute of limitations issue (depending on when the surgery was done), but it should be looked into, I think.



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There is generally a 2 year statute of limitations for lawsuits on this, but I don't know where he had it done. I said earlier it looks like it was done some years ago because you can see he lost more hair past the scar in the back and lost hair in the hairline which would have been on the side originally before the hair flap was flipped to the front.


Even if you could sue it's a major uphill battle because it's elective surgery and you sign off on it accepting any risks involved. I've been down that road. The state attorney general wouldn't help because once I sign that it's OK for them to perform surgery the doctor is pretty much free to do whatever he wants.


This goes back to a post I made some time ago about accepting the risks. Several people said they accepted the risks involved and if it hadn't turned out the way they hoped then they would just move on and not worry about it. I responded that it's easy to say that AFTER you had the surgery and know the result. But how do you really know you will accept what happens. Think about whether you would be OK with this if it happened to you. This guy did not have surgery thinking this would happen.


As far as helping... I have to wonder how much he can be helped. Sure he can have some hair transplanted from the back and sides to the frontal 3rd and that might look OK from the front, but he has a large total area to cover. I think he'll still end up with a large bald area on top/back which will still leave him with some scars in those areas. If he still ends up with a lot of bald area, he may prefer to keep shaving his head, but then he'll have a long scar along the back and sides from the new strip scar that was needed to put some grafts in the front. It's up to him what he feels will be better.


I get people telling me all the time that my hair is so thin that I should just shave it all off, but I have so many scars that they don't see that it would just look a lot worse if I did shave it.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Just because a patient knows of the risks does not mean the doctor avoids malpractice. The issue is whether the doctors treatment fell below a minimal standard of care. In this case, it looks like it did. This is where the Coalition doctors could offer the most help, by willingly testifying as experts that the perpetrator of this crime gave medical care that was way below the standard of care. This is a case that could be worth into seven figures, so long as it is not in a state with tort reform that limits pain and suffering damages to a ridiculously small amount.

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We all know that having elective cosmetic surgery involves accepting a certain amount of risk, and in many cases patient expectations can exceed the limitations of medical treatment. But don't we, as a legal system & medical world, have to draw the line SOMEWHERE? This particular case is miles beyond that line no matter where you wanna draw it.


Part of the problem is a lot of times the surgery looks fine at first. With a 2 year statute of limitations, the 1st year is lost in the normal "waiting for the hair to grow in" period. Even then there's usually some improvement. It's usually not until some years later when you continue to lose hair that it becomes a big mess. That's why some places will densly transplant young guys hairlines and not worry about what will happen. By the time the kid gets to be 35 and looks like a freak with a thick hairline and nothing behind it, there's nothing the guy can do to the doctor hat did it. To some "doctors" it's better to take the money that others won't without having to worry about any lawsuits.


I mean, what's next?

If Bosley started advertising on college campuses that they can turn NW#7s into NW#2s with a simple outpatient "skull reduction" surgery, would there be no repercussions either?


Umm.... You're a bit late. A lot of doctors already did this. It's called scalp reduction. It was supposed to eliminate 80% of my bald area and leave me with just a small strip of bald skin in the top middle and the front harline that needed to be transplanted with a few hundred grafts. I had 5 scalp reductions. Didn't work.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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fell below a minimal standard of care.


i always heard that in my law class, even if there is a contract, there should be a void, null if there if it fell below a minimal standard of care

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There is no contract wherein you agree the doctor has the right to maim you. Hopefully any contract in which you waive the liability of the doctor for his own neglgence before the fact will be void. Just because you sign a form acknowledging the risks of surgical procedures does not allow the doctor to escape liability if his negligence caused the injury. And in my book, this is not negligence, but an intentional act almost certain to cause bodily injury. The doctor should be hung.

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You all will be pleased to know that all of the doctors who have requested information have been sent the requisite information by H-site---including Dr. Rahal, Dr. Rose, and the ISHRS President Dr. Paul Cotterill.

I believe Dr's Wood, Armani, Cole, Arvind, Umar have all been contacted as well.


It is important for us to know who is offering help and who is not.



I know Dr. Cotterill takes his current office very seriously and it is my hope that once the patient releases information as to who performed the surgery, it will be made available and discussed in Las Vegas.


I do not know if finanicially the young man will need money for travel, etc... but that may become a reality if he cared for by 2 or more doctors.


At this point, the young man is going to be sending pics, surgical history, etc.. to each doctor that responds in the hopes of recieving the best possible treatment.


I will update as soon as more information is sent to me, but judging from the response here and elsewhere, it seems we are getting the type of response we desire.


Now it is a matter of which docs are stepping up to the plate.


Please offer a moment of prayer, as I have in the coming days... I believe it may make a difference.


Thanks Again for all your support.



PS. BeHappy-- I would like to hear more about your story my friend, if you care to share it.

I will send you a PM.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thanks to everyone for pledging their support for this patient and his well being.


I expect that we will be successful in getting a leading physician to help this patient in at least improving his condition. Although I expect that given the extensive scarring and the way his temples are filled in that he will be a very challenging case. He may have to have the hair in his temple area excised to create a natural recession in his temples.


I would like to pay for this patient's transportation and lodging if and when he chooses to do repair surgery. I don't think this patient should have to spend one more dime.


I would like to correspond with him as well to find out what he would like to accomplish and how I can help him. B do you have any direct contact information for him?


Best wishes, Pat

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I am highly encouraged by the response of the community on this issue. I'm also glad to see a few doctors have requested information.


It looks like Pat has made a very generous offer here as well and hopefully some of our elite coalition doctors will step up and offer their services to help this poor gentleman.


I'm not sure exactly what I can do to help, but I'd like to help if at all possible. I am certainly on board and want to offer my encouragement and support.



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I would also suggest this person should consult with his local District or State Attorney. This might be a case in which prosecution of the doctor is justified. Why should this case be any different from the case of a doctor prosecuted for manslaughter for Gross incompetence when he kills a patient? And by all means this person should consult with a lawyer who does medical malpractice. This doctor needs to be taken down - NOW.

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No Pat, I am sorry to say that I do not.


However, apparently he will be attending the ISHRS conference in Las Vegas, where he is to be examined by all of the docs and a plan of attack is to be formed at that time.


I believe that you will be able to meet him and throw your weight directly behind his needs in person, at that time.


I would like to speak to him myself, but he is getting a LOT of attention and processing a lot of information, so in due time.


I do expect a full report from the ISHRS meeting if you see him Pat icon_smile.gif




Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hello B- spot. I think this comment is uncalled for."Pat, you should know that I am calling out Dr. Woods, who instead of offering his services offered some pretentious "advice" as usual. I am hoping to shame him into helping. Whatever works, right? " Just to let you know I am a poster too on hairsite and have been others. And I called Dr.Woods personally myself about a week ago on this issue. Been a long time since we chatted had my procedure over 4 years ago. Anyway I know how this came to pass on Hairsite. The moderator there recieved the photos from the patient. And David put them out there to see what could be done. Also I know as in the past anytime someone does this David contacts the doctors on his site to see what can be done. We all want to help. But many of times this just turns into a grandstanding I am the good guy doctor that responds on the net. Look what happened when Dr Bazan responded? Why should any doc have to go through all this B.S. Many doctors do pro bono work they just don't go advertising this before anything is done. So his response was probably do to all these people that said what about this doc and that doc. Why do they not respond? So by telling him there is no room for era and to be careful there is no problem with that. This patient has been badly damaged before. I don't know anyone that would have taken Bazans offer just because it's free. Without him having the reputation of doing many repairs .

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Thanks Franklin, and I appreciate your commenting on this thread.


What fueled my comment was simply that Dr. Woods could have offered his advice to David, or the patient directly, as opposed to posting in the forum.


I understand that he has done a fair amount of pro bono work, but I felt the patient needed a course of action, that is all.


I just want to share my train of thought with you--- you have been around a lot longer than I have, and you remember much of the old hurt and anger associated with Dr. Woods.... I have set that aside and I am concentrating on the future, hence my comments.


In other words, Dr. Woods, or Dr. Poswal for that matter, should have either offered help, or simply not commented.


I am sorry and I do apologize if you believe anything I said was untoward, but it simply hit me wrong.....of course, I did get rather emotional about the young man in question.


To be honest with you, I am not approaching this as a right/wrong thing--- I just threw myself into this as hard as I could--- figured we work out the details later.


Anyway, thanks again Franklin, and thanks for contacting Dr. Woods personally about this case--- feel free to contact me ANY time.


Take Care,



Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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No problem. I feel the same way when I see what some of these docs do to patients. All goes back to the days when I first met D.J and Arfy. Not sure if you remember these guys? But they are good people and where done wrong by docs that were suppose to improve their appaerance.We all hope the best for this guy in need of repair.

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  • 2 years later...
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He eventually went to a doctor in India. There was quite a bit of backpedaling and very little action on this case.


He looks better, but he has to undergo several sessions to attempt his restoration.


I certainly have wished him well.


You can follow his progress on other forums.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Originally posted by Slaps:

Did we ever find out who mutilated him?


Yeah, I second that thought !!!! Who did it ? Was it that Beverly Hills outfit ? Man, they have a SCARY looking website that makes everything about this flap procedure seem like a walk in the park. What that quack did to him would make Mengele proud, I'm sure. In a way it's even worse than Mengele because at least the concentration camp victims didn't have to PAY to be disfigured !!!!!!!!


Jesus Christ people, where would we be without the internet ? I remember well the days when slick, glossy advertising and zero objective information or education was the norm. As a potential patient if you had no way of researching the complexity of these procedures (and the potential downsides)then YOU could easily become a statistic in the endless morass of "disfigured for life" fodder for these money fiend quacks !!


When I was 20 years old I had the slightest normal beginnings of recession along the temples of my hairline. That was 1990. I went to a well known local plastic surgeon to inquire about hair transplants. Luckily for me he was an ETHICAL doctor. I'll never forget that day either. He had an older guy come to visit who had some very unsightly looking punch graft plug work. From the moment that guy walked into the room my jaw just hung to the ground. Within 30 seconds the doc said to me "so do you still want a hair transplant ?" Man, I just RAN out of there and thanked my lucky stars that this doc was really a good guy!!!


The really scary thing is WHAT IF I had visited an unethical money fiend doc ? At that age and level of naivete I could have EASILY been duped into something that would have destroyed my life. That's why I feel for this young guy so much after seeing these pics. He was duped, plain and simple.

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