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Stemcell Research - Is it the cure for MPB - And how long

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I have a lot of personal interest in stem cell research - my grandfather has parkinsons - in researching more into stem cell research, it is my belief that it would effectively be a cure for Male Pattern Baldness, and it would then be down to the artistic hand and skill of the surgeon as to the end result.


I believe from what i have read, that once they are able to replicate a specific stem cell, they will be able to take 1 hair from the donor area, and replicate as many hairs as required for a HT. This is where it will become down to the surgeons skill as to how they could recreate your hairline.


This should in effect mean people are able to have heads full of hair - as thick as when they were a child, without leaving scars from FUE or FUT.


Obviously i am not an expert in this area, but do you see this being a solution to MPB? If anyone has more knowledge on this particular area, how long do you think it will be until they are able to do this, it seems as though they are making advancements all the time in this area - in fact i believe they have already managed to recreate hair cells on animals...


Keen to know peoples thought, just as a discussion piece..

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Your scenario seems theoretically very feasible. However, cost and technological constraints might prevent widespread use of such options in the near future (that is, anytime in the next 5-10 years).


However, who knows what might be possible say 20 yrs from now.

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It's definately interesting to think about how things might end up. Hair seems so simple but is actually one of the least understood organs we have. That's why most people underestimate how difficult it will be to stop or cure MBP.


It seems it will be some combination of prevention and cure for many years to come. By the time the technology you describe is available there may be remarkably better prevention methods.


I definatley feel that what you describe will be the type of cure that occurs for someone with extensive loss or even moderate. I just don't ever see a topical or oral medication that will re-produce a 75% density or greater natural looking head of hair. Unless it is something that can re-activate almost all of your old (dead?) existing follicles then you would just have random hair placement. How would a hairline get formed? Seems to me that we will need man or machine to inject good follicles where they should be and that will be the "cure". However, millions may never need that if some major, safe breakthrough occurs that turns our at-risk follicles into the same type of follicle in our donor area.

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Very interesting for sure. Does anybody, Docs imparticular have any definative information regarding the current understanding and philosophies of this, any how the future 10 year plus timeline will affect this?

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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hairloser, i agree with what you have said entirely, with regards to a topical or oral form of a regeneration cure.


Obviously it is very difficult to predict where will be with technological advcancements in the next 10-15 years, but the speed of technological advancement not just now but in the last 10-15 years is amazing, it is very exciting to see what cures / preventions would become available.


I picked stem cell research as a discussion point, as it seems to be an area at the moment with a lot of investment and progression, and whole-heartedly believe it would provide an option / cure to people with MPB, without any emotional / physical trauma (assuming you pick a doctor with an excellent vision and artistic hand).


Also agree with raphael, is there anyone with more knowledge in tis area and / or docs that could shed some light?


icon_biggrin.gif Cheers

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