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Some Women Find Bald Men Sexy

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Balding men often have the perception that they're losing their sex appeal just because they are losing their hair. But in my experience, some women do find bald men sexy.



In the discussion thread linked below, females discuss their feelings about men who are bald or with thinning hair. Some men also offer their feedback about bald females.


Bald - Sexy or Not


Unfortunately, some of the women on this thread still have a misconception of hair transplant surgery, and reference "plugs". I hope that ultra refined follicular unit hair transplantation will eventually be more well-known and mainstream.


Feel free to offer your feedback on this thread.


Best wishes,



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  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Member

Interesting thread.....being shaved bald (as opposed to baldING) can certaintly be acceptable, if not preferable.


That said, there are a few factors that I've discerned through observation, concerning those who are shaved bald and get deemed "sexy":


*they are infrequently caucasian, and if so, are fairly tan


*they are in excellent shape, particularly w/ regard to being muscular


*they have an acutely masculine aesthetic attractiveness


Some of the aforementioned is in our control, and some is not; either way, it isn't a cut n' dry issue and decision, IMO, just like a HT.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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The female who started the thread says her friend is bald and sexy and then askes others what they think.


In her next post the same girl says another guy she knows wears a hairpiece and says "the guy with the toupee is not a bad looking guy. He'd probably look just fine without the rug." Read that again. She's saying she's not sure if he would look better without a rug or with it.


In her next post she says "my husband used to have hair down to his arse. headbanger stage." So while she says bald is sexy she decided to be with someone who had a lot of hair.


and her next post she says an "odd head shape with the bulge at the base of the neck gives me the willies.". So she has now moved completely to the other side saying some bald heads are ugly.



My opinion is when a women says bald men are sexy they almost always have some celebrity in mind. They don't think he's sexy because he is bald, but rather it's the money, body, celebrity status, etc. I bet they would think the guy in mind is even more sexy if he had hair.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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Originally posted by BeHappy:


My opinion is when a women says bald men are sexy they almost always have some celebrity in mind. They don't think he's sexy because he is bald, but rather it's the money, body, celebrity status, etc. I bet they would think the guy in mind is even more sexy if he had hair.

agree 100%

I am zee capt'N!!!

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I would suspect that this woman's opinion varies because she is talking about different men rather than considering baldness verses hair as a whole.


For instances, as a general rule, I like when girls have long hair and generally speaking am often disappointed when I see a girl who was beautiful with long hair cut it short. I have made statements like "Girls look better with long hair", speaking very generally. Yet, I have seen some girls who look amazing with shorter hair and when they've attempted to grow it long, just doesn't look as good.


I think it's completely situational.


In my opinion, the key isn't whether or not a woman thinks bald is sexy, it's whether or not YOU are satisfied with your appearance. My wife was very supportive of my hair transplants, but told me she found me sexy even without it. But regardless of the compliments she gave me, I wanted hair! So out and got hair I went icon_smile.gif


Best wishes,



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

I think Bill put it correctly. Some guys look good, some do not with a bald head.


I have a good shaped head for being bald, I just feel that I look too mean if I bic it. If I keep it short I had enough hair to look good. I like having longer hair, and that looked bad because my temple areas were exposed more and my center strip of hair went straight down.

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Bald is attractive because it means that the man is broad minded and talented. Bald is also clean to look at. I think that if you feel good, you look good, and you exude confidence which is very sexy. This is why you are attracting women, because you feel good about yourself and as you mature, you have a better sense of what is important in life and are not boring like immature boys who never grow up. icon_smile.gif Enjoy you new found sex appeal!

I am spam

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  • 1 month later...
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shaved looks great. agree muscles help. anyone can develop those.


women probably dont like the in between. horseshoe assymettry.


if you have the horseshoe, it can look terrific just by using gel and combing back. its the framing of the face that matters!


i totally disagree with guys on here who say that being bald keeps them from women. just a few changes here and there, and theres not much disadvantage!

hardcore long-term veteran of hack plug doctors to ultra refined coalition doctors.


knowledgeable about show business hair transplants

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this if true for some but not for all...

some people look good with bald look (shaved off course) and it also depends on the shape of your head. If your head is crooked and not in proportion than it looks ugly...

my 2 cents...

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The real key isn't whether a woman happens to find baldness sexy, but whether *you* as a man find *your* baldness acceptable!!!!!!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:

...My wife was very supportive of my hair transplants, but told me she found me sexy even without it. But regardless of the compliments she gave me, I wanted hair!...

Best wishes,




Same thing here Bill. Awesome to have a wife's support no matter what. I'm gonna find out if I'm a good candidate in less than a week, and if I'm not, then I'm not. Life will go on.


While I still think that there are definitely women that truly find baldness attractive, from my experience most women don't put it high on their priority list when looking for a mate. I know lots of bald guys (myself included) with hot wives or g-friends.

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  • 1 month later...
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I like to have my options to be open. Like if I want short hair or long, I like to have that choice to do so. I like to keep mine short cause its the only choice thats good, but some times I would love to grow it out and I sure alot of guys feel this way. Some people can pull a shave head and they would look better that way, while some just look better with hair. For me I would love to rock my hair again and not having to worry about about my scalp showing. What I am trying to say is be confident and love yourself with shave head or with hair. I make my hair drama situation a bigger deal then she does. I guess we have our women love us for who we are. icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by Tree Hugger:
Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:

...My wife was very supportive of my hair transplants, but told me she found me sexy even without it. But regardless of the compliments she gave me, I wanted hair!...

Best wishes,




Same thing here Bill. Awesome to have a wife's support no matter what. I'm gonna find out if I'm a good candidate in less than a week, and if I'm not, then I'm not. Life will go on.


While I still think that there are definitely women that truly find baldness attractive, from my experience most women don't put it high on their priority list when looking for a mate. I know lots of bald guys (myself included) with hot wives or g-friends.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Bill -

In my opinion, the key isn't whether or not a woman thinks bald is sexy, it's whether or not YOU are satisfied with your appearance.



Ding ding ding!


Some of the hottest girls I know are dating bald guys. I'm not worried about this -- I'm confident that even if I become a full-blown NW7, I can find somebody who won't mind it. The issue is that I would mind it. icon_wink.gif

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Surveys show that 20% of women won date a man with no hair- why lose on that 20%?


Hair can add to your height which can affect a womens..interest, so i stronlgy recommend short guys not to shave the head.


Myself, i thought of shaving my head but my sister (i have 6) said the image of skinheads wouldnt reflect my personality. So i think she means some men are suited to having their head shaved than others


Baldness also makes you LOOK OLDER


Also you get more stick from been known as the bald guy. EXAMPLE: In class (im a student) my lecturer is bald and a few children from a near by primary school came up to the window and started throwing taunts at him for been bald. I laughed as everyone did(but inside i was a slight bit concerned given that i was losing my hair) that day was the icing on the cake for me to do everything NOT TO GO BALD.


But yeah i guess some women find bald guys sexy but they will also have to find men with hair sexy too and its only a small precentage. NO im not a HT doctor.



Irish P.S. if i have offended any bald guys out there in any way i apologise(just my personal opinion)

Current Regime:

Minox liquid 5% twice a day

Proscar 1/4 tab a day

Nizoral every 2nd day

MSM 1000mg a day

Silica 200mg a day


AHS 6 months laser treatment- POOR results

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Some women find hairy men attractive too..


It is impossible to generalize on what all women want. It would also be foolish to get a HT just for women ( of course it was one of mine though).. All I know is I have been on both sides of the coin and I prefer to have hair.. it is very interesting to hear their comments about hair when you have it ..


As far as 20% i would bet it is much higher than that especially with Women under 30



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • 1 year later...
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I think buzzed is good, but bald is generally not; unless of darker complexion. Some white guys, who have a great physique, are self assured and confident, intelligent etc. can get away with it, but they are few. I think all agree a bad ht is the most unattractive to women.

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I don't think every guy can pull off a bald look.


Here are a few things I have noticed with regards to bald guys:


1. Bald guys like Jason Statham and Bruce Willis who have MPB also have thin eye brows, full stubble and rugged bodies. Many women find this attractive.


2. In general, IMO, the bald style looks better on darker guys/black guys. I rarely see good bald styles on pale white guys, so a tan helps.


3. A lot of bald men also have a degree of facial hair.


I think many guys can pull it off and women wouldn't care about them being bald.


The thing about hair is (especially if you have a lot of hair or have styled it in that manner) is that it takes a person's attention away from the rest of your face and head. So if a man has attributes such as a big nose or big ears, then a lot of hair is a good thing because it takes away attention from that area.


I think we cannot generalize and state that women find bald men sexy or not sexy. It depends on many things. Look at Jason Statham, he has very thin hair and he has MPB. If you asked a random woman on the street about how attractive she finds a man who is hanging on to his last strands of hair, more often than not, the woman will say that she does not find that kind of a man attractive. So then why do women find Jason attractive? Because of his looks, his ruggedness, his lean body, his career and his confidence.


In the end I think it is all about finding a hair style that is right for you until something better can be done (i.e wait for an HT, wait for new technology and what not)

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depends alot on the women too. not too many beautiful women going out with bald guys unless theyre really good looking too and then it dosnt matter if they have hair or not does it.


Of course if youre bald, paunchy and super rich you'll get a nice girl but probably for the wrong reasons.


unfortunately we do live in a time where looks count alot,and we care more about our image because society has made it that way. we are affected by the forces of the age in which we live. Hard to break out of that too.


Im older and wiser now....(I hope..lol) the hot good looking women who dress like theres a world shortage of fabric, love attention and think every guy wants them dont interest me anymore. same with older women who dress and act all foxy like someone off couger town. they'll always want attention from other guys.....trouble in the long run I reckon.


Better to find a lady(nice looking or not) who has great character, high morals and a personality you love and who loves you for whats inside and will make you feel great about yourself no matter how much hair you have now or in 20 years time.



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