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Decided to do it. (wisconsin)

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I live in Illinois and just traveled through Wisc to go to SMG in Minnesota, led by Dr Ron Shapiro. If you must stay in Wisconsin then I believe then a guy named grencheff or something like that . He considered average at best. Then in Illinois there Dr Konior. I live real close to him but in the end I wasnt convinced he was for me for more then one reason. .Then there Ron Shapiro in Minn,about a half hour from Wisc. border. Hes considered a leader in the field has a great staff and a down to earth great guy. Most importantly though he gets gret results on a consistent basis

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I don't think it's fair to advise a seeking patient to stay away from Dr. Gencheff.


Dr. Gencheff is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network for performing solid follicular unit hair transplantation (see Pat's visitation and detailed review of his clinic).


To see his profile and patient photos, click here.



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Unless all of a sudden he has improved ,he use to work out of Des Plaines Illinois and I know personally one fella who was a victim of minigraft hairline and poor growth up and didnt address the poor growth.

I also researched him back in the day along with all the surronding clinics ,like Konior Haber Wolf Shapiro,Parsley and came away very unimpressed with him and the fib I caught him in didnt help.The poor reviews Ive read also come into play on how I feel.

I also havent seen him display any new work on here. Maybe Im not being fair or a little harsh but I did mention him so now Balding Mike at least knows there is someone in Wisc.

I did see the visit with Pat but in my eyes that one trip doesnt makeup for other trips by patients that were less then desirable. The "postop" work during Pats trip does look good though.

So I geuss to say stay away wasnt fair so instead Ill say be careful and RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!!!

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Why do so many people try to stay as close as to home as possible? I understand work,family,etc. With any surgery i would do my frickin' research, find the best doc, and go wherever he is and do it right!!! So many guys get themselves in even worse shape by thinking small.

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  • Regular Member

I hear ya Vince but in this guy's defense, this was only his second post. And by it, he should now figure out that geography should not play a role in which doctor to choose. Period.


Balding Mike- I live in Chicago and am traveling to Canada to have my procedure. I certainly would have liked to stay within the states and even locally. But after research, research and a little more research I found that the best doctor to suit my needs was across the border.


I would suggest visiting the 'patient photo albums' bit on this website. Also, posting pics of yourself will always get you helpful, honest, and suggestive opinions!


Good Luck, Champ.



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Have you seen / read any recent negative patient experiences and seen poor photos of Dr. Gencheff's work? If so, please refer me to any threads that might be helpful because truthfully, this is the first time I've heard anyone mention his name in a less than positive light. As you know, patient provided experiences and photos are taken very seriously and are part of our overall evaluation process.





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I agree with vincehair, Spend the extra cash and get it done right. You are spending alot Of $$$$$$$ anyway. Its like buying a 50 inch lcd/plasma get the warranty or you might be just unsattisfied if it does break for some reason. Pay the extra and protect yourself. It actualy is not a TV,But if you do get a bad ht,you will be a TV for everyone to watch and see

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No I havent seen any recent work from him good or bad. Thats something else to consider in my eyes. Im talking from close to 10 years ago. I think alot of it had to do with the Madison hair clinic here in Illinois. When I was searching and looking for someone close by I found him and at the time remember doing alot of research,and ruling him out because of negative things I read about the clinic and especially after talking to him .Then I had a girlfriend whos brother went to him in and told me what a setback he had in Des plaines Illinois Madison hair. Poor growth and minis in hairline was the reason for displeasure.. I saw that Pat went to see him and I will admit hes come a long way .The work when Pat was there looked solid but lack of after pictures and absolutly no patient testimomies, or any kind of presence on here ,or anywhere keeps me from recommending based on what little we have of him. I was a little premature in telling him to stay away. So Ill change it to this.

Balding Mike it is a fact based on my own personal research Dr Shapiro and Konior are two doctors that deliver great results on a consistent basis. Dr Grencoff hasnt proven that, at least not on here or any other forums.

It sure wouldnt hurt to make the drive and see what he has to offer these days. Maybe hes a hidden gem in cheesehead land that has tightened up his game

Hey Bill how about requesting he post some of his recent work?

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I will admit to one thing though .Im super paranoid when it comes to hair restoration doctors. If Im not 110% convinced your the REAL deal,and will deliver superb results 9 out of 10 times, I want nothing to do with you.

I dont take chances anymore. Thats what vegas is for. I want the odds in my favor. See what you did to me Nuhart!

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Im talking from close to 10 years ago


Ok, then in my opinion, telling a patient to avoid a physician based on a 10 year old consult was a bit unfair. However, like anyone else, you are entitled to your opinion. Thanks for clarifying your reasons.


I do agree with you however that thoroughly researching physicians is vital to ensure a successful hair transplant experience. Consult with physicians and speak with, view photos, and meet with patients if possible. Asking for a referral list of patients is especially important if no evidence of recent results can be found online. In my opinion, Dr. Gencheff is worth considering and consulting with.


Best wishes,



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Its was more then just the consult, but thats fine. If it was only about the consult I would roast Konior everytime I heard his name ,but I try not to because I see a steady stream of happy patients.

Knowing what you know now and you lived in Wisc and had Shapiro and Konior within a 4 hour drive would you stay in Wisc. If so I hope its not from 3 nice afters and one set post op pics . Maybe you know or saw something I never did. Some people are happy with a corvette but Id rather drive a ferrari or lambo. I want the best doctor for anyone who asks not just a reliable substitute. We know how SMG would handle a case if things didnt go perfect.Who knows what some of these other clinics will do. This is obviously only my opinion ,but its based on a multitude of reasons

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Originally posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE:

Its was more then just the consult, but thats fine. If it was only about the consult I would roast Konior everytime I heard his name ,but I try not to because I see a steady stream of happy patients.

Knowing what you know now and you lived in Wisc and had Shapiro and Konior within a 4 hour drive would you stay in Wisc. If so I hope its not from 3 nice afters and one set post op pics . Maybe you know or saw something I never did. Some people are happy with a corvette but Id rather drive a ferrari or lambo. I want the best doctor for anyone who asks not just a reliable substitute. We know how SMG would handle a case if things didnt go perfect.Who knows what some of these other clinics will do. This is obviously only my opinion ,but its based on a multitude of reasons


You really dont know what in the hell you are talking about and are one of the least qualified people on this entire forum to be giving advice.


You want to push Dr. Shapiro for the fine work he did on you, great, but when it comes to you trashing other Doctors you dont know anything about you should keep your mouth shut.


Just my .02 icon_smile.gif

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Ok big mouth tell me what you know. Quit swinging on Bills nuts just for the sake of it .Give some imput ,do something. Nobody trashed anyone. I was just pointing out my opinion on how I felt. At least I have an opinion based on an expierence with Grenhoff and I at least know one guy that has been to him and at least I know how deeply at one time I evaluated him.

As knowledgeable as Bill is I probably have a little more expertise when it comes to him.

So put down the zima and turn on lifetime little boy

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Oh I see Wylie your a Konior patient . Now I know why you were out of line. Trust me I could dog Konior and Tom right now but I know hes a good plastic surgeon because my mother had a brow lift from him and also understand the 3 horrible calculations he made on my visit was probably because he was busy.

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You stated in a previous thread about how Dr. Konior "hands get tired" and therefore his work in graft placement can be done by other techs.


That is simply an untrue statement, as he does the graft placement himself. He does have one other tech trained to do this in the event it becomes necessary. But only one.


Furthermore, your "opinion" is either wild enthusiasm for your doctor of choice or inaccurate statements about others you have little to no personal experience with.


As far as Grenchoff is concerned I was in correspondance with someone who chose him over Konior (she lives in Wisconsin) and she was very impressed with this doctor, who she told me had done these surgeries for over 25 years.


When you slander other physicians you should know what you are talking about, and you simply do not. It's really not any more complicated than that.

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Your taking a shot at me because you have this built up anger because I said Dr Koniors "hands get tired" I dont remember exactly that ,must have been months ago,and if I did its true because EVERYBODYS hands get tired.If you think hes gonna do a 3500 graft session all by himself ,well your wrong. . The doctor and Tom told me depending on the size of the case he may or may not plant all the grafts.

Now you say I slander a doc for no reason,yet the reason you say hes worthy is because you talked to a girl that was "impressed" Did you see her results. I at least have a few things to go on. The point was I feel Shapiro and Konior are better choices. Sorry I touched a nerve about your doctor. Who has the wild enthusiasm ?

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Please Grow Please,


You know I like you bro, but you are taking things a bit far.


Making a statement that you "could dog Konior and Tom right now..." is inappropriate.


If you want to share your detailed personal experience, you are welcome too, but please restrain from making derogatory remarks without sufficient evidence.



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Well I wouldnt have said anything but theres been a couple of times this Wylie character takes little shots for because hes upset I said his doctor doesnt have robot hands.

At the time I was arguing that most clinics have the techs to do that. He somehow thought since Konior did the placing on him that the results would be spectacular compared to a tech which we know is not true.

Thats verified by doctors themselves saying how much better their own techs are at planting grafts then they at placing the grafts.

If I would have went to Konior I would have been basically in a worse situation then before. Ill tell you what I meant by that. My thing with Konior isnt his work because I always have said it looks good it was about a bad miscalculation that I was able to escape finding this site.

The first time I went in to see Konior after waiting over an hour and a half ,I was told to come back. I came back the second time and finally saw him. He looked at my scar felt the laxity and said well I can take out a a little of the scar a get you 400 grafts for the hairline or a new scar and probably a thousand.

Ok the reason Im glad I didnt go there is because not only would a thousand grafts not of helped much but I would of had a new scar and would have had to still have a scar reduction on one possibly two scars ,and I most definelty would have needed another procedure since frontal 1/3 need to be addressed ,not just hairline.

I went to Shapiro ended up with over double the grafts and the SAME scar in ONE surgery

Like I said its more a bad judgement call I have with Konior but it would have affected me not him if I would have agreed to that.

Having one surgery and one scar beats two surgeries and two scars for the same amount of grafts anyday.

I saw Koniors work on his computer and it looked good but about right now I would be planning another procedure and then a year later another to reduce one maybe two scars. Instead I can move on with my life and thats more important then anything.

So your damn right Wylie I do have "wild enthusiasm" as you say. I can begin living now.

Ill apologize for the "dogging " comment ,it was more for Wylie then anything else. As far as Tom hes ok. I just thought him saying that even if I paid them to remove the staples they couldnt. I geuss it would have been a slap in the face to Konior. Oh well.

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