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Is Brazil a good place to go? Dr. Tykocinski?


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Hi ! First off I would like to thank everyone for posting their experiences on the forums.


Ok well I'm 19 years old and I noticed that over the past 2 - 3 years my hair has been thinning out. I like my hairline.. But I noticed that on the top of my head I have spots where the hair seems thinner and I now have to style my hair certain ways.. People in my family even started noticing. (I had really really thick hair as a kid.. when I got my hair cut with the electric razor it would always clog it.. (does that make sense? Sorry english is not my first language)


Anyway I am in school and I would like to avoiding spending crazy amounts of money. But I know that getting a crappy job done the first time could end up costing me a lot more in the long run. I live in Quebec (Canada).


I was thinking of Brazil.. or anywhere in south america. Does anyone have any experiences? or suggestions? Also what is the cost difference, is it really a better deal to go down south?


Thank you!

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Hi ! First off I would like to thank everyone for posting their experiences on the forums.


Ok well I'm 19 years old and I noticed that over the past 2 - 3 years my hair has been thinning out. I like my hairline.. But I noticed that on the top of my head I have spots where the hair seems thinner and I now have to style my hair certain ways.. People in my family even started noticing. (I had really really thick hair as a kid.. when I got my hair cut with the electric razor it would always clog it.. (does that make sense? Sorry english is not my first language)


Anyway I am in school and I would like to avoiding spending crazy amounts of money. But I know that getting a crappy job done the first time could end up costing me a lot more in the long run. I live in Quebec (Canada).


I was thinking of Brazil.. or anywhere in south america. Does anyone have any experiences? or suggestions? Also what is the cost difference, is it really a better deal to go down south?


Thank you!

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  • Senior Member

Dr. Tykocinski has not posted nearly as much of his work as have other physicians on this site. That being said, he seems to enjoy a very good reputation by a number of highly regarded physicians of this forum. The work of his that I have seen is very impressive, and I would place him in my personal top 10. As for cost, with the exchange rate, his per graft fee for the first 2,000 grafts is about $4.38 Canadian, and $2.90 Canadian for each additional graft. While those fees are in line with what other physicians charge, you do have to consider air, hotel, and miscellaneous expenses associated with traveling so far.


I hope this helps.

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His work seems good; but, I wouldn't let price dictate your decision (especially since I agree w/ TC that the bottomline cost might not be appreciably different....if you went to like Thailand that it's a different story).


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Oh ok! thanks guys!


So really the cost is not that different. icon_smile.gif


I might as well stay within north america.


I will continue to brows the site and see if I find anything that catches my eye.


(whats this you say about thailand? are there any good doctors? I've always wanted to go there.. haha)

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  • Senior Member

Dr. Path (Pathomvanich?) seems to be able to do some quality work in Thailand.


You're mad young, btw. So, you're best bet might be to hold off on the HT for a bit (at least a good year); which, leads to you getting on fin (propecia), which is your best bet by far at maintaining what you got and hopefully getting some regrowth. It would take a solid year to really get a feel for how you respond to it, which'l help you and your doctor make a better decision regarding a HT.


That said, people get HTs by great doctors at young ages (I was like 22, and poster "Azza" may have been just 19, like you).


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

Let's pump the breaks on this train for a second and make a stop in Realistiville. At 19, you are most likely NOT a candidate for a hair transplant. You have no idea how far your hair loss will progress. Even the most conservative of approaches can potentially backfire if you run out of donor, or if your safe zone thins to the point where your scar becomes visible. In addition, any scrupulous doctor would insist on such a high hairline that at your age you would probably look better with a shaved head than with a transplant anyway.


If you can, upload some of your photos so that we can see what you're dealing with. We can all better help you if we have some visual representation of where your current hair loss pattern is.

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  • Senior Member

I would stick to doctors in North America. Even if you save a bit of money to have the procedure in a foreign country, is it worth the risk?


I have seen pictures of patients who did their procedure with low cost docs (often in foreign countries); many of these patients had to spend a lot more money later in life trying to repair the damages.


Since you're in Quebec, you're within a couple of hours' drive from some of the best surgeons in the world (in New York, Ottawa, Minnesota, Chicago, etc.).


Again, why take chances in a foreign country, when the cost savings are not even that substantial and you run huge risks?

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