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Experience with Dr. Kiely (Cork/Dublin, Ireland)


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I have to share this...

I recently went to an appointment with Dr. Kiely.

First he does procedures from LAST CENTURY, the strip procedure. Second, I'm 24, and I look quite young, so he was only worried if I could afford the procedure or not (I wanted to say to him that I could buy his clinic if I wanted). The price was ridiculous (he said I needed 2 procedures). I was in a room with him no more than 3 minutes, and I paid 100??????¬ for the consultation. He was not nice at all. I was extremely disappointed. I went to see him because I saw some people recommending him in this forum. How is that possible? Well, I'm not gonna say you not to go see him, I'm just sharing my experience.


I'm going to do a no-scar procedure, for 3/4 of the price I was going to pay with Dr. Kiely. I'm not gonna say the name of the clinic so that you don't think I'm someone working for them or for some doctor, 'cause I'm not.


Dr. Kiely, you should be ashamed. Medicine is about people. Don't forget about that.

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I have to share this...

I recently went to an appointment with Dr. Kiely.

First he does procedures from LAST CENTURY, the strip procedure. Second, I'm 24, and I look quite young, so he was only worried if I could afford the procedure or not (I wanted to say to him that I could buy his clinic if I wanted). The price was ridiculous (he said I needed 2 procedures). I was in a room with him no more than 3 minutes, and I paid 100??????¬ for the consultation. He was not nice at all. I was extremely disappointed. I went to see him because I saw some people recommending him in this forum. How is that possible? Well, I'm not gonna say you not to go see him, I'm just sharing my experience.


I'm going to do a no-scar procedure, for 3/4 of the price I was going to pay with Dr. Kiely. I'm not gonna say the name of the clinic so that you don't think I'm someone working for them or for some doctor, 'cause I'm not.


Dr. Kiely, you should be ashamed. Medicine is about people. Don't forget about that.

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Guest josh - b

Hi ultra zone,


Seems u had an unhappy consultation. I do agree that 100 euro for 3 minutes is excessive. Most ht doctors do not charge for consultations. I'm not sure where u seen a recommendation for dr kiely. The little i've read about him has been less than complimentary. Having grown up in ireland i've looked into the options there out of curiousity.


However your inference that strip is somehow outdated is wrong. It is the tried and proven method that is practiced by virtually all of the worlds top ht surgeons. The procedure u say you are going for is called fue. It certainly has its place but there are doubts as to its results when larger sessions are performed.


Am i right in thinking the clinic you are proceeding with is dhi? I know they are in ireland and perform fue. If so, then i would proced with caution as they are a hair mill and most people here would advise against it.


At 24 you're still quite young for a hair transplant.

I would urge u to research more and ask questions here. You'll get very honest appraisals.


best of luck

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Ultra Zone,


Welcome to our forum community.


I'm sorry to hear that you had a displeasing consultation, especially given that you had to pay for it.


Josh-b is correct. The strip procedure (FUT) is not outdated. Though it is more invasive than FUE, to date, it is also more consistent in terms of hair growth yield.


There is no such thing as a "no scar" procedure. Anytime the skin is penetrated (with any type of surgery including FUE), scarring will be left. In the hands of a skilled FUE physician, scarring will most likely be minimal.


Learn more about FUT Vs FUE.


Best wishes,



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Sorry to hear of your extremely unsatisfactory consult, just make sure it doesn't cloud your judgement; if money isn't an object, you thankfully have relatively easy access to your choice of the best docs in the world, at least. And I don't think that you naming a clinic you are hot for would make anyone think you're some "shill". You would probably get some sound advice and information that may or may not help you.


I would guess, nonetheless, that this mystery clinic is where you learned of strip procedures as being "last century" and "outdated"; and discovered the "no-scar procedure".....


Make sure you don't get bamboozled and sold a bill of goods -- in the land of HTs there are things much *much* worse than merely bad consultations.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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hi ultra zone

listen carefully to the advice given by the members,you`ve made a wise decision coming on the forums so dont waste the info .


i dont know much about clinics in ireland but dont go to dhi offering you there no touch technique i would say no thank you.i`ve only had an unfortunate experience with dhi in greece but i know the ireland drs are trained by them so in my opinion are churning out the same results.


do more research and dont jump in as i know you`ve probably took a while to pluck up the courage to decide the ht route is for you and you are quite excited by the results you`ve been promised.


if its not one of these clinics ask to meet former patients so you can see their results in person

take care

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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I have been around here for a while now and have been to the states twice for HT. DO NOT get a HT in Ireland, the only one worth concidering is Collins and he charges 10 euro per graft ( about 14 US Dollers ).

If you mave the money go to one of the recommended Doc's in the U.S. if you don't have the funds at the moment then WAIT.

I met with Dr Kiely and he is not on a par with the best by a long way,

Research and make a good decision.

good luck


HT2 2570 grafts Dr Feller

HT 2350 grafts Dr Epstein

Finax 1mg per day

nizoral 2% 3/week

MSM 3000 mg / day




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i have read dr kiely`s website and he states he was trained by the late dr seager and worked with dr shapiro,there are links to both drs websites.


On dr kiely`s website there is one part titled




(which is under construction)


in my opinion this indicates there is a battle for business going on between these two therefor i feel ultra zones post needs to be read with an error of caution for the following reasons.



i saw recommendations on here (where)

its his first post and he attacks dr kiely .

he is quoting price comparisons(marketing ploy)

i`m not gonna say the name of the CLINIC so you think i`m someone working for them,why make that statement if you are just an ordinary first time poster.

without naming clinics he quotes i`m going to do a no scar procedure which is dhi plop.

dhi is not mentioned as that will create negative comments.

in my opinion this post seems dubious and reeks of dhi marketing.


finally ultra zone if i`m wrong and you are a genuine poster i apoligise in advance.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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hi irish

glad your ok


i`ve looked at dr collins website and he shows no pictures at all and as you say 10 euros`s per graft or 12 euro`s for repairs is way too expensive in my opinion.

the following link is what i`ve found re dr collins but the guys surgery was 3 years ago




2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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When I saw this post of Dr. Kiely stating on his webpage that he "worked" with Dr. Shapiro, I had to see it for myself. The part where he "visited" our clinic is true. He did view Dr. Shapiro for one day 3 or 4 years ago. I don't think it constitutes "worked with" by any stretch, but it seems that he is using it for all its worth.


Chucky, thanks for the heads up!

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Good Catch Janna!!!!


Guys-- one thing I did when researching my hair transplants is call other clinics---- everytime I saw a clinic that said "trained or worked with this doctor or that doctor, I called that clinic to see exactly what they meant"


About half of the time it was something just like this-- the doc spent 1-2 days watching and then claimed some association with a world renowned doc.


This is not true in every case, b/c some docs want to genuinely give back and are proud of their association with others.


Anyway, anyone able to pay 14-18 dollars per graft can hop on plane over to Minnesota where Dr. Shapiro and Janna will make sure you get a world class result for about 1/3 of that price.


Being in Ireland that leaves a truckload of dough left over for BEER!!!!!

(IrishHomer can back me up on this icon_biggrin.gif)


This is what I call a WIN-WIN situation for everyone!!!




Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Guest josh - b

Good work chucky,


I did have the same thoughts when i first read ultra zones post but we have to be open minded to the sincerity of all new posters.

Ultra zone, if you are around maybe you'd like to chime in and clear things up.


However the moral of this story is to avoid hair transplants in ireland...especially dhi's 'no scar procedure'

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hi josh

thanks ,all i`m trying to do is make people aware and i still in my opinion think ultra zone is dhi after my detective work.


you can call me kojak from now on icon_smile.gif

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Hey Kojak,


I just may have to call on your services when we have a fishy prospective patient lurking around. icon_smile.gif


It really is too bad Ireland does not offer much options. I know we do get fairly large number of patients from ireland.

We "visited" (it's now on our webpage that we "worked" with) Dr. Maurice Collins for 3 days in May of '07. There were three doctors visiting who had 10-15 years each of more experience than Dr. Collins, and who have gardnered stellar reputations in the field of hair transplantation, yet he charges 3 times more. It was hard to swallow. But hey, he's getting the patients to keep himself and his large staff busy. They are doing nice work even if they are little slower due to their lack of experience.

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From patient accounts and pictures, both on this forum end elsewhere, I do believe that Dr. Kiely has done decent work in the past. However his max graft count seems to be about 1500-1600 in one sitting, far less than most normal mega sessions done by any of the coalition docs.


(There is a thread to this effect on this forum but it eludes me at present).


As for Dr. Collins, I have not seen prices HIGHER than his anywhere else. Pat did acknowledge that he was doing good quality work, but due to his excessive charges could not recommend him.


For anyone in Ireland considering a HT, I would recommend looking at any of the top coalition docs in the US, given the current Euro-Dollar exchange rate.




These views are from my own learned experience. I am NOT a Doctor, but people say that I do look like one from a distance.

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Hello guys. First of all, THANK YOU for your advices. First things first, the clinic I was talking you about is indeed dhi. BUT I?‚??m not dhi... believe me. I was just so disappointed with that attitude of Dr. Kiely. I?‚??m not just saying this here, I sent and email to his clinic as well... I already booked the FUE procedure on dhi....... was this a bad choice? :S


Thank you guys! Chucky, don?‚??t go to detective! lol just joking man! =)


This forum is great. I appreciate your dedication, knowledge and education.

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Like I initially said, I hope your unsatisfactory consult isn't clouding your judgement and fueling you to make a rash decision where you are going to get shafted and experience something far worse than a bad consult...you seem to have the means to book with *any* hair restoration doc in the world -- an envious position.


Unless you're joking about already having booked an FUE w/ dhi, I would recommend against it for all of the reasons mentioned in this thread. Best of luck, of course, if you do go through with it.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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sorry ultra but i have recieved numerous emails from dhi and your grammer and english are the same so i do feel you work for dhi.

anyone do a search on shabba on here and shln and compare.


you also say you read the posts carefully so why go to dhi.if you did read them you would see the negative comments about these cowboys and would have posted asking for positive experiences with these.


you attack dr kiely vigorously having only met him for 3 mins and you claim to have a lot of money so after reserching this forum as you have stated you still decide to go with dhi,

come on .

if you are legit pm me your phone number and i`ll ring you or just pm me and i`ll give you my home number,cant say fairer than that and we can have a chat.


ps just done a search on shabba and the post has been deleted ????

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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There is no reason to believe at this point in time that Ultra Zone works for DHI.


Ultra Zone,


Please don't buy into the hype of a "no scar" hair transplant procedure. It it farce.


I strongly recommend using the "find" feature of this community to see what other patients are saying about DHI. Unfortunately, there are many more negative reviews than positive ones. I'd hate to see you come back to our forum 1 year later and be yet another who has regreted your decision.


In my opinion, please take your time and research hair transplantation and don't undergo surgery until you have a better understanding of the benefits, risks, limitations, and potential pitfalls.


Best wishes,



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i`ve had a lot of experience with dhi and their tactics and i do believe in my opinion ultra zone is dhi.if i`m wrong i will apoligise to him.

i`ve offered ultra zone a chance to speak to myself in person over the phone which if offered to myself when i was looking into a ht i would have gladly taken.

i will wait with anticipation for ultra zone to reply as i have no malice intended with my posts on this subject and if he is genuine i would like to offer my help.

thanks all

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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I do believe you intend to help and your offer to speak by phone is a generous one.


But to conclude that Ultra Zone is DHI based on his grammatical skills and language alone seems a bit rash in my opinion.


I believe he is just a seeking patient who may be buying into the hype that DHI is selling them outdated strip techniques and a "no scar" procedure.


But I don't know everything either icon_smile.gif



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