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$2.00 per Graft by Dr. Richard Giannotto


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I was very Insecure about my hair loss and have done alot of research about Hair Transplants and the Doctors that do them. Being in the Medical Field, I know the difference between who are trained during medical school and residency/fellowship for such a surgery.

I chose Dr.Giannotto because he is a board certified Surgeon with many years experience along with a legit practice and he has never had any malpractice claims against him.

I have seen and I am troubled by many people on the Internet going to Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Dermatologist, ER and other specialty doctors and also Physicians with DO degrees.

My Best advice is to go to a US Board Certified Surgeon in whatever field that also has an MD degree.

This HT Field is not well regulated as yet, so many Primary Care Physicians and DOs are trying to fulfill their desire to become a surgeon by doing these procedures and making lots of money with no formal training. Please ask the HT physician, after medical school, what specialty did they did their residency in, if it was not Surgery leave and find a Real Surgeon.


Hope this helps.



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I have heard a few complaints about Giannato, not lawsuits, just patient complaints.


Your endoresment sounds a bit like an advertisement. Without pics, before and after, board certification does not mean too much really. I would rather see some good work posted.





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I totally agree with nobuz4me!! There's also the artist ability of the surgeon which is overlooked alot and in my case turned out to be the winning factor by far. Board certified will never give that ability to a surgeon not in a million years.

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I am sure you did extensive research. I just did a cursory google and found little positive about your doc. For starters; Hairlosshelp had plenty of comments:




Perhaps his Board Certification impressed you. You can do much better with HT expertise but not much better on price. I pity those who choose a surgeon for a $2 graft. Roll the dice &

Good luck with your choice.

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I'm not sure the purpose of your post.


Is it to share your experience? Is it to promote Dr. Giannotto? Or is to smear the reputation of other experienced surgeons who don't have an "MD" in their name.


If you had surgery with Dr. Giannotto and would like to share your experience and pictures, you are free to do so.


But promotions are not allowed here.


If you intend to discredit all surgeons who don't have an "MD" title, feel free to present your case. I'll be glad to direct you to amazing patient results from quality physicians who may not have an "MD" in their title but who have the same credentials.





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As of yet. ...exactly... Get it while you can. At 2 bucks per no less. I guess since you are in the medical field you know how easy a law suit or malpractice is to get on a doctor when the patient is disapointed.

I feel protected.Those guys at the medical boards will dress thier brothers down. Especially when it comes to "elective matters", and the state of mind the patient is in after enjoying such a savings.


How long does the offer last ? Cuz I'll go on stand by if you chuck in a few extra grafts.



I 'm sorry I feel selfish now. : (

Okay.. Okay.. I'll do it. Only i'f part of the proceeds (not the product) ("profits") go to rebuilding the leper colony on pigeon island,because I want feel good about my decision and I like helping people, just like you.

Then we can use it later as a rest home for medical miscreants.

I'll call tomorrow.

Also could you hook me up with some of those tranqs you guys use on people. My chica is giving me a hard time .

These coalition guys won't do it for me.

Can I pM you?


LISTEN = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1u489DqbMQ

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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Originally posted by Insecure:

I chose Dr.Giannotto because he is a board certified Surgeon with many years experience along with a legit practice and he has never had any malpractice claims against him.

Insecure, having been around the Internet hair loss forums for the past 10+ years I find your post quite amusing. I've read many posts about Giannotto. I'm trying to remember if there was a SINGLE positive post about his work from a legitimate poster.


I met one of Giannotto's patients in DC and saw his results firsthand--and that's all that needs to be said.

I am an independent hair transplant surgical consultant and hair loss researcher. Any opinions I have posted are my own. I am working on a few hair loss/transplant projects and will be making some announcements concerning them in the near future.

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Originally posted by Bill - I'll be glad to direct you to amazing patient results from quality physicians who may not have an "MD" in their title but who have the same credentials.






Ok, this just scared the shit out of me.




I am big fan of the coalition; please tell me I misunderstood this. You mean there are quacks out there performing HT who are not Medical Doctors? And they are recommended by this site?

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Guest josh - b



this guy, insecure, has joined and made one post which was a blatant promotion of a doctor who from what i've heard does sub par work.

He's having a go at do's which is quite 'coincidental' as it was just recently discussed in relation to dr feller.

A D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathy) undertakes the equilavent training of an md and is just as qualified to perform hair transplantation surgery.


This post was designed to both advertise(shill) and scare and really it should be just ignored.

...Unless of course insecure would like to post again to back up his claims...but thats not going to happen !! icon_razz.gif

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You don't seem to understand.


An "MD" is a particular type of physician. There are also "DO".


There have been a number of topics about this recently.


For your convenience, I have copied and pasted it below:




If you are like most people, you probably don't know the difference between a medical doctor, MD, and an osteopathic doctor, DO.


DOs and MDs are alike in many ways:


Applicants to both DO and MD colleges typically have a four-year undergraduate degree with an emphasis on science courses.


Both DOs and MDs complete four years of basic medical education.


After medical school, both DOs and MDs can choose to practice in a specialty area of medicine"???such as psychiatry, surgery, obstetrics, or sports medicine"???after completing a residency program (typically two to six years of additional training).


Both DOs and MDs must pass comparable state licensing examinations.


DOs and MDs both practice in fully accredited and licensed hospitals and medical centers.


Both are medical doctors; MD is specifically Doctor of Medicine and DO is Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.


What Makes DOs Different?


DOs can perform surgery, child delivery, treat patients, and prescribe medications in hospitals and clinic settings.


DOs look at the "total person." Osteopathic physicians focus on preventive care. Instead of just treating specific symptoms or illnesses, they look at the whole body.


DOs receive extra training in the musculoskeletal system, which is comprised of the nerves, muscles, and bones. This training gives DOs a better understanding of how an injury or illness in one part of the body can affect another part of the body; therefore, DOs have a therapeutic and diagnostic advantage.


DOs use what is called osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). OMT is a technique in which the DOs use their hands to diagnose injury and illness, giving special attention to the joints, bones, muscles, and nerves. Manipulations improve circulation, which in turn, creates a normal nerve and blood supply, enabling the body to heal itself.





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Some tips for shills/advertisers (Insecure, this one goes out to you):


- Don't post your advertisement as soon as you create an account. A post count of '1' in your ad is usually a good hint as to why you're here. Make a few posts over a number of days, it'll make you seem more legit.

- Stay away from vague statements. They don't add credibility but take from it. "Being in the medical field" sounds bad; "having worked as a *blah* for *blah* years" sounds much better.

- Try not to put others down; attempting to discredit other doctors in the field will usually backfire on a patient forum such as this.

- Either be prepared to give specifics to back up claims of "I chose Giannoto", or don't claim you have. Go with something like "I've met with Giannoto and he seemed very skilled/knowledgeable" etc. that you won't get called out on as easily.


Hope your next shill post goes better than this one. Decent first attempt though!

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I know Dr. G from several years back. I am not saying anything to bash anyone but the facts are the facts.....He sells his services to a lot of non-surgical hair replacement centers all over the country. He flies in, does several cases and is out to the next. Follow up and patient care?

1st HT 1-5-05 - 1894 FUT's Dr. Glenn Charles


2nd HT 12-18-06 - 1542 FUT's Dr. Glenn Charles


Total: 3436 FUT's


Current Protocol: Propecia Daily, Laser Therapy EOD 20 mins.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok this is my first post on this site so I will try to do my best. I have been in the industry as a surgical assistant and consultant for over 13 years. I am now getting ready to start my own marketing form for cosmetic surgeons (more info later). I came upon Insecure and found it utterly "naive". Especially the $2.00 Per Graft. I really do want to write a book "Things you wish someone would tell you about Hair Restoration" I mean the complete guide so guys/girls looking into fighting hair loss really understands what goes on on the other side of the "consultation!"


There are plenty of Dr's that I personally know that aren't MD's that do incredible work. DOnt be fooled by the ad gimmic of pushing the whole MD/Surgeon thing. Go with a doctor that you 1) feel comfortable with 2) good reputation 3) good reviews on sites like this one. ~ Nothing against the Docs that fly to multiple clinics but most guys that post something positive will back it up with PICTURES! Words are great but seeing is believing! I know Dr Giannotto I think he has some good work and some bad work. Just be careful and do your homework...no lawsuits??? In this business there are many ways to please a disgruntle patient...free grafts/cash refund etc...Anyway there is no reason whatsoever to think a MD is better in Hair Transplants than any other type of Doctor.





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Since you are a surgical consultant for a hair restoration clinic, please post which physician you are affiliated with and your affiliation with him/her in your forum signature as per our terms of service.


Otherwise, I agree with your statement about not buying into the hype that MDs are the only physician's qualified. Remember that a surgeon / doctor does not have to be an MD as there are other kinds of doctors.



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Interesting discussion threads. I think that Bill and others have some good points.


First, MD vs DO makes no difference when in a super-specialized field like cosmetic surgery--it is all in the natural aptitude and experience of the doctor. As an MD, double boarded in Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery, I know lots of docs who sound great on paper but can't operate their way out of a closet; conversely, my fellowship director, who is now deceased, never took his boards but possessed skillful hands the likes of which I only aspire to have. So qualifications on paper only show that you have a minimum level of intelligence required to get into a field's training. Its the experience that one gains in their first 5 years and first 50 or so cases of anything (facelifts/hair/noses) that really sets the stage for continued refinement. Having now done almost 2800 facelifts, I can look back at my first 20 cases as where I really pulled the training together and developed a style that undergoes continual refinement. The same with hair/noses/eyelids etc. My friends and colleagues who are DO's are equally able to do the same surgery as us MD's; assuming they have reasonably good training and use good judgement in the OR. Similarly, I know MD's and DO's who have an absolute lack of common sense who I wouldn't let park my car. The degree is not important.


Secondly, as to complaints, if you do enough of anything, you will upset somebody. Sometimes expectations are not achieveable inspite of a true effort by the doctor and patient to understand each other and arrive at a common goal. It is the trend that is important. If Dr X has done 1000 cases and has 15 unhappy patients, that is only 1.5%. Industry standard in facelifts and noses says that 9-15% of patients request a touchup; and those figures are from the "leading publishing doctors" in our field. Now if someone has done 1000 cases and has 150 unhappy patients, there may be cause for more concern.


Lastly, unhappy patients can be more vocal than happy patients and it is important to remember that on forums and internet sites. Remember the doctor can't argue with patients and say his side of the story due to confidentiality rules.


So my advice is go to the doctor's office, speak with some previous patients, and see if the doctor has gotten any letters from previous patients that he can show you(hand written ones, not typed that can't be authenticated).


In our office we have a book showing before and after photos AND containing well over 200 letters from patients describing their experience.


In picking your doctor, look at the credentials, discussions you see on forums like this, AND go and meet the doctor and see if you and he are a good fit prior to committing.


William H Lindsey MD

Reston VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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No, Dr. Giannotto is not in the Coalition nor is he recommended on this site.


Dr. Lindsey,


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree with you.


Allow me to remind you to restrain from posting contact information (website addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc.) on our discussion forum. This privilege is reserved for our recommended and Coalition Physicians.





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